Ldbl only. Not that anyone could detect it
Not quite. Microsoft hides it but for backward compatibility to 16 bit they kept the datatype - also its rounded up to use 3x4 bytes in memory but actually it calculates as real10 but is named Longdouble. There are some Api-functions to it (search "LDOUBLE")ATTENTION: I've created a new thinCore.dll version for this script.
I did this because most of thinBasic API interfaces use EXTENDED numeric data type and EXTENDED (10 bytes) are not supported in VB.
I think there are missing some Forum-sections as beta-testing and support
Ldbl only. Not that anyone could detect it
I think there are missing some Forum-sections as beta-testing and support
Example VB6 code of how to use VB6 variables from a thinBasic Script.
Attribute VB_Name = "mod_Main" Option Explicit Sub Main() Dim hScript As Long 'handle to thinBasic Script Dim sScript As String 'thinBasic Script Dim hRun As Long 'thinBasic_Run Dim x As Double 'Declare variables Dim y As Double 'to be Dim Amount As Double 'used in thinBasic Script Dim lRet As Long 'thinBasic_AddVariable_VB Dim sResult As String 'thinBasic Script Output Const thinBasic_BufferType_IsFile = 0 Const thinBasic_BufferType_IsScript = 1 On Error GoTo CatchError x = Val(Right$(Time$, 2)) * 0.01 y = 0 Amount = 0 'Begin thinBasic Script sScript = "Amount = 140.97" + vbCrLf sScript = sScript + "y = x + Amount" 'End thinBasic Script If Len(sScript) Then hScript = thinBasic_Init(0, App.hInstance, "thinbasic") If hScript = 0 Then lRet = thinBasic_AddVariable_VB("x", "", 0, VarSubType_Double, VarPtr(x)) lRet = thinBasic_AddVariable_VB("y", "", 0, VarSubType_Double, VarPtr(y)) lRet = thinBasic_AddVariable_VB("Amount", "", 0, VarSubType_Double, VarPtr(Amount)) hRun = thinBasic_Run(hScript, sScript, thinBasic_BufferType_IsScript, 1 Or 2, False, False, False, 1, False) sResult = sResult + Time$ + " : " sResult = sResult + "y=" + Format$(y, "####.00") + " : x=" + Format$(x, "####.00") sResult = sResult + " : Amount=" + Format$(Amount, "####.00") + vbCrLf Debug.Print sScript Debug.Print sResult thinBasic_Release (hScript) End If Else Debug.Print "Where's the code for the thinBasic Script?" End If Exit Sub CatchError: MsgBox "Error occurred: " + Err.Description Resume Next Return End SubSample output after running;Attribute VB_Name = "mod_thinBasic" ' Ref: https://github.com/ErosOlmi/ThinBASIC_On_GitHub/blob/master/Lib/thinCore.INC ' thinCore.dll is in my App.Path folder Public Declare Function thinBasic_Init Lib "thinCore.DLL" (ByVal hWnd As Long, _ ByVal cInstance As Long, _ ByVal sKey As String) As Long Public Declare Function thinBasic_Release Lib "thinCore.DLL" (ByVal hScript As Long) As Long Public Declare Function thinBasic_Run Lib "thinCore.DLL" (ByVal hScript As Long, _ ByVal sBuffer As String, _ ByVal BufferType As Long, _ Optional ByVal Options As Long, _ Optional ByVal DebugMode As Long, _ Optional ByVal LogMode As Long, _ Optional ByVal ObfuscateMode As Long, _ Optional ByVal CallingProgram As Long, _ Optional ByVal DependancyMode As Long) As Long Public Const VarSubType_Byte = 1 Public Const VarSubType_Integer = 2 Public Const VarSubType_Word = 3 Public Const VarSubType_DWord = 4 Public Const VarSubType_Long = 5 Public Const VarSubType_Quad = 6 Public Const VarSubType_Single = 7 Public Const VarSubType_Double = 8 Public Const VarSubType_Currency = 9 Public Const VarSubType_Ext = 10 Public Const VarSubType_Variant = 50 Public Declare Function thinBasic_AddVariable_VB Lib "thinCore.DLL" ( _ ByVal vName As String, _ ByVal lValString As String, _ ByVal lValNumber As Double, _ ByVal ForceType As Long, _ Optional ByVal VarMemPtr As Long _ ) As Long
The thincore.dll which contains the new thinBasic_AddVariable_VB function can be download from here;Amount = 140.97 y = x + Amount 07:58:25 : y=141.22 : x=.25 : Amount=140.97
Posting this mainly for my future reference,
but others might also be interested.
Hi Eros,
I've moved the thinCore.dll you created for me,
into my E:\thinBasic folder,
and have changed all the Declares in my VB6 code
to reflect the new location.
The reason I have done this,Public Declare Function thinBasic_Release Lib "E:\ThinBasic\thinCore.DLL" (ByVal hScript As Long) As Long
is so I can use the thinBasic Modules.
I was hoping to just use the thinCore.dll by itself,
but it would seem it is how I have done it above,
or create a \LIB folder off of my VB6 Project Folder,
and copy only the required thinBasic Module to that folder.
I'm thinking that this might be the way to go,
as it eliminates having to install thinBasic on a system,
where I will deploy a VB6 app.
Mind you,
I can foresee maybe a DLLHell with possibly different copies of thincore.dll and,
for example, thinBasic_StringBuilder.dll,
available to individual VB6 projects.
Constructive suggestions appreciated.
I don't think there is a WStringZ-version of it - these are to convert string containing numeric ASCII-notation to LongDouble (Ext)
Source may be Trim$(STR$(any_number)).
To be able to use CDECL in vb6 it requires a - by "TheTick" a talented programmer who made it to create the - fix for the on purpose by ms faulty developed and published with a comment as
"No absolutely impossible- that does not work. Its 100% incompatible"
export/import for cdecl (c-style-declarations)
that you can obtain from
Instead ofDECLARE FUNCTION atoldbl CDECL Lib "msvcrt.dll" ALIAS "_atoldbl" (BYREF value AS EXT, BYREF str AS ASCIIZ) AS LONG ' for the below (from crtdefs.inc PB-Jose-Api) TYPE threadlocinfo_inner_struct locale AS ASCIIZ PTR ' char * wlocale AS WSTRINGZ PTR ' wchar_t * refcount AS LONG PTR ' int * wrefcount AS LONG PTR ' int * END TYPE TYPE threadlocaleinfostruct refcount AS LONG ' int lc_codepage AS DWORD ' unsigned int lc_collate_cp AS DWORD ' unsigned int lc_handle(5) AS DWORD ' unsigned long lc_handle[6] ' LCID */ lc_id(5) AS LC_ID ' lc_id[6]; use 6! (thinbasic is 1-based) lc_category(5) AS threadlocinfo_inner_struct ' lc_category[6] lc_clike AS LONG ' int mb_cur_max AS LONG ' int lconv_intl_refcount AS LONG PTR ' int * lconv_num_refcount AS LONG PTR ' int * lconv_mon_refcount AS LONG PTR ' int * lconv AS DWORD ' struct lconv * lconv; ctype1_refcount AS LONG PTR ' int * ctype1 AS WORD PTR ' unsigned short * pctype AS WORD PTR ' unsigned short * pclmap AS BYTE PTR ' const unsigned char * pcumap AS BYTE PTR ' const unsigned char * pcumap lc_time_curr AS DWORD ' struct __lc_time_data * END TYPE ' // Size = 8 bytes TYPE localeinfo_struct DWORD locinfo AS DWORD ' pthreadlocaleinfostruct mbcinfo AS DWORD ' pthreadmbcinfo END TYPE UNION locale_t DWORD localeinfo_struct quadinfo AS QUAD END UNION DECLARE FUNCTION atoldbl_l CDECL Lib "msvcrt.dll" ALIAS "_atoldbl_l" (BYREF value AS EXT, BYREF str AS ASCIIZ, OPTIONAL BYVAL locale AS locale_t) AS LONG
"ByRef SomeVar as Whatever" you may use
"Byval pSomevar As Dword" and pass a pointer to the memory that contains even a fake/mimic-structure that is equal in size,
when you exchange the declaration "Byref str as Asciiz" to "Byval pStr As Dword"
Dword pAsciiz=Heap_AllocByStr("987654321.23456789" & $NUL)
now you can simply pass pAsciiz for the pStr-Parameter
the locale seems confusing and i guess all the fuzz is about the kind of decimal delimiter, since the parameter is optional anyway -ommiting it will certainly default to dot (CHR$(0x2E))
Last edited by ReneMiner; 29-03-2024 at 00:43.
I think there are missing some Forum-sections as beta-testing and support
It should not have to be this complicated to send a string from VB6 to thinBasic,
do something with it,
then send it back to VB6.
Now you are calling into the msvcrt.dll?
thinBasic is written in PowerBasic.
Take a look in your \PBWin10\samples\VB32\CapFirst folder.
If it can be done this easily with PowerBasic,
it should be easy to do with thinBasic.
BTW, it's "TheTrick",
not "TheTick"
OK, other suggest
i just paste it from a powerbasic-source (part of a tb-module that i started to write)
memory-functions will be needed certainly more than once ,
for vb IMPORT replace by LIB
MACRO FUNCTION would be function for tb and Public Function for vbDECLARE SUB Memory_Zero IMPORT "KERNEL32.DLL" ALIAS "RtlZeroMemory" ( _ BYVAL Destination AS DWORD _ ' __in PVOID Destination , BYVAL Length AS DWORD _ ' __in SIZE_T Length ) ' void ' for reset of some buffer DECLARE FUNCTION Memory_Compare IMPORT "NTDLL.DLL" ALIAS "RtlCompareMemory" ( _ BYVAL Source1 AS DWORD _ ' __in const VOID *Source1 , BYVAL Source2 AS DWORD _ ' __in const VOID *Source2 , BYVAL Length AS DWORD _ ' __in SIZE_T Length ) AS DWORD ' = 0 if no difference over full length ' <> 0 position of the first different byte DECLARE SUB Memory_Move IMPORT "KERNEL32.DLL" ALIAS "RtlMoveMemory" ( _ BYVAL Destination AS DWORD _ ' __in PVOID Destination , BYVAL Source AS DWORD _ ' __in const VOID* Source , BYVAL Length AS DWORD _ ' __in SIZE_T Length ) ' void ' allround for Memory-manipulation Copy/Poke,Memory_Get etc. , e.g. Poke Long/DWord for vb: simply "re-decorate" some of the above as Declare Sub Poke_Long Lib "kernel32.dll" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" ( ByVal lpAddr As Long, ByRef Value As Long, Optional ByVal Bytes As Long = 4) ' DECLARE SUB Memory_Fill IMPORT "KERNEL32.DLL" ALIAS "RtlFillMemory" ( _ BYVAL Destination AS DWORD _ ' __in PVOID Destination , BYVAL Length AS DWORD _ ' __in SIZE_T Length , BYVAL bFill AS BYTE _ ' __in BYTE Fill ) ' void ' for init/reset/redim etc. '###################################################################################################################### ' virtual memory ' -------------------------- DECLARE FUNCTION Virtual_Alloc LIB "Kernel32.dll" ALIAS "VirtualAlloc"( _ BYVAL lpAddress AS DWORD, BYVAL dwSize AS DWORD, _ BYVAL flAllocationType AS DWORD, BYVAL flProtect AS DWORD) AS DWORD DECLARE FUNCTION Virtual_Free LIB "Kernel32.dll" ALIAS "VirtualFree"( _ BYVAL lpAddress AS DWORD, BYVAL dwSize AS DWORD, _ BYVAL dwFreeType AS DWORD) AS DWORD MACRO MEM_COMMIT = &H00001000 'Replace Macro with Public/Private Const ... As Long =... for vb MACRO MEM_RESERVE = &H00002000 MACRO MEM_RELEASE = &H00008000 MACRO PAGE_READWRITE = &H04 'allow read & write access MACRO PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE = &H40 ' allow read, write and to execute directly from virtual memory MACRO FUNCTION vAlloc(bcnt)=16+Virtual_Alloc(0,16+bcnt,MEM_COMMIT OR MEM_RESERVE,PAGE_READWRITE) MACRO FUNCTION vFree(hmem)=Virtual_Free(hmem-16,0,MEM_RELEASE)
bcnt (bytecount) as Long ' Do not allocate 1 GB or more at once, it might crash on some systems without pagefile and/or small storage
hMem As Long (VB) / As DWORD (tb)
the 16 bytes i added in front to store like the size and several flags & pointers for datatype-classification/dimensions counts + bounds/flags for encoding/relationships(parents, siblings) etc. to make it a class that carries all needed information about the stored data at the allocated memory
its similar to a strptr: the value in hMem is the pointer to the first byte of the string and the actually "correct pointer" is 16 bytes before
You may reduce or enlarge it to your specific needs - for strings you should probably store a length there, flags for encoding/zero-termination probably
Just be aware: calling declared functions from VB silently and without any further notice makes vb to convert STRINGS from UNICODE to ANSI and back. Avoid passing Variables that are defined as STRING in vb to any dll
some vb-helpers
Many parts, have fun with that puzzleconvert a vb-string to a byte-array : THE RESULT IS UNCOMMON AS IT RETURNS AN ARRAY Function StrToBlob(s as String) As Byte() StrToBlob=StrConv(s, vbFromUnicode) End Function ' and the reverse operation to it : Function BlobToStr(b() As Byte) As String BlobToStr = StrConv(b, vbUnicode) End Function
I think there are missing some Forum-sections as beta-testing and support
to bring some light into the dark - and to avoid users wasting time on fruitless efforts concerning passing strings from vb1.0 to vb6.0 alias vb98 -
here is a link to some INFORMATION that to understand will make the difference and the minutes invested to read this will pay off through saving many hours and kilobytes of typing
If you want another way to bypass the hindrances THERE IS ONE - and maybe another
Last edited by ReneMiner; 31-03-2024 at 07:52.
I think there are missing some Forum-sections as beta-testing and support
A lot of research and reading across hundreds of sites i will link what gives you the essential - the all-in-one-solution - for variable-access, virtual layovers upon vb-Variables of any kind.
Prevention of implicit string-casting when calling APIs, mimicked vartypes that provide Word, Dword, QWord and Quad available as really unsigned integer types, restoration of by vb suppressed
OLE-automation-variants and flags and just for the idea and as a prevention for the case this link could lead to 401 i supply the information, given by the original author together with the file
that you have to refer to in your vb-project (menu project, references)
Don't place it into System32 if your Operating system is not 32 Bit, Syswow64 is -if present - the better location to store it if used with more than just vb6. Otherwise a symlink to the current projects folder from its position where you unzip it to have the description next to it is adviseable to keep the things together.
I think there are missing some Forum-sections as beta-testing and support
One more hint to add: Strings are never converted automatically when these are UDT-subelements. Meaning
VB6/vba provides the - undocumented - fastest ever detected, by microsoft developed win32API-memory-copy-routine - shipped within vb6-runtime-lib.OPTION BASE 1 ' recommended when programming-languages that work 1-based by default are used. The setting is valid for the code-module (form/class) only and was ignored by almost anyone who contributed controls (lists/grids) etc. I.e. 99% of controls will not care about your 1-based directive Dim A() As String ' the regular, common String-Array - on any scope ' private, public or static will not make a difference: ' use StrSAPtr to circumvent the implicit string cast from WIDE to ANSI, read the docs and check for objects (F2) after referencing the .tlb ' an alternative way '----------------------------------------------- Public Type B substr() As String nSubStrs as Long otherStr As String End Type Dim luggage as B ' string-subelements of "luggage" are not auto-converted to ANSI when passing "luggage" byref 'a few useful hints '------------------------------------------------------------- Sub Incr(ByRef V as variant, Optional toAdd As Double= 1#) ' allow usage of "Incr X[,1 + 2 * 3]" instead "X = X + 1 + 2 * 3" V = V + toAdd End Sub '------------------------------------------------------------- Sub ConcW(byref sData as String, paramArray toAppend()) ' concetanate arbitrary strings at sData ' paramarray won't allow optional params in the procedure ' all in paramarray are variant mandatory dim iPart as Integer for iPart = lBound(toAppend) to UBound(toAppend) sData = sData & toAppend(iPart) Next End Sub '------------------------------------------------------------- ' THIS might be interesting: ' "type-cast" in vb from STRING TO INTEGER Function Str_To_INT(byval sData As String, iCharCode() As Integer) As Long ' as function it allows that you pass repeatedly from another procedure strings ' to be converted into INTEGER-arrays because usually you need a defined dynamic array without ' having it dimensioned. That would limit an array to be useable just once for this. ' now here you can re-use the array iCharCode() due to this function will redim it while it provides ' the one-time-useable array Returns count of array-members, iCharcode() will receive the converted array Dim iDigit() As Integer ' this kind of array, unused(!) is needed iDigit = sData ' that was already the magic move On Error Goto failure_INTbySTR ' query bounds on undimensioned arrays will cause exception 'will pass back count of array-elements: Str_To_INT= 1+ Ubound(iDigit)-lBound(iDigit) ' make your array match the pattern redim iCharCode(lBound(iDigit) To UBound(iDigit)) ' and copy it icharcode= iDigit Exit Function failure_INTbySTR: 'what to do if empty strings are passed? redim iCharcode(1) STR_to_INT = STR_To_INT("0", iCharcode) End Function Do not declare Sub CopyMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" (OH no- don't do this! Thats the slowest what Win32 delivers-) Public Declare Function vbCopyBytes Lib "msvbvm60.dll" Alias "__vbaCopyBytes" (ByVal nBytes As Long, ByVal lpDst As Long, ByVal lpSrc As Long) As Long
The tlb also wraps the PutMem/GetMem ( we would name it Peek & Poke)
the one above i would name Memory_CopyAndPaste,since there is also __vbaCopyBytesZero (Memory_CutAndPaste)
I think there are missing some Forum-sections as beta-testing and support