uses "console", "file"
function tbmain()
string inputFile = app.ArgV(2)
if not file_exists(inputFile) then
printl inputFile
printl "Please specify valid input file as first parameter of the script"
return 1
end if
string wordToFind = "XMAS"
long errorCode
long matchCount = GetTextOccurenceCountIn8Directions(inputFile, "XMAS", errorCode)
if not errorCode then
printl wordToFind, "found", matchCount, "times" in 14
printl "Problem found, code:", errorCode in 12
return errorCode
end if
end function
function GetTextOccurenceCountIn8Directions(fileName as string, textToFind as string, byref errorCode as long) as long
dim acode() as Byte
long conversionResult = AsciiFile2ByteArray(fileName, acode)
if conversionResult > 0 Then
printl "Input file not in valid format, expecting ASCII file with consitent number of columns"
errorCode = conversionResult
exit function
end if
dim sequence(len(textToFind)) as byte at strptr(textToFind)
long matchCount
for x as long = 1 to ubound(acode, 1)
for y as long = 1 to ubound(acode, 2)
if HasByteSequence(sequence, acode, x, y, 1, 0) then incr matchCount
if HasByteSequence(sequence, acode, x, y, 1,-1) then incr matchCount
if HasByteSequence(sequence, acode, x, y, 0,-1) then incr matchCount
if HasByteSequence(sequence, acode, x, y,-1,-1) then incr matchCount
if HasByteSequence(sequence, acode, x, y,-1, 0) then incr matchCount
if HasByteSequence(sequence, acode, x, y,-1, 1) then incr matchCount
if HasByteSequence(sequence, acode, x, y, 0, 1) then incr matchCount
if HasByteSequence(sequence, acode, x, y, 1, 1) then incr matchCount
return matchCount
end function
function AsciiFile2ByteArray(fileName as string, byref targetArray() as byte)
string lines()
long rows = parse(file fileName, lines, $LF) - 1
long cols = len(lines(1))
#region "format validation"
' Is there anything in the file at all?
if rows = 0 or cols = 0 then
return 1
end if
if rows > 1 then
' Does the file have constant number of letters on each line?
for i as long = 2 to rows
if len(lines(i)) <> len(lines(1)) Then
return 2
end if
end if
#region "filling the target array"
redim targetArray(cols, rows)
dim asciiCodes(cols) as byte at 0
for y as long = 1 to rows
setAt(asciiCodes, strptr(lines(y)))
for x as long = 1 to cols
targetArray(x, y) = asciiCodes(x)
end function
function HasByteSequence(byref sequence() as byte, byref scannedArray() as byte, startX as long, startY as long, dirX as long, dirY as long)
long endX = startX + countof(sequence)*dirX - dirX
long endY = startY + countof(sequence)*dirY - dirY
if outside(endX, 1, Ubound(scannedArray, 1)) or outside(endY, 1, Ubound(scannedArray, 2)) Then
return FALSE
end if
long stepX = iif(dirX = 0, 1, dirX)
long stepY = iif(dirY = 0, 1, dirY)
long itemNo
long x, y
x = startX
y = startY
for i as long = 1 to countof(sequence)
if scannedArray(x, y) <> sequence(i) then
return false
end if
x += dirX
y += dirY
return true
end function
uses "console", "file"
function tbmain()
string inputFile = app.ArgV(2)
if not file_exists(inputFile) then
printl inputFile
printl "Please specify valid input file as first parameter of the script"
return 1
end if
long errorCode
long matchCount = GetXMasOccurenceCount(inputFile, errorCode)
if not errorCode then
printl "X-MAS pattern found", matchCount, "times" in 14
printl "Problem found, code:", errorCode in 12
return errorCode
end if
end function
function GetXMasOccurenceCount(fileName as string, byref errorCode as long) as long
dim acode() as Byte
long conversionResult = AsciiFile2ByteArray(fileName, acode)
if conversionResult > 0 Then
printl "Input file not in valid format, expecting ASCII file with consitent number of columns"
errorCode = conversionResult
exit function
end if
long matchCount
for x as long = 2 to ubound(acode, 1)-1
for y as long = 2 to ubound(acode, 2)-1
if HasXMasAtPosition(aCode, x, y) then incr matchCount
return matchCount
end function
function AsciiFile2ByteArray(fileName as string, byref targetArray() as byte)
string lines()
long rows = parse(file fileName, lines, $LF) - 1
long cols = len(lines(1))
#region "format validation"
' Is there anything in the file at all?
if rows = 0 or cols = 0 then
return 1
end if
if rows > 1 then
' Does the file have constant number of letters on each line?
for i as long = 2 to rows
if len(lines(i)) <> len(lines(1)) Then
return 2
end if
end if
#region "filling the target array"
redim targetArray(cols, rows)
dim asciiCodes(cols) as byte at 0
for y as long = 1 to rows
setAt(asciiCodes, strptr(lines(y)))
for x as long = 1 to cols
targetArray(x, y) = asciiCodes(x)
end function
function HasXMasAtPosition(byref scannedArray() as byte, startX as long, startY as long)
static mCode as long = asc("M")
static aCode as long = asc("A")
static sCode as long = asc("S")
if scannedArray(startX, startY) <> aCode then
return FALSE
end if
long firstPartOfX = (scannedArray(startX-1, startY+1) = mCode and scannedArray(startX+1, startY-1) = sCode) or _
(scannedArray(startX-1, startY+1) = sCode and scannedArray(startX+1, startY-1) = mCode)
if not firstPartOfX Then
return false
end if
long secondPartOfX = (scannedArray(startX+1, startY+1) = mCode and scannedArray(startX-1, startY-1) = sCode) or _
(scannedArray(startX+1, startY+1) = sCode and scannedArray(startX-1, startY-1) = mCode)
if not secondPartOfX Then
return false
end if
return true
end function