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Thread: Advent of Code, 2024 - Day 02

  1. #1
    Super Moderator Petr Schreiber's Avatar
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    Advent of Code, 2024 - Day 02


    I would like to share a possible solution for day 2 of Advent of Code 2024.


    The assignment can be found at
    Please note that to reach the assignment you need to complete the assignment 1 first.

    Please make sure you download your input.txt file from the page above and that you pass it as parameter to the scripts below (for example in thinAir, you enter input.txt to Script/Command line... if you stored the file side by side with the solutions)

    Part 1

    Here we are supplied with a file full of sequences and we need to find those which go in one direction (ascending, descending) and with allowed difference between two numbers in sequence being limited.
    uses "console", "file"
    function tbmain()
      string inputFile = app.ArgV(2)
      if not file_exists(inputFile) then
        printl inputFile
        printl "Please specify valid input file as first parameter of the script"
        return 1
      end if
      string inputContent = file_load(inputFile)
      string lines()
      long entryCount = parse(inputContent, lines, $LF) - 1 ' Last line left empty
      long i
      long sequenceRating, safeCount
      string description
      for i = 1 to entryCount
        ' Printing the analysed line + extra space to space out later rating
        print lset$(lines(i), 32 using " ")
        sequenceRating = GetSequenceRating(lines(i), description)
        if sequenceRating = 0 Then
          incr safeCount
        end if
        ' Optional explanation of sequence rating
        printl description in iif(sequenceRating = 0, 10, 12)
      printl safeCount, "safe items" in 14
    end function
    function GetSequenceRating(sequenceText as string, byref description as string) as long
      long j, originalDirection, direction, diff
      long values()
      long valueCount = split(sequenceText, " ", values)
      for j = 2 to valueCount
        diff      = values(j) - values(j-1)
        direction = sgn(diff)
        if j = 2 then
          if diff = 0 Then
            description = "UNSAFE - no direction"
            return 1
          end if
          originalDirection = direction
        end if
        if direction <> originalDirection Then
          description = "UNSAFE - inconsistent direction"
          return 2
        end if
        if not between(abs(diff), 1, 3) Then
          description = "UNSAFE - too big gap"
          return 3
        end if
        if j = valueCount then
          description = "SAFE"
          return 0
        end if
    end function
    Part 2

    The second part spices up the assignment by the possibility of making the sequence valid after removal of one element.
    uses "console", "file"
    function tbmain()
      string inputFile = app.ArgV(2)
      if not file_exists(inputFile) then
        printl inputFile
        printl "Please specify valid input file as first parameter of the script"
        return 1
      end if
      string inputContent = file_load(inputFile)
      string lines()
      long entryCount = parse(inputContent, lines, $LF) - 1 ' Last line left empty
      long i, j
      long sequenceRating, safeCount
      string description, alteredSequence
      for i = 1 to entryCount
        ' Printing the analysed line + extra space to space out later rating
        print lset$(lines(i), 32 using " ")
        sequenceRating = GetSequenceRating(lines(i), description)
        if sequenceRating = 0 Then
          incr safeCount
          ' The original form is not valid, let's alter it by removing specific element
          for j = 1 to parsecount(lines(i), " ")
            alteredSequence = GetSequenceWithoutNthElement(lines(i), j)
            if GetSequenceRating(alteredSequence, description) = 0 Then
              incr safeCount
              exit for
            end if
        end if
        ' Optional explanation of sequence rating
        printl description in iif(sequenceRating = 0, 10, 12)
      printl safeCount, "safe items" in 14
    end function
    function GetSequenceRating(sequenceText as string, byref description as string) as long
      long j, originalDirection, direction, diff
      long values()
      long valueCount = split(sequenceText, " ", values)
      for j = 2 to valueCount
        diff      = values(j) - values(j-1)
        direction = sgn(diff)
        if j = 2 then
          if diff = 0 Then
            description = "UNSAFE - no direction"
            return 1
          end if
          originalDirection = direction
        end if
        if direction <> originalDirection Then
          description = "UNSAFE - inconsistent direction"
          return 2
        end if
        if not between(abs(diff), 1, 3) Then
          description = "UNSAFE - too big gap"
          return 3
        end if
        if j = valueCount then
          description = "SAFE"
          return 0
        end if
    end function
    function GetSequenceWithoutNthElement(sequenceText as string, n as long) as string
      return trimfull$(ParseSet$(sequenceText, " ", n, ""))
    end function

    Last edited by Petr Schreiber; 23-12-2024 at 15:34.
    Learn 3D graphics with ThinBASIC, learn TBGL!
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  2. #2
    Senior Member Lionheart008's Avatar
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    Hello Petr doesn't Work Here your both examples or I am too stupid for IT :-)
    "Please specify valid Input File AS First Parameter of the Script" ???
    Regards frank
    you can't always get what you want, but if you try sometimes you might find, you get what you need

  3. #3
    Super Moderator Petr Schreiber's Avatar
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    Hi Frank,

    thanks for stopping by!

    You need to launch the script with input file as parameter. Each Advent of Code challenge has specific input for each person.

    If you go to:
    - Log In via preffered way can start the Advent of Code challenge yourself and download the input from the challenge assignment. It is a simple text file.

    Then, in thinAir, you can go to Script / Command line to supply path to the puzzle input.

    Note: You need to start with day 1 to unlock day 2.

    Learn 3D graphics with ThinBASIC, learn TBGL!
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  4. #4
    thinBasic author ErosOlmi's Avatar
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    Thanks a lot Petr.

    Using your Part 1 example I've implemented PARSE function to be able to parse using line and field delimiters also for numeric matrix.
    In next thinBasic version it will be possible to script the following to load numbers into a numeric matrix:
      '---Load lines into a matrix of strings of entryCount and 2 columns
      long Data() '---<---LONG Matrix, before only string matrix was allowed
      long entryCount = parse(inputContent, Data, $CRLF, "   ")
      printl $"Number of lines..: {ubound(Data(1)}"
      printl $"Number of columns: {ubound(Data(2)}"
    Before it was possible only for string matrix.

    Now I'm working to load string columns into single separated arrays as an option.
    So you successive parsing of left/right part will not be necessary
    Something like the following syntax will load separated arrays in one go:
      long leftList()
      long rightList()
      long entryCount = parse(inputContent, (leftList, rightList) , $CRLF, "   ")
    Last edited by ErosOlmi; 24-12-2024 at 10:59. | |
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  5. #5
    Super Moderator Petr Schreiber's Avatar
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    Ho ho hoo,

    that will be awesome, thank you

    Learn 3D graphics with ThinBASIC, learn TBGL!
    Windows 10 64bit - Intel Core i5-3350P @ 3.1GHz - 16 GB RAM - NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti 4GB

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