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Thread: Positionning Inputbox$ , MsgBox popup window

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Positionning Inputbox$ , MsgBox popup window

    Hello everybody (second this day)

    I wonder if there is a way to force the place of UI boxes in the screen, and to choose the screen when multiple displays are used ?
    And also have a control of the size of font in the input box ?

    Many thanks for help.

    Last edited by justin045; 23-11-2024 at 00:53.

  2. #2
    Super Moderator Petr Schreiber's Avatar
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    Hi Justin,

    thank you for your question!

    I think you could re-use the following functions from TBGL module for the moment:

    TBGL_DisplayGetInfo( displayNumber, variableWidth, variableHeight [, variableDepth] )
    TBGL_SendWindowToDisplay( windowHandle, displayNumber [, newX [, newY]] )
    TBGL_GetWindowDisplay( hWnd )

    I currently sadly do not have multi-display setup, so cannot test if it works correctly for UI module windows.

    Let us know!

    Learn 3D graphics with ThinBASIC, learn TBGL!
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  3. #3
    Junior Member
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    Question Still moving questions

    Quote Originally Posted by Petr Schreiber View Post
    Hi Justin,

    thank you for your question!

    I think you could re-use the following functions from TBGL module for the moment:

    TBGL_DisplayGetInfo( displayNumber, variableWidth, variableHeight [, variableDepth] )
    TBGL_SendWindowToDisplay( windowHandle, displayNumber [, newX [, newY]] )
    TBGL_GetWindowDisplay( hWnd )

    I currently sadly do not have multi-display setup, so cannot test if it works correctly for UI module windows.

    Let us know!

    Hi Petr,

    Thanks for the answer.

    But I don't see how to get the Handle for InputBox who returns a string, and when the window is created the script is suspended until the box is closed (with or without an answer) .
    And MsgBox, as seen in TBGL_SendWindowToDisplay help page retuns a number, always '1' in all my tests.
    I made this test script.
    uses "console","tbgl"
    Dim  ConsoleHandle as DWord
      ConsoleHandle = Console_GetHandle
      printl " consolehandle = " , consolehandle
      hwnd = consolehandle
    Dim hWnd      As DWord
    Dim displaysFound, display, width, height, bitDepth As Long
    dim retcode as long
      displaysFound = tbgl_DisplayGetCount() 
      retcode = MsgBox hWnd, "Found "+Format$(displaysFound)+" display(s), TBGL window is on no."+Format$(TBGL_GetWindowDisplay(hWnd) )
      printl  "phase1 "  , retcode   
    For display = 1 To displaysFound
      tbgl_DisplayGetInfo(display, width, height, bitDepth)
      retcode = MsgBox hWnd, "Display "+Format$(display) + ": " + width + "x" + height + " " + bitDepth +"bit color"
      printl   "phase2 " , retcode 
    If displaysFound = 1 Then
        retcode = MsgBox hWnd, "Just one display found"
        printl   "phase3 ", retcode 
      For display = 1 To displaysFound  
       printl " before sendwindow"
       tbgl_SendWindowToDisplay(hWnd, display, display * 200, display * 10)
       printl " after sendwindow"
       retcode = MsgBox hWnd, "TBGL window sent to display no."+Format$(display)
       printl  "phase4" , retcode 
      Sleep 2000
    End If
    printl "waitkey"
    This script opens a console window which is effectively moved around screens, but I still don't see how to get the 'hWnd' of InputBox$ and MsgBox.

    Best regards


  4. #4
    Super Moderator Petr Schreiber's Avatar
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    Hi Justin,

    I see, thank you for the clarification.

    Based on the current design of InputBox$ and MsgBox you cannot retrieve their handles (they are blocking calls), however, you can try this "trick":
    - create tiny dialog on desired display
    - pass the handle of this tiny dialog as parent to inputBox or MsgBox (for both functions it is the optional hParent parameter)

    Learn 3D graphics with ThinBASIC, learn TBGL!
    Windows 10 64bit - Intel Core i5-3350P @ 3.1GHz - 16 GB RAM - NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti 4GB

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