Awesome we need these kind of samples Eros, thanks so much. You might want to talk with Roberto, he had an interesting idea of placing all of these in a repository so easy to find.
Sorting numeric arrays?
Using built-in sorting functions it can take ... no time.
'---Globals DIM MaxCount AS LONG value 100000 dim MyArray(MaxCount) as long dim Count as long dim T1, T2 as double DIM Message AS STRING '---Ask if execute or not Message = "This program will fill an array of " & MaxCount & " elements with random LONG numbers.\n" Message += "Array will be sorted twice in order to test sorting of sparse and already sorted array.\n\n" Message += "Please press Yes to go on, NO to Stop\n" DIM lResult AS LONG = MSGBOX(0, Message, %MB_YESNO, "Continue?") IF lResult <> %IDYES THEN STOP END IF '---Speed up operations a bit doevents(off) '---Init random number generator randomize '---Fill array with random numbers T1 = GetTickCount for Count = LBound(MyArray) To UBound(MyArray) MyArray(Count) = rnd(-1000000000, 1000000000) next T2 = GetTickCount '---Do the job msgbox 0, _ "Time to fill randomly an array of " & ubound(MyArray) & " elements:" & $tab & format$(T2-T1) & " mSecs" & $crlf & _ "Time to sort array " & repeat$(5, $tab) & testsort(MyArray) & " mSecs" & $crlf & _ "Time to re-sort sorted array " & repeat$(4, $tab) & testsort(MyArray) & " mSecs" & $crlf & _ "Time to re-sort sorted array in descending order " & repeat$(2, $tab) & testsort(MyArray, %TRUE) & " mSecs" & $crlf & _ "" '---------------------------------------------------------------------------- '---In case you want to see some output values, just uncomment those lines '---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'uses "console" 'for count = 1 to 80 ' console_write MyArray(Count) & ", " 'next 'console_waitkey '---------------------------------------------------------------------------- '---Sorting function '---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function TestSort(byref v() as long, optional DeScendSorting as long) as long '---Time measuring vars local ticka, tickb as double '---Start timer ticka = GetTickCount '---Sort array passed by reference depending on sort order if DeScendSorting = %TRUE then array sort v, descend else array sort v end if '---ENd timer tickb = GetTickCount function = tickb - ticka End Function
Last edited by ErosOlmi; 21-02-2024 at 21:35. | |
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations 64bit - 32 GB - Intel(R) Xeon(R) W-10855M CPU @ 2.80GHz - NVIDIA Quadro RTX 3000
Awesome we need these kind of samples Eros, thanks so much. You might want to talk with Roberto, he had an interesting idea of placing all of these in a repository so easy to find.
Acer Notebook: Win 10 Home 64 Bit, Core i7-4702MQ @ 2.2Ghz, 12 GB RAM, nVidia GTX 760M and Intel HD 4600
Raspberry Pi 3: Raspbian OS use for Home Samba Server and Test HTTP Server
Repository is already there at but abandoned.
I did it almost one year ago but at that time it was not the right time.
I will consider your wiki suggestion checking which is the best around.
I want it easy to be used and with syntax highlight.
Eros | |
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations 64bit - 32 GB - Intel(R) Xeon(R) W-10855M CPU @ 2.80GHz - NVIDIA Quadro RTX 3000
Bookmarked, never saw it or don't remember that. I would sticky that to the top or put in the menubar on the forums for sure. Great!!
Acer Notebook: Win 10 Home 64 Bit, Core i7-4702MQ @ 2.2Ghz, 12 GB RAM, nVidia GTX 760M and Intel HD 4600
Raspberry Pi 3: Raspbian OS use for Home Samba Server and Test HTTP Server
we are not maintaining it anymore.
I will delete it and substitute with a new one after choosing the best we can find.
So continue your suggestion about wiki. I will follow it and in the meantime try to find what will be better for thinBasic community.
Eros | |
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations 64bit - 32 GB - Intel(R) Xeon(R) W-10855M CPU @ 2.80GHz - NVIDIA Quadro RTX 3000
Have you considered using a wiki for maintaining and sharing these code samples for the thinBasic community, as suggested by kryton9? | |
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations 64bit - 32 GB - Intel(R) Xeon(R) W-10855M CPU @ 2.80GHz - NVIDIA Quadro RTX 3000
Trying to sort (ascending) the following 100 numbers using ARRAY SORT
gave me the following results for the sorted array0.508210507 2.271638259 0.76078255 0.957525991 -2.387695394 0.795957904 0.693785993 -1.188321733 1.381440343 -0.461175478 1.489988646 0.750147094 0.527872561 -0.411497533 -0.634290479 0.178526739 1.285337463 -1.051731613 0.545955657 0.577297228 0.231946769 0.45728207 -0.735775852 -0.127960995 0.005307588 -0.050718714 0.524725502 0.295784074 -0.107940309 0.156720754 -0.941050506 -1.157671044 -0.323071971 0.148512737 -0.83228278 0.265810425 0.01064563 -0.028561661 1.846478155 0.217954152 1.364586147 -0.246613086 0.913975039 1.219781021 -1.100125379 -0.698041051 0.934720676 -0.982526268 0.502026823 -0.45267955 0.442353055 0.148805418 1.31759004 1.209563127 0.982567037 -0.760403384 0.070782254 1.374120987 -0.122692461 -0.174001986 0.807553832 0.160879446 0.979111885 0.407008646 0.750277918 -1.341988943 1.798166935 -0.014998984 -0.012918439 1.202851974 0.57190789 -0.730953737 1.19712005 1.086329786 -0.110994885 1.271766978 -1.695791348 1.127182143 -0.738788445 -0.362852264 1.029229745 -0.068066658 1.06387776 0.415527493 -0.225864695 -0.416020166 2.198364013 -0.809310952 -1.532119923 -0.542072656 -0.422387603 0.431662509 0.706261533 -0.823930064 0.011530519 -0.449438784 -0.286756 1.372709007 0.657282984 -0.147238732
In other words, the sorting algorithm seems to have worked up to a certain point but then placed zeroes after a specific value.-2.387695394 -1.695791348 -1.532119923 -1.341988943 -1.188321733 -1.157671044 -1.100125379 -1.051731613 -.982526268 -.941050506 -.83228278 -.823930064 -.809310952 -.760403384 -.738788445 -.735775852 -.730953737 -.698041051 -.634290479 -.542072656 -.461175478 -.45267955 -.449438784 -.422387603 -.416020166 -.411497533 -.362852264 -.323071971 -.286756 -.246613086 -.225864695 -.174001986 -.147238732 -.127960995 -.122692461 -.110994885 -.107940309 -.068066658 -.050718714 -.028561661 -.014998984 -.012918439 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
It appears that these zero values have actually replaced some of the positive data values!
Can you confirm?
With my best regards from the University of Piraeus in Greece,
John Paravantis
Last edited by paravantis; 25-08-2024 at 00:27.
By the way, I wrote a small program (as part of a larger statistical app I've been developing in my spare time) that implements Shell sort. It's incredibly fast:
'///////////////////// '// Shell sort data // '///////////////////// ' Array to sort: xSort(1..xN) DIM sGap,sj,sk as Long dim tSeconds as Double print " Shell sorting data ... "; HiResTimer_Init sGap=xN\2 Do for sj=sGap to xN for sk=sj-sGap to 1 step -sGap if xSort(sk+sGap)>=xSort(sk) Then exit For else swap xSort(sk+sGap),xSort(sk) end If Next Next sGap=sGap\2 loop while sGap>0 tSeconds=round(HiResTimer_Delta/10^6,3) printl "done in "+tSeconds+" seconds"
Last edited by paravantis; 25-08-2024 at 13:05.
And here is a similar routine implementing comb sort, an improvement over bubble sort, also blinding fast and in some cases even faster than Shell sort:
'//////////////////// '// Comb sort data // '//////////////////// ' Array to sort: xSort(1..xN) dim tSeconds as Double print " Comb sorting data ... "; dim c_sm as Long dim c_shrink as Double dim c_gap as long dim c_sorted as Boolean dim c_i as Long c_shrink=1.3 ' Optimal for comb short c_gap=xN c_sorted=FALSE HiResTimer_Init while (not c_sorted) c_gap=int(c_gap/c_shrink) if (c_gap<=1) Then c_sorted=TRUE c_gap=1 end If for c_i=1 to xN-c_gap c_sm=c_gap+c_i if xSort(c_i)>xSort(c_sm) Then swap xSort(c_i),xSort(c_sm) c_sorted=FALSE end If Next wend tSeconds=round(HiResTimer_Delta/10^6,3) printl "done in "+tSeconds+" seconds"
Last edited by paravantis; 25-08-2024 at 13:06.