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Thread: Variant/String for VB6/thinBasic

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2023
    London, Ontario, Canada
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    Variant/String for VB6/thinBasic

    I would like to use the StringBuilder module with VB6.

    I note that I have to use .ToString to convert StringBuilder contents.

    Looking at the mod_thinbasic.bas file, I see no string type;

    Public Const VarSubType_Byte = 1
    Public Const VarSubType_Integer = 2
    Public Const VarSubType_Word = 3
    Public Const VarSubType_DWord = 4
    Public Const VarSubType_Long = 5
    Public Const VarSubType_Quad = 6
    Public Const VarSubType_Single = 7
    Public Const VarSubType_Double = 8
    Public Const VarSubType_Currency = 9
    Public Const VarSubType_Ext = 10
    Public Const VarSubType_Variant = 50
    for use with the thinBasic_AddVariable_VB function.

    Thus, I see that I will have to declare the variable as Variant from VB6,
    and do converstion to string,
    for use with StringBuilder,
    then back to Variant for VB6.

    So, I started my quest by creating a test script;
    uses "Console"
    Dim vStuff as Variant
    Dim SStuff as String
    vStuff = "Test"                              'Variant
    PrintL "TypeOf(vStuff) : " + TypeOf(vStuff)  'Variant.Variant
    SStuff = vStuff                              'String equals Variant
    PrintL "TypeOf(sStuff) : " + TypeOf(sStuff)  'String.String
    PrintL "String : " + sStuff                  'Test
    PrintL "Variant: " + vStuff                  'Test
    ...which produces...

    TypeOf(vStuff) : Variant.Variant
    TypeOf(sStuff) : String.String
    String : Test
    Variant: Test
    So far, so good.

    Next, get this working with VB6;
    Attribute VB_Name = "mod_Main"
    Option Explicit
    Sub Main()
        Dim hScript As Long    'handle to thinBasic Script
        Dim sScript As String  'thinBasic Script
        Dim hRun As Long       'thinBasic_Run
        Dim sStuff As String   'Declare String Variable for thinBasic Script
        Dim vStuff As Variant  'Declare Variant Variable for thinBasic Script
        Dim lRet As Long       'thinBasic_AddVariable_VB
        Dim sResult As String  'thinBasic Script Output
        Const thinBasic_BufferType_IsFile = 0
        Const thinBasic_BufferType_IsScript = 1
        On Error GoTo CatchError
        'Begin thinBasic Script
        sScript = vbNullString
        sScript = "DIM sStuff as String" + vbCrLf
        sScript = sScript + "DIM vStuff as Variant" + vbCrLf
        sScript = sScript + "sStuff = " + Chr$(34) + "Test" + Chr$(34) + vbCrLf
        sScript = sScript + "vStuff = sStuff"
        'End   thinBasic Script
        If Len(sScript) Then
          hScript = thinBasic_Init(0, App.hInstance, "thinbasic")
          If hScript = 0 Then
            lRet = thinBasic_AddVariable_VB("vStuff", "", 0, VarSubType_Variant, VarPtr(vStuff))
            hRun = thinBasic_Run(hScript, sScript, thinBasic_BufferType_IsScript, 1 Or 2, False, False, False, 1, False)
            sResult = sResult + Time$ + " : String: " + sStuff + " : Variant: " + vStuff
            Debug.Print sScript
            Debug.Print sResult
            thinBasic_Release (hScript)
          End If
          Debug.Print "Where's the code for the thinBasic Script?"
        End If
        Exit Sub
        MsgBox "Error occurred: " + Err.Description
        Resume Next
    End Sub
    ...which produces...

    DIM sStuff as String
    DIM vStuff as Variant
    sStuff = "Test"
    vStuff = sStuff
    11:04:11 : String:  : Variant:
    Nothing is returned from thinBasic to VB6.

    As there is no Public Const VarSubType_String,
    how do I send a variant from VB6 to thinBasic,
    convert it to a string,
    do something with the string,
    convert the string to a variant,
    and send it back to VB6?

    Thanks from Joe

  2. #2
    thinBasic MVPs
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
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    When using Variants be aware of the %VT_-variant-vartypes - a complete list is in the thinbasic help for keywords VariantVT[#|$]
    The enumeration is original Integer (Int16) for VB6
    I think there are missing some Forum-sections as beta-testing and support

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2023
    London, Ontario, Canada
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    Thanks for that.

    Option Explicit
    Sub Main()
        Dim hScript As Long    'handle to thinBasic Script
        Dim sScript As String  'thinBasic Script
        Dim hRun As Long       'thinBasic_Run
        Dim sStuff As String   'Declare String Variable for thinBasic Script
        Dim vStuff As Variant  'Declare Variant Variable for thinBasic Script
        Dim lRet As Long       'thinBasic_AddVariable_VB
        Dim sResult As String  'thinBasic Script Output
        Dim rc As Long
        Const thinBasic_BufferType_IsFile = 0
        Const thinBasic_BufferType_IsScript = 1
        On Error GoTo CatchError
        sStuff = ""
        vStuff = ""
        rc = 0
        'Begin thinBasic Script
        sScript = vbNullString
        sScript = "DIM sStuff as String" + vbCrLf
        sScript = sScript + "DIM vStuff as Variant" + vbCrLf
        sScript = sScript + "sStuff = " + Chr$(34) + "Test" + Chr$(34) + vbCrLf
        sScript = sScript + "vStuff = sStuff" + vbCrLf
        sScript = sScript + "rc = VariantVT(vStuff)"
        'End   thinBasic Script
        If Len(sScript) Then
          hScript = thinBasic_Init(0, App.hInstance, "thinbasic")
          If hScript = 0 Then
            lRet = thinBasic_AddVariable_VB("vStuff", "", 0, VarSubType_Variant, VarPtr(vStuff))
            lRet = thinBasic_AddVariable_VB("rc", "", 0, VarSubType_Long, VarPtr(rc))
            hRun = thinBasic_Run(hScript, sScript, thinBasic_BufferType_IsScript, 1 Or 2, False, False, False, 1, False)
            sResult = sResult + Time$ + " : String: " + sStuff + " : Variant: " + vStuff
            Debug.Print sScript
            Debug.Print sResult
            Debug.Print "VariantVT(vStuff) is: " + Str$(rc)
            thinBasic_Release (hScript)
          End If
          Debug.Print "Where's the code for the thinBasic Script?"
        End If
        Exit Sub
        MsgBox "Error occurred: " + Err.Description
        Resume Next
    End Sub

    DIM sStuff as String
    DIM vStuff as Variant
    sStuff = "Test"
    vStuff = sStuff
    rc = VariantVT(vStuff)
    10:50:04 : String:  : Variant: 
    VariantVT(vStuff) is:  8
    Thus, vStuff is a %VT_BSTR, which is a Dynamic String.

    Still don't know why I cannot get thinBasic to return vStuff or sStuff to VB6.


  4. #4
    thinBasic MVPs
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
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    1. Vb has undocumented functions STRPTR() and VARPTR()
    2. VB uses internally what tinbasic knows as z-terminated Widestring but for DLL vb auto- converts mostly to ANSI
    so you would not pass any string to thinbasic but a Strptr
    Then run a

    Word x
    while peek(word, vbstrptr +x)
    x +=2
    String s =widecharToUtf8$( Memory_get(vbStrptr, x-2))

    To peek the UTF-16 LE string as thinbasic-native dynamic string
    I think there are missing some Forum-sections as beta-testing and support

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