Regular Expressions help to parse string patterns
some string patterns are so complex and big they need different tools.
Example: Parser Expression Grammars (PEG)
Lua Lpeg

'---Script created on 08-29-2023 20:39:59 by 
Uses "Console" 
uses "File"

dim text2 as String,mask as string 
text2 = "Joe Smith , 160" 
mask = "([A-Za-z]+)[ ]*([A-Za-z]+)[ ]*([, ]*)([0-9]*)"
print "Patient's First Name: " &  vbregReplace(mask,text2,"$1") & $crlf 
print "Patient's Second Name: " &  vbregReplace(mask,text2,"$2") & $CRLF
Print "Patient's Weight: " & vbregReplace(mask,text2,"$4") & $crlf 

print $CRLF

print "========================================" +$crlf 

print $CRLF

mask = "([A-Za-z]+)[ ]*([A-Za-z]+)[ ]*,([ ]*)([0-9]*)" & $crlf

text2 = "What is this" & $crlf        'data errors
text2 += "Another Sentence" & $crlf   'data errors
text2 += "Joe Smith , 160" & $crlf
text2 += "Amy Smith , 110" & $crlf
text2 += "Clay Smith , 170" & $crlf
text2 += "Bob Smith , 160" & $crlf
text2 += "Steve Smith , 160" & $crlf
text2 += "Steve Smith Clay" & $crlf   'Regular Expression picks out values that are wrong
text2 += "Why is this here" & $crlf   'data mistakes

'Prints Comma Separated Values found
print vbregex(mask , text2 ) + $CRLF

print "========================================" +$crlf 


'returns one value that pattern matched and replaced 
function vbregReplace(pattern as string,txt as string,replaceTxt as string ) as string  'returns the Value that was match and replaced
'pattern is a Visual Basic regular expression pattern
'replaceTxt is the text that is used in replacement            $1           $2
'$1$2$3 is the patterns that are surrounded by parenthesis ([A-Za-z]+)[ ]*([0-9]+)  
'[classes]  (sub-patterns)
'[a-z] all lower case [A-Z] all upper case  [0-9] any 0123456789 number
'  using $1$2$3 you can separate the part of the pattern you want returned and in which order
'VBREGEXP_SetPattern lpRegExp, "(\S+)(\s+)(\S+)"
  'strRetVal = VbRegExp_Replace(lpRegExp, txt, "$3$2$1")
  'third pattern found would come first second pattern then first pattern
dim lpRegExp  as dword
  'dim txt   as string value "The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog."
  dim strRetVal as string

  '---Allocate a new regular expression instance
  lpRegExp = VBREGEXP_New

  '---Check if it was possible to allocate and if not stop the script
  if isfalse lpRegExp then
    print "Unable to create an instance of the RegExp object." & $crlf & "Script terminated"
  end if

  '---Set case insensitivity
  VBREGEXP_SetIgnoreCase lpRegExp, -1
  '---Set global applicability
  VBREGEXP_SetGlobal lpRegExp, -1

  '---Replace example 1
  '---Replace 'fox' with 'cat'.
  VBREGEXP_SetPattern lpRegExp, pattern
  strRetVal = VbRegExp_Replace(lpRegExp, txt, replaceTxt )

  '---Replace example 2
  '---In addition, the Replace method can replace subexpressions in the pattern.
  '---The following swaps the first pair of words in the original string:
  'VBREGEXP_SetPattern lpRegExp, "(\S+)(\s+)(\S+)"
  'strRetVal = VbRegExp_Replace(lpRegExp, txt, "$3$2$1")
  'print strRetVal+$crlf

  '---Deallocate regular expression resource
  IF istrue lpRegExp   THEN VBREGEXP_Release(lpRegExp)
   'returns the Value that was match and replaced
   function = strRetVal 

end function

Function File2Text(sfn As String) As String

    Dim st  As String
    Dim n   As Long
     Dim FileHandle As DWORD,s as string
    FileHandle= FILE_OPEN(sfn, "INPUT")  
    while not FILE_EOF(FileHandle)
    s = FILE_Close(FileHandle)
End Function

'Makes a Comma Separated Value list of the patterns found 
function vbregex(pattern as string, txt as string ) as string   'returns patterns found
'pattern is VisualBasic regular expression pattern
'txt is the text to be evaluated with the vbregex regular expression

  dim lpRegExp  as dword
  dim lpMatches as dword
  dim lpMatch   as dword
  dim strValue  as string

  '---Allocate a new regular expression instance
  lpRegExp = VBREGEXP_New

  '---Check if it was possible to allocate and if not stop the script
  if isfalse lpRegExp then
    Print "Unable to create an instance of the RegExp object." & $crlf & "Script terminated" + $crlf
  end if
  '---Set pattern
  VBREGEXP_SetPattern lpRegExp, pattern  '"[A-Z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Z0-9.-]+\.[A-Z]{2,4}"
  '---Set case insensitivity
  VBREGEXP_SetIgnoreCase lpRegExp, -1
  '---Set global applicability
  VBREGEXP_SetGlobal lpRegExp, -1

  '---Execute search '"Please send a mail to or to <>. Thanks!"
  lpMatches = VBREGEXP_Execute(lpRegExp, txt)
    Print "1. No match found"
    dim nCount as long value VBMatchCollection_GetCount(lpMatches)
    IF nCount = 0 THEN
      Print "2. No match found" + $crlf

      '---Iterate the Matches collection
      dim I as long
      'strValue += "match number,position,getLength,patternMatched" & $crlf 
      FOR i = 1 TO nCount

        lpMatch = VBMatchCollection_GetItem(lpMatches, i)

        'strValue +=  i & "," & VBMatch_GetFirstIndex(lpMatch) & "," & VBMatch_Getlength(lpMatch) & "," & VBMatch_GetValue(lpMatch) & $CRLF
        strValue +=  VBMatch_GetValue(lpMatch)  '& $CRLF
        VBREGEXP_Release lpMatch
      'Print strValue  + $crlf

    END IF
  IF istrue lpMatches  THEN VBREGEXP_Release(lpMatches)
  IF istrue lpRegExp   THEN VBREGEXP_Release(lpRegExp)
  'matches of pattern
  function = StrValue 

end function