'---Script created on 08-27-2023 11:59:24 by 
Uses "Console" 
uses "File"

'pbHelpFile()  'works
'AlternateSpelling()  ' working
'PhoneNumbers()       ' working
'FindEachWordInString() 'working
'ThreewayAlternation()  'working
'RegExprLineInput()    'working
'CompressSpaces()       'working
'ReplaceEachWordInStringWithplural()  'working
'ParseCSVFile()        'working
FindAllComments_InSourceCode()  'working

function FindAllComments_InSourceCode()
   dim TheFile as string
  dim FileData as string
  dim mask as string
  dim startvar as long
  dim posVar as long
  dim lenvar as long
  dim retFromReg as string
  TheFile = "C:\thinBasic\SampleScripts\regularExpression.tbasic"
  FileData = File2Text(TheFile) 
  dim comments as string
  Mask = "'[\x20]*[A-Za-z0-9 ]*"
  vbregex(mask, fileData)
end function

function ParseCSVFile()
  Dim Mask As String, posvar As Long, lenvar As Long, startvar As Long
   Dim Mask2 As String
   Dim TheMain As String               ' 'MAIN' IS AN UNDOCUMENTED KEYWORD
   Dim TheWord As String
   Dim NewMain As String
   Dim ReplaceMask As String
   dim FileData as string 

  ' file in:  "Value","value", "value",crlf, "value", "value", "value", Crlf.....
  FileData = $Dq & "Smith" & $Dq & "," & $Dq & "John"   & $Dq & "," & $Dq & "555-1234" & $Dq & $CrLf & _
             $Dq & "Doe"   & $Dq & "," & $Dq & "Jane"   & $Dq & "," & $Dq & "555-6789" & $Dq & $CrLf & _
             $Dq & "Brown" & $Dq & "," & $Dq & "Willie" & $Dq & "," & $Dq & "555-8765" & $Dq & $CrLf

  Dim WordMask As String

  Mask = "\q(.*)\q"
  Print mask + $crlf

  Print FileData + $crlf
  Print "*** END OF FILEDATA OF LEN=" & Str$(Len(FileData)) & "***" +$crlf
  vbregex(mask, fileData)

  Print Filedata                        ' show the modified file
end function

function ReplaceEachWordInStringWithplural()
   Dim Mask As String, posvar As Long, lenvar As Long, startvar As Long
   Dim Mask2 As String
   Dim Main As String               ' 'MAIN' IS AN UNDOCUMENTED KEYWORD
   Dim TheWord As String
   Dim NewMain2 As String
   Dim ReplaceMask As String
   dim retFromReg as string
   dim newRetFromReg as string

   Main = "Now is the time for all good men" & $CrLf 
   'Find each word in a string      WORKS  9/17/99 even with embedded spaces, CRLF is an undocumented word boundary
   mask = "([A-Za-z]+)"        ' not working
   Print mask + $crlf
   Main = "Now is the time for all good men" & $CrLf 
   print main
   ReplaceMask = "$1"+"s"       ' for each word, append an 's'

   vbregReplace(mask,Main,ReplaceMask )

end function
function CompressSpaces()
   Dim Mask As String, posvar As Long, lenvar As Long, startvar As Long
   Dim Mask2 As String
   Dim TheMain As String               ' 'MAIN' IS AN UNDOCUMENTED KEYWORD
   Dim TheWord As String
   Dim NewMain As String
   Dim ReplaceMask As String
   dim retFromReg as string
   TheMain = " The color   of the    leaves is more brilliant than the colour of     the television."
    Mask    = "\x20[\x20]+"         ' find space followed by one or more spaces
   'mask =chgRe(mask)
   'Print mask + $crlf
   print theMain + $crlf
    ReplaceMask = " "          ' replace with a single space.
   vbregReplace(mask,TheMain,ReplaceMask )
end function

function vbregReplace(pattern as string,txt as string,replaceTxt as string )

dim lpRegExp  as dword
  'dim txt   as string value "The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog."
  dim strRetVal as string

  '---Allocate a new regular expression instance
  lpRegExp = VBREGEXP_New

  '---Check if it was possible to allocate and if not stop the script
  if isfalse lpRegExp then
    print "Unable to create an instance of the RegExp object." & $crlf & "Script terminated"
  end if

  '---Set case insensitivity
  VBREGEXP_SetIgnoreCase lpRegExp, -1
  '---Set global applicability
  VBREGEXP_SetGlobal lpRegExp, -1

  '---Replace example 1
  '---Replace 'fox' with 'cat'.
  VBREGEXP_SetPattern lpRegExp, pattern
  strRetVal = VbRegExp_Replace(lpRegExp, txt, replaceTxt )
  print strRetVal+$crlf

  '---Replace example 2
  '---In addition, the Replace method can replace subexpressions in the pattern.
  '---The following swaps the first pair of words in the original string:
  'VBREGEXP_SetPattern lpRegExp, "(\S+)(\s+)(\S+)"
  'strRetVal = VbRegExp_Replace(lpRegExp, txt, "$3$2$1")
  'print strRetVal+$crlf

  '---Deallocate regular expression resource
  IF istrue lpRegExp   THEN VBREGEXP_Release(lpRegExp)

end function

Function File2Text(sfn As String) As String

    Dim st  As String
    Dim n   As Long
     Dim FileHandle As DWORD,s as string
    FileHandle= FILE_OPEN(sfn, "INPUT")  
    while not FILE_EOF(FileHandle)
    s = FILE_Close(FileHandle)
End Function

function RegExprLineInput()
   Dim Mask As String, posvar As Long, lenvar As Long, startvar As Long
   Dim Mask2 As String
   Dim TheMain As String               ' 'MAIN' IS AN UNDOCUMENTED KEYWORD
   Dim TheWord As String
   Dim NewMain As String
   Dim ReplaceMask As String
   Dim TheFile as string,FileData as string
   TheFile = "C:\thinBasic\SampleScripts\vbreg.tbasic"
   FileData = File2Text(TheFile)
   'Print "Size of file is " & Str$(Len(FileData))
   Mask = "\n" 
    vbregex(mask, FileData)
end function

function ThreewayAlternation()
  Dim Mask As String, posvar As Long, lenvar As Long, startvar As Long
   Dim Mask2 As String
   Dim TheMain As String               ' 'MAIN' IS AN UNDOCUMENTED KEYWORD
   Dim TheWord As String
   Dim NewMain As String
   Dim ReplaceMask As String

  TheMain = " Two is too many to do the job "
  Mask = "(too)|(to)|(two)\b"         ' did not find too(9), but did find to (18) and Two (2)  BUGBUGBUG
     vbregex(mask, theMain)

end function

function FindEachWordInString()
   Dim Mask As String, posvar As Long, lenvar As Long, startvar As Long
   Dim Mask2 As String
   Dim TheMain As String               ' 'MAIN' IS AN UNDOCUMENTED KEYWORD
   Dim TheWord As String
   Dim NewMain As String
   Dim ReplaceMask As String
   TheMain = " Now is the time for    all good men" & $CrLf & "to come to the aid of his party."
   Let mask = "[a-zA-z]*\b"        ' \b = word boundary. CRLF is (undocumented) word boundary
   Print mask
   PosVar = 1:   StartVar = 1
   vbregex(mask, theMain)
end function

Function PhoneNumbers()
 Dim Mask As String, posvar As Long, lenvar As Long, startvar As Long
   Dim Mask2 As String
   Dim TheMain As String               ' 'MAIN' IS AN UNDOCUMENTED KEYWORD
   Dim TheWord As String
   Dim NewMain As String
   Dim ReplaceMask As String
 Mask = "\([0-9]{0,3}\)-[0-9]{0,3}-[0-9]{0,4}"
 Print mask
 TheMain = " call me at (900)-123-4567"
 vbregex(mask, theMain)
end function

function AlternateSpelling()
   Dim Mask As String, posvar As Long, lenvar As Long, startvar As Long
   Dim Mask2 As String
   Dim TheMain As String               ' 'MAIN' IS AN UNDOCUMENTED KEYWORD
   Dim TheWord As String
   Dim NewMain As String
   Dim ReplaceMask As String
  Mask = "colo[u]?r"      ' a 'u' in the indicated position is optional
  TheMain = " The color of the leaves is more brilliant than the colour of the television."

' INPUT: TheMain, Mask.  OUTPUT: multiple REGEXPR results
  PosVar = 1:   StartVar = 1
  vbregex(mask, theMain)

end function

function PBHelpFile()
   Dim Mask As String, posvar As Long, lenvar As Long, startvar As Long
   Dim Mask2 As String
   Dim TheMain As String               ' 'MAIN' IS AN UNDOCUMENTED KEYWORD
   Dim TheWord As String
   Dim NewMain As String
   Dim ReplaceMask As String
   TheMain = "Send your comments to BASICally Speaking at bsp@infoms.com"

   Mask    = "[a-z_.-]+@[a-z_.-]+"
   'Mask    = "[html]+@[html]+"
   dim nStart as long,s as string
   Print mask
   'mask =chgRe(mask)
   'Print mask
   vbregex(mask, theMain)
   'REGEXPR$(Mask, TheMain, startvar, PosVar, LenVar)
   'RegExpr Mask In TheMain To PosVar, LenVar
   'Print "REGEXPR returns:" & Mid$(TheMain, PosVar, lenVar)
End Function  

function vbregex(pattern as string, txt as string)

  dim lpRegExp  as dword
  dim lpMatches as dword
  dim lpMatch   as dword
  dim strValue  as string

  '---Allocate a new regular expression instance
  lpRegExp = VBREGEXP_New

  '---Check if it was possible to allocate and if not stop the script
  if isfalse lpRegExp then
    Print "Unable to create an instance of the RegExp object." & $crlf & "Script terminated" + $crlf
  end if
  '---Set pattern
  VBREGEXP_SetPattern lpRegExp, pattern  '"[A-Z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Z0-9.-]+\.[A-Z]{2,4}"
  '---Set case insensitivity
  VBREGEXP_SetIgnoreCase lpRegExp, -1
  '---Set global applicability
  VBREGEXP_SetGlobal lpRegExp, -1

  '---Execute search '"Please send a mail to eros.olmi@thinbasic.com or to <support@thinbasic.com>. Thanks!"
  lpMatches = VBREGEXP_Execute(lpRegExp, txt)
    Print "1. No match found"
    dim nCount as long value VBMatchCollection_GetCount(lpMatches)
    IF nCount = 0 THEN
      Print "2. No match found" + $crlf

      '---Iterate the Matches collection
      dim I as long

      strValue += "Total matches found:  " & nCount & $CRLF & string$(50, "-") & $crlf
      FOR i = 1 TO nCount

        lpMatch = VBMatchCollection_GetItem(lpMatches, i)

        strValue += "Match number " & i & " found at position: " & VBMatch_GetFirstIndex(lpMatch) & " length: " & VBMatch_Getlength(lpMatch) & $CRLF
        strValue += "Value is: " & VBMatch_GetValue(lpMatch) & $CRLF
        strValue += "--------------" & $CRLF
        VBREGEXP_Release lpMatch
      Print strValue  + $crlf

    END IF
  IF istrue lpMatches  THEN VBREGEXP_Release(lpMatches)
  IF istrue lpRegExp   THEN VBREGEXP_Release(lpRegExp)

end function