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Thread: thinBundle: How to run from a script or commandline?

  1. #1
    thinBasic MVPs
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
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    thinBundle: How to run from a script or commandline?

    Currently i have the following problem concerning thinbundle:

    As it says
    there is a way to run thinbundle from a thinbasic-script
    - i am missing the most important thing to do so:

    What is the magic thinbasic-keyword to run thinbundle and what syntax to use ?

    All the #Bundle-combinable keywords that i find in help:
    #Bundle File
    #Bundle Name
    #Bundle Icon
    #Bundle Type
    #Bundle Version
    are to prepare any settings previously to bundle only,

    there is no keyword as
    Start, Go, Run, Execute, Invoke nor Bundle
    that were possible to combine with #Bundle to make it do what it is supposed to from within a script.

    SHELL #BUNDLE, "", 10000
    #Bundle Now
    #Bundle Do #Bundle
    #Bundle On

    was not succesful

    Using from script

    OS_SHELL( App_Path & "thinair\thinbasic_Bundle_UI.exe", "d:\tbScripting\Experiments\test.tBasic")

    or running it directly from commandline
    (%systemroot%\syswow64\cmd.exe and also %systemroot%\system32\cmd.exe )
    result in the same Error-Message that says

    "thinBasic-Engine not found!"

    "thinbasic_Bundle_UI /?"

    does not result in any help about commandline-parameters
    but also laments that no engine were to find.

    So the only way to bundle is using thinAir manually since when using AutoIt, Autohotkey or NirCmd the menu on thinAir will not receive the focus and all keystrokes go to the code-window and the code-windows context-menu is not offering a shortcut to run thinbundle.

    Is thinbundle depending on thinAir now? Is there no more other way?
    I think there are missing some Forum-sections as beta-testing and support

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2017
    changsha China
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    This is certainly possible, and you might want to check out what LzBot does, which uses ThinBasic to write an autocompiled program that generates an EXE file "unknowingly".

    The implementation is as follows.

    Function Main() As Long
    	Dim As Long iPid, hWin, hCon, hDlg, hBtn
    	Dim As Double ST
    	// 获取命令行
    	Dim sBasePath As String = Replace$(OS_GetCommand(2), """", "")
    	Dim sMakeType As String = Replace$(OS_GetCommand(3), """", "")
        Dim sProcName As String = Replace$(OS_GetCommand(4), """", "")
    	Dim sSavePath As String = Trim(OS_GetCommand(5), Any """")
    	If sBasePath <> "" Then
    		// 软件路径自动补末尾
    		Dim sChr As String = Right$(sBasePath, 1)
    		If (sChr <> "\") And (sChr <> "/") Then
    			sBasePath &= "\"
    		End If
    		// 自动纠错 sMakeType 选项
    		Select Case sMakeType
    			Case "thinBasic.exe", "thinBasicc.exe"
    			Case Else
    				sMakeType = "thinBasic.exe"
    		End Select
    		// 生成路径和命令行
    		Dim sBuild As String = sBasePath & "bin\build\ThinBasic_Bundle_UI.exe"
    		Dim sRunner As String = sBasePath & "bin\" & sMakeType
    		Dim sScript As String = sBasePath & "temp\boot.tbasic"
    		Dim sExePath As String = sBasePath & "temp\" & sProcName & ".exe"
    		Dim sCommand As String = """" & sBuild & """ -f """ & sScript & """ -t """ & sRunner & """"
    		// 检查文件路径
    		If FILE_Exists(sBuild) = 0 Then
    			// 返回代码 [构建程序文件不存在]
    			MsgBox "编译失败,错误代码 11(编译器程序文件不存在)。", , "GeekBot"
    			Return 11
    		End If
    		If FILE_Exists(sRunner) = 0 Then
    			// 返回代码 [执行器程序文件不存在]
    			MsgBox "编译失败,错误代码 12(执行器程序文件不存在)。", , "GeekBot"
    			Return 12
    		End If
    		If FILE_Exists(sScript) = 0 Then
    			// 返回代码 [脚本文件不存在]
    			MsgBox "编译失败,错误代码 13(脚本文件不存在)。", , "GeekBot"
    			Return 13
    		End If
    		// 清理之前残留的编译器进程和文件
    		// 运行编译器
    		RunApp(sCommand, True)
    		// 查找窗口
    		ST = Timer
    			hWin = Window_Find(104, "FORM_THINBASIC_BUNDLE_UI_FRMMAIN_CLASS", "ThinBasic_Bundle_UI", &H10000000, 0, 0, 0)
    			If hWin <> 0 Then
    				iPid = Window_GetPID(hWin)
    				Window_Show(hWin, 0)
    				Exit Do
    			End If
    			If (Timer - ST) > 10 Then
    				// 返回代码 [查找窗口超时]
    				MsgBox "编译失败,错误代码 21(编译器未启动)。", , "GeekBot"
    				Return 21
    			End If
    			Delay 60
    		// 查找工具栏
    		ST = Timer
    			hCon = Window_E2H(hWin, "ToolbarWindow32", 1)
    			If hCon <> 0 Then
    				Exit Do
    			End If
    			If (Timer - ST) > 6 Then
    				// 返回代码 [查找工具栏超时]
    				MsgBox "编译失败,错误代码 22(编译器加载不完全)。", , "GeekBot"
    				Return 22
    			End If
    			Delay 60
    		// 点击工具栏的编译按钮
    		Window_Post(hWin, 273, 5101, hCon)
    		// 查找消息框
    		ST = Timer
    			hDlg = Window_Find(88, "#32770", "ThinBasic_Bundle_UI", &H10000000, 0, 0, 0)
    			If hDlg <> 0 Then
    				Exit Do
    			End If
    			If (Timer - ST) > 12 Then
    				// 返回代码 [查找消息框超时]
    				MsgBox "编译失败,错误代码 23(无法确认编译结果)。", , "GeekBot"
    				Return 23
    			End If
    			Delay 60
    		// 结束 编译器 进程
    		// 检查编译后的文件是否存在
    		If FILE_Exists(sExePath) = 0 Then
    			// 返回代码 [编译后找不到文件]
    			MsgBox "编译失败,错误代码 31(找不到编译后的可执行程序)。", , "GeekBot"
    			Return 31
    		End If
    		// 询问保存位置、保存文件
    		If sSavePath = "" Then
                Dim sPtr As Long = Dlg_SaveFile(0, "GeekBot.exe", "可执行程序 (*.exe)|*.exe||")
    			sSavePath = Peek$(ASCIIZ, sPtr)
    		End If
    		If sSavePath = "" Then
    			// 返回代码 [用户取消了保存文件]
    			Function = 41
    			File_Copy(sExePath, sSavePath)
    			If MsgBox("文件成功生成到 " & sSavePath & vbcrlf & vbcrlf & "是否打开目录查看生成的文件?", %MB_YESNO or %MB_ICONINFORMATION) = %IDYES Then
    				RunApp("explorer.exe /select,""" & sSavePath & """")
    			End If
    		End If
            // 清理文件
            File_Kill(sBasePath & "temp\main.tbasic")
    		// 返回代码 [命令行参数不正确]
    		Return 1
    	End If
    	Return 0
    End Function
    This code can't be run directly with ThinBasic because I modified some things, but the general principle should be clear, and a lot of it is in the ThinBasic manual, or available using some analysis tools.

  3. #3
    thinBasic MVPs
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
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    140 + lines for a command that should be only a few chars?
    Are you kidding? And what of that is in the thinbasic-manual?
    And why doesn't it do anything but show chinese messages?

    Guess i am out now.

    I think there are missing some Forum-sections as beta-testing and support

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2017
    changsha China
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    Thumbs down

    Why don't you try to read the code? As a developer, it shouldn't be very challenging to understand 100+ lines of code.

    Line 29 is the command line usage of ThinBasic_Bundle_UI.exe, and because of your rudeness, that's all I'll tell you.

    I have noted in my reply that this code is not runnable, it is just for you to understand the principle of it, because it uses some other tools I developed, if you want to run it, you need to make some changes, otherwise you will only be able to read it, not run it.
    Last edited by xLeaves; 22-06-2022 at 18:41.

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