Impossible? Who said that?
'---Script created on 04-03-2022 08:21:35 by ReneMiner
uses "console"
' - - - real string
string a = "Hello"
' - - - data for the virtual string
dword b = heap_allocbystr(mkdwd$(5) & "World")
' allocated above a dynamic String-structure:
' StrLen As Dword & bChar(StrLen) As Byte
dword C = b + 4 ' <<< virtual StrPtr
string V ' virtual string <<<
' real string output:
Print a & $spc
memory_swap(varptr(V), varptr(c), 4) 'place a layover
' virtual string output:
printl V & " !"
memory_swap(varptr(V), varptr(c), 4) 'put it back
'printl "Varptr( a ) " & str$(Varptr( a ))
'printl "StrPtr( a ) " & Str$(Strptr( a ))
'printl str$(peek(Dword, varptr(a)))
of course - it's virtual.
Not real but not a fake neither.
Allows using the "fast" string methods on memory. The keywords in the string-functions list that end with F
sadly no InstrF available...