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Thread: ActiveX --- HOW?

  1. #1
    thinBasic MVPs
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
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    ActiveX --- HOW?

    i tried dozens of controls by now. The only one working is the internet explorer browser from the samples.
    No other ocx will even show up.
    Here is a very simple, detailled documented and all required files shipping ocx-control for download.
    if anyone gets it to show up or even react on an event then please tell me how.
    I think there are missing some Forum-sections as beta-testing and support

  2. #2
    for ActiveX dll's or ocx's we shoukd first register it in the windows system else it can't be called
    in your case from the link you have provided , open the command prompt to the directory of your PropList.ocx and then write:
    regsvr32 PropList.ocx
    you should get the MSG:

    then you can call that ocx
    there is a comments by Petr about using COM_CallMethod here
    it is here calling ActiveX DLL
    i gave tested all the examples with Windows XP. not sure how it behave in win7/8/10
    Last edited by primo; 03-09-2021 at 08:31.

  3. #3
    yes the program in the
    works , i have tested it with VB6, it works and the buttons respond to clicks such as clicking on RGB button will launch the paint program :

    there is an error MSG at first run: "an error ocurred in the secure channel support" this is may be by the url addresses in the VB6 project.

  4. #4
    thinBasic MVPs
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    Oct 2012
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    the regsvr32-thing i tried already but i used regsvr32 -i proplist.ocx and always got the message the entry-point were not to find. VB6 did not react disturbed but once i added the component to the project i was able to use it in vb6 without any problems - but it did not show up in tb.

    I will try without the -i switch after using the -u switch and then reboot. Lets see.
    Now i will have a look at the link

    thanks for the meantime
    I think there are missing some Forum-sections as beta-testing and support

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