try right-click your taskbar or hold CTRL+ALT an hit Delete-Key to open your task-manager.
I think you saved it already...
Close all running instances of thinAir / thinBundle
create a shortcut -if you have none yet - to thinair, right click it , open properties, there maybe a button, Advanced/Extended, click there and select to run as administrator. Alternative you can also choose the compatibility-tab and set the
"Run as Administrator" there - but that will cause thinAir always to Run as Admin while the other setting would apply to this link only.
open the explorer where you saved your script/ where you want to save your bundle. Avoid any subfolders in c:\users\, desktop and "my documents" are located there- if you want to use the documents-folder its better to move it to another location - best to create a dedicated folder away from the system-partition for your thinbasic-scripts - even if your system is replaced completely - to re-install thinbasic on c: takes a few seconds but to replace the scripts you created might be impossible.
However, open the command-prompt as administrator (you might copy your script-folders path onto the clipboard from explorer before)
and take ownership of your folder including all subfolders
for the underscore put the first char of the word "YES" in your language.
between the quotes paste your thinbasic-scriptfolder
takeown /r /d _ /f "x:\yourPath\"
So if your PC is running on EN-... put "Y" / no quotes, FR-... "O", oui , ES-/It- ... "S" si siempre, Tagalog "O" oo ,
De- german "J" , Ja , Russian "Д" Дa
if you had multiple instances of thinBundle runnung its adviseable to reboot before you try to bundle again.
Make sure that in future you always have writing-permission and the folder does not show a square nor checkmark in the
properties first tab where it says "ReadOnly"