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Thread: No Callbacks for timers?

  1. #1
    thinBasic MVPs
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    No Callbacks for timers?

    I just wonder if the statement in help is still up to date.
    timers are not created alike
     Control Add Timer
    but by
    Dialog Set Timer
    now i wanted to use a timer on each dialog to let the dialog redraw after resizing it. And i thought, the timer knows its Daddy so i can send all the timers to the same playground errr callback to have daddy shake the sand of his head.
    But help says- see picture - timers do not support their callback-function-parameter.

    Anyway it were nice to know how to declare a function to be a callback function because the WinAPI has a few Functions to enumerate members of something that works only using a callback.
    for example

    EnumWindows Lib "Coredll.dll" (ByVal lpEnumFunc As Long, ByVal lParam As Long) As Long

    EnumSystemCodePages Lib "Coredll.dll" Alias "EnumSystemCodePagesA" (ByVal lpCodePageEnumProc As Long, ByVal dwFlags As Long) As Long


    EnumFontFamilies Lib "Coredll.dll" Alias "EnumFontFamiliesA" (ByVal hdc As Long, ByVal lpszFamily As String, ByVal lpEnumFontFamProc As Long, ByVal lParam As Long) As Long

    to mention some. The one i had in mind is just... hiding somewhere. It's about how to. i don't want the finished stuff but to understand how i get there myself...
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  2. #2
    Super Moderator Petr Schreiber's Avatar
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    Hi Rene,

    I think it is still valid, but you can have a global timer callback this way - with named dialog:
    Uses "UI", "Console"
    ' -- ID numbers of controls
    Begin ControlID
    End ControlID    
    Begin Const
      %MAIN_WIDTH   = 320
      %MAIN_HEIGHT  = 240
    End Const
    ' -- Create dialog here
    Function TBMain()
      Local hDlg As DWord
      Dialog New Pixels, name "Main", 0, "My dialog",-1,-1, %MAIN_WIDTH, %MAIN_HEIGHT, %WS_POPUP | %WS_VISIBLE | %WS_CAPTION | %WS_SYSMENU | %WS_MINIMIZEBOX To hDlg
      ' -- Place controls here
      Control Add Button name "CloseButton", hDlg, %bClose, "Click to close", %MAIN_WIDTH-105, %MAIN_HEIGHT-30, 100, 25
      Dialog Show Modal hDlg', Call cbDialog
    End Function
    callback function Main_OnLoad()
      printl "init"
      Dialog Set Timer cbhndl, 1, 1000
    end function
    callback function Main_OnTimer()
      printl cbhndl, cbctl
    end function
    callback function Main_OnDestroy()
      printl "de-init"
      sleep 1000
      Dialog kill Timer cbhndl, 1
    end function
    callback function CloseButton_OnClick()
      Dialog End CBHNDL
    end function
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  3. #3
    thinBasic MVPs
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    Oct 2012
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    yes the idea seems logically correct.

    I had in mind to have an action for each dialog after it was resized it starts a timer on itself alike

    ' >> Refresh of the dialog is invoked after resizing by a timer << 
                                            CallBack Function DlgMain_OnTimer() As Long
    long W,H                                      
        select case cbctl 
        case %tmr_RefreshAfterDelay
                dialog get size cbhndl to w, h 
                dialog set size cbhndl, w + 1, h ' tiny movements horizontal
                dialog set size cbhndl, w, h + 1 ' & vertical to make the 
                dialog set size cbhndl, w, h     ' controls looking good again
                dialog Redraw cbhndl
                dialog kill timer cbhndl, cbctl
            case %tmr_Splitports
            End Select
      function=true ' reply the callback - else the OS will try to find another recipient
                           ' which will sloooooooooooow doooooowwn the eeeeeeexxxeeeeccuuuuutiiiioooonnnnnnn
                                                                           End Function
    '     >> after dialog got resized its time to redraw all objects << 
                                           CallBack Function DlgMain_OnSizing() As Long
        Dialog set Timer cbhndl, %tmr_RefreshAfterDelay, 50
    ' use of a timer to redraw the window content after resizing
    ' the window to prevent the content from flickering 
    ' as long as user resizes the timer will be hold on to 50 ms...
        function = true
                                                                          End Function
    Short: it were so easy if the timers could get a callback assigned...

    Or long:
    its a bit much to explain. Basically i create some UI/prototype/template that works just using names. the ControlIDs are wrapped behind the curtain and are given to the dialog automatically. alike the first created dialog gets a ControlID 0x1000 / yes you read right / a controlID that the dialog starts with to enumerate its controls, the second dialog or window will start at 0x2000, the third at 0x3000 etc.
    The first user assigned control to the dialog gets the dialogs ID + 1, second control get DlgID + 2 etc.
    Makes the dialogID itself to be an empty slot that i wanted to use for a timer that will be handled in one timer-event function provided by the template that cares for enumerating controls also. the timer knows its ControlID in a callback and also the CBHNDL of its parent window - if it had not that - its only one dialog that has the same number as StartID for its controls as the timer in its controlID... so it were nice if all timers would meet in the same callback to refresh after resize or when other controls on the dialog changed size or an image was loaded etc. the timer would do its job and disable itself again instantly and the user would not know that it happened
    the thought was i let all dialogs that can be resized or need a refresh once in a while fire their timer so AFTER the user finished resizing or moving the timer will eventually count it's 50 ms and then make it look good again. and that function should be provided without to use the named users callback-function for it since i dont know what the dialogs names will be. i thought already of using an additional control that can assigned its own callback but it"s like a cat biting it's own tail...
    Last edited by ReneMiner; 03-04-2021 at 01:06.
    I think there are missing some Forum-sections as beta-testing and support

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