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Thread: Error 30 from call to OS_GetComputerName

  1. #11
    Member DirectuX's Avatar
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    Hi Brian,

    did you already check if there is something special, uncommon, in the computer name (no name at all or foreign chars...) and in the way your app is launched (virtualization, os, path...) ?

    Because if it worked anywhere before, the problem is unlikely in your code.

    ThinBasic ALPHA - Windows 8.1 x64

  2. #12
    We were able to get the user to send us this:
    Screenshot 2021-02-28 093213.png

    Looks like a pretty normal computer name of "Home-1".

    I tried setting my computer's name to "Home-1" and could not reproduce the problem.

    As far as the way the app is launched - they download a zip file of the .exe (bundled) application, unzip it, then double click on the .exe to run the app. It is not being run in a virtualized environment.

    It has never worked before on this user's machine, but has worked on many other user's machines.

    Clearly there is something 'different' with this user's machine, but they are non-technical and it will be up to us to hold their hand to figure out what it is. So far we don't even have any ideas on what to ask them to check for.

    THanks for all your help everybody -

  3. #13
    Member DirectuX's Avatar
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    On the provided screenshot, it looks like there's a space char before the "1"

    Quote Originally Posted by EmbeeddedMan View Post
    Looks like a pretty normal computer name of "Home-1".

    I tried setting my computer's name to "Home-1" and could not reproduce the problem.
    ThinBasic ALPHA - Windows 8.1 x64

  4. #14
    I'm unable to test that because spaces aren't allowed as part of the Computer Name. So Windows won't let me rename my computer to a name which includes a space.

    If this user did name their computer a name with a space somehow, they didn't use the normal "Rename your PC" method.

  5. #15
    Member DirectuX's Avatar
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    You may not, but the user is
    able to rename it without a space.

    Quote Originally Posted by EmbeddedMan View Post
    I'm unable to test that because spaces aren't allowed as part of the Computer Name. So Windows won't let me rename my computer to a name which includes a space.

    If this user did name their computer a name with a space somehow, they didn't use the normal "Rename your PC" method.
    ThinBasic ALPHA - Windows 8.1 x64

  6. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by DirectuX View Post
    You may not, but the user is
    able to rename it without a space.
    Very good point. We will suggest that to them if they continue to have issues.

    Thanks for the suggestion.


  7. #17
    thinBasic author ErosOlmi's Avatar
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    Hi Brian,

    I'm not sure error occurs due to OS_GetComputerName function.
    Maybe parser is not able to exactly determine the precise line/byte where error occurs.
    Or maybe some char of the computer name is a wide char (unicode)

    Can you create simple a script that does something like the following and see if it is working or not in the computer having problems:
    USES "OS"
    Global sComputerName As String Value OS_GetComputerName
    MsgBox sComputerName
    Last edited by ErosOlmi; 02-03-2021 at 22:26. | |
    Windows 10 Pro for Workstations 64bit - 32 GB - Intel(R) Xeon(R) W-10855M CPU @ 2.80GHz - NVIDIA Quadro RTX 3000

  8. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by ErosOlmi View Post
    Hi Brian,

    I'm not sure error occurs due to OS_GetComputerName function.
    Maybe parser is not able to exactly determine the precise line/byte where error occurs.
    Or maybe some char of the computer name is a wide char (unicode)

    Can you create simple a script that does something like the following and see if it is working or not in the computer having problems:
    USES "OS"
    Global sComputerName As String Value OS_GetComputerName
    MsgBox sComputerName
    Eros, thanks for the suggestion. Here is the first part of my application code:

    Uses "UI"
    Uses "CONSOLE"
    Uses "COMM"
    Uses "WMI"
    Uses "OS"
    '---Constant declarations
    Begin ControlID
    End ControlID
    %TIMER_DELAY    = 100          '---Timer delay (in milliseconds, not very accurate below about 100)
    Global hComm           As Long
    Global nBytes          As Long
    Global sBuffer         As String 
    Global gPortOpen       As Boolean
    Global pID             As Number
    Global vData()         As String
    Global nItems          As Long
    Global Counter         As Long
    Global Position        As Long
    Global ComputerName    As String   Value OS_GetComputerName
    Global Ports()         As String
    Global CountATI        As Long
    Global sHexFilename    As String
    Global sFirmwareNumber As String
    Global bConsole        As Boolean
    Global bUpdaterConsole As Boolean
    Global sCommandLine    As String
    ' Replace the filename in the next two lines to change which HEX file gets programmed
    #BUNDLE File "HEX", ".\EBF_v270.hex", "", ReplaceExisting=1
    sFirmwareNumber = "2.7.0"
    We have already sent this user several different things to try, in order to help us diagnose the problem and try some workarounds, and we haven't received any word back. We're hoping this is a good sign - that one of the things we asked them to try actually worked. (Normally you don't get any support contacts from things that work, only things that don't work, as I'm sure you're well aware.) We're not really able to push harder on them to try more tests at this point.

    If they come back and want to try more things, I'll make an .exe and get them to test with your idea.

    Until then, we can hope the issue has resolved itself.

    Again, thanks, everyone on this forum is so helpful.

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