Originally Posted by
I dont believe it works for this.
I mean if a keyword has to be upgraded, it should be "USING$" so it can be useful for other purposes (versatility).
But you can achieve your goal with STRINSERT$:
'---Load Console Module
Uses "Console"
dim teststring as String
Dim yourstring as string
teststring = Bin_To_Hex$("Hello") 'gives 48656C6C6F
printl teststring
'Bin_To_Hex$("Hello" , 2 ,":") should give 4865:6C6C:6F
yourstring = StrInsert$(teststring,":",-4)
printl yourstring
'and if no separator string is provided a space is used as default.
'Bin_To_Hex$("Hello" , 2 ) should give 4865 6C6C 6F
yourstring = StrInsert$(teststring," ",-4)
printl yourstring
PrintL "Press a key to end program"
'---Wait for a key press