Originally Posted by
Petr Schreiber
Hi Phil,
I am really happy it works for you!,
Hooray - it works!!! I was so close before but Petr's example has helped me a great deal to get it to work.
It was even easier than I had thought
Here is the video of it WORKING GREAT!!!
'for editor script coding control find buttons
Global laststr As String
Global occurrence As Long Value=1
'findResp() is called when user presses [FindText] button
'627 - editbox control for search text
'620 - Richedit control
'hDlg - window containing richedit control
Function findResp() As Long
Local x, linebreaks As Long
'get text from find textbox
Control Get Text hDlg, 627 To searchstr
'if no text typed by user
If searchstr="" Then
MsgBox hdlg, "Please type in a string to search for", %MB_ICONWARNING, "Information"
Exit Function
End If
'check if text same as last time
If laststr<>searchstr Then
End If
'copy searchstr into laststr
'try and find position and occurrence of text
x=InStr(response, searchstr, occurrence)
' if string not found...
If x=0 Then
MsgBox hdlg, "Could Not Find"+$CRLF+$DQ+searchstr+$DQ, %MB_ICONASTERISK,"Information"
Exit Function
End If
'count number of linebreaks from start to position
linebreaks=ParseCount(Mid$(response,1,x), Any $LF)
'subtract number of lnebreaks from position
x =(x-linebreaks)
'highlight occurence of found string
If x=1 Then
Control Send hdlg,620, %EM_SETSEL, x-1, x+Len(searchstr)-1
Control Send hdlg,620, %EM_SETSEL, x, x+Len(searchstr)
End If
Control Set Focus hdlg, 620
'In case user tries to find next occurrence of same string
Incr occurrence
End Function
' When exiting Window dialog following vars are reset:
' laststr=""
' occurrence=1