Hello guys,
Can I introduce me in your conversation.
You can investigate more deeply in serial communication by using another PC
as a spy.
You connect another PC to the comm line between radio and pc running your ThinBasic program.
Obviously connecting only rx_data on the spy, and running on it a serial terminal emulation
like Putty or TTYEmulator , permetting hex display of received chars.
And also these programs allow easy changing of transmission charcteristics (rate, bits , parity etc)
And connecting spy input alternatively to each way of data ( from or to radio set)
The conversation I read from you tend to lead me to an incorrect setup of comm port.
I have no clues of what appends for you now, but from my past communication eng life, I always sayed
that between two comm devices unable to communicate, a third device I called in french :
"Juge de paix " can help.
Edit : I forgotted an important thing : For the spy PC you should not use an USB/serial adapter but a motherboard based
serial controller.
Last edited by dco045; 09-10-2020 at 22:46. Reason: Precision