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Thread: Spiral over the Sphere

  1. #1

    Spiral over the Sphere

    the author wants to cover the surface of a solid sphere using 1.5 cm hemp rope and he wants to know how much he needs to buy.
    i have used the equation provided by the author, imagine the spiral lines as the center of the thick rope. experimentally by adding the tiny distances we find the length = 522.7 cm. it is supposed the rope is ideal, i don't understand why the difference between 522.7 and the author result 514.9
    change the 16.4 in line 87 to get less or more spiral loops
    Q: how to make the sphere in the middle nicer. there is a topic about this in the forum years ago but i can't find it.
    Uses "TBGL"
    Uses "math"
    'uses "console" 
    'the points in this spiral is dense at poles, but the distance
    'between each Loop is the same
    Begin Const
      %listPoints = 1
    End Const
    Type PointsData
     x As Double
     y As Double
     z As Double
    End Type
    Global Number_Of_Points As Long
    Global increment, Loops As Double
    increment = 0.001 ' increment of parameter t
    Number_Of_Points = Int(2*Pi/increment)+2
    Dim arr(Number_Of_Points) As PointsData
    Function TBMain()
      Global hWnd      As DWord
      Local FrameRate As Double
      ' -- Create and show window
      hWnd = TBGL_CreateWindowEx("parametric sphere - press ESC to quit", 800, 600, 32, %TBGL_WS_WINDOWED)' Or %TBGL_WS_CLOSEBOX) 
      TBGL_BackColor 255,255,255 
      FillArrays ' call the sub to create the List of vertices and color
      ' -- Resets status of all keys 
      TBGL_PointSize 2 'if you want thick points uncomment this line
      TBGL_LineWidth 2
      Long i: i=0
        ' -- Main loop
      While TBGL_IsWindow(hWnd)
        FrameRate = TBGL_GetFrameRate
          'TBGL_Camera(0, 1.1, 0.0000001, 0, 0, 0)
          TBGL_Camera(0, 3, 30, 0, 0, 0)
          TBGL_Rotate 90, 1, 0, 0
          TBGL_Rotate GetTickCount/50, 1, 1, 1                             
          TBGL_CallList %listPoints
          TBGL_Color 195, 235, 195
          TBGL_Sphere 1
          If i>Number_Of_Points Then i=Number_Of_Points
          TBGL_Translate arr(i).x,arr(i).y,arr(i).z 
          TBGL_Color 0, 0, 255
          TBGL_Sphere 0.2
         ' -- ESCAPE key to exit application
        If TBGL_GetWindowKeyState(hWnd, %VK_ESCAPE) Then Exit While
      ' -- Destroying the buffer is not necessary,
      ' -- the garbage collector will take care of it
      ' -- Destroy window
    End Function
    Sub FillArrays()
    Dim x, y, z,r, t As Double
    Dim x1,x2,y1,y2,z1,z2, tot, dis As Double
    t = 0 
    TBGL_NewList %listPoints
    Long i : i=1
    r = 7.83
    Double toot 
    While t <= 2*Pi
             x = r *Cos((t - Pi)/2)* Cos(16.4*t)
             y = r *Cos((t - Pi)/2)* Sin(16.4*t)
             z = r *Sin((t - Pi)/2)
              TBGL_Color 255, 0, 0
              TBGL_Vertex x, y , z
              t + increment
            arr(i).x = x: arr(i).y = y: arr(i).z = z
            If i>=2 Then
            dis = Sqr((x-x2)^2+(y-y2)^2+(z-z2)^2)
            tot = tot + dis
            End If 
    TBGL_SetWindowTitle( hWnd, "spiral Length by experiment= " +Str$(tot)+"   "+"length of the last dis   "+Format$(dis, "####.########"))   
    End Sub
    another spiral not related to the above problem , the distance between the points is equal, and you can decide the number of the whole points in line 97: Number_Of_Points = 1000 . this spiral can be used to cover with tubes
    Uses "UI", "TBGL"
    Uses "math"
    #Include Once "%APP_INCLUDEPATH%\"
    #Include Once "%APP_INCLUDEPATH%\" 
    'Uses "console"
    ' in this spiral the points are separated equaly even at the poles
    ' the distance between each Loop is the same
    Begin Const
      %listPoints = 1
      %listPoints2 = 2
    End Const
    Type PointsData
     x As Double
     y As Double
     z As Double
    End Type
    Dim arr(1) As PointsData
    Global SmallNum As Double
    Global Degrees As Double
    Global Number_Of_Points As Long
    'Declare Function Asin(ByVal number As Double ) As Double
    Function TBMain()
      Global hWnd      As DWord
      Local FrameRate As Double
      ' -- Create and show window
      hWnd = TBGL_CreateWindowEx("parametric sphere - press ESC to quit", 800, 600, 32, %TBGL_WS_WINDOWED)' Or %TBGL_WS_CLOSEBOX) 
      TBGL_BackColor 255,255,255 
      FillArrays ' call the sub to create the List of vertices and color
      ' -- Resets status of all keys 
      'if you want thick points uncomment this line
      TBGL_LineWidth  1
      TBGL_PointSize 5
      Dim i As Long: i=1
        ' -- Main loop
      While TBGL_IsWindow(hWnd)
        FrameRate = TBGL_GetFrameRate
          TBGL_Camera(0, 2, 3, 0, 0, 0)
          ' -- Render it 
          TBGL_Rotate 90, 1, 0, 0
          TBGL_Rotate GetTickCount/50, 0, 1, 0                             
          TBGL_CallList %listPoints
          TBGL_CallList %listPoints2
          TBGL_Translate arr(i).x,arr(i).y,arr(i).z 
          TBGL_Color 255, 0, 0
          TBGL_Sphere 0.05
          If i=Number_Of_Points+1 Then i=Number_Of_Points
         ' -- ESCAPE key to exit application
        If TBGL_GetWindowKeyState(hWnd, %VK_ESCAPE) Then Exit While
      ' -- Destroying the buffer is not necessary,
      ' -- the garbage collector will take care of it
      ' -- Destroy window
    End Function
    Sub FillArrays()
    Global red, green, blue As Long
    TBGL_NewList %listPoints
    red = 255: green = 50: blue =  0
    TBGL_NewList %listPoints2
    red = 0: green = 0: blue = 255   
    End Sub
    Sub calcArrays()
    Dim x, y, z,r, u, v,volLim As Double
    Dim x1,x2,y1,y2,z1,z2, tot, dis As Double
    Degrees =  180 / Pi
    SmallNum = 0.000000001
    Long N, i
    Number_Of_Points = 1000
    N = Number_Of_Points
    ReDim arr(Number_Of_Points)
        volLim = 2*Pi ' % volume limit. volLim = pi will give a hemisphere.
        For i = 1 To N
            z = -((volLim/Pi)*(i-1)-N)/N
            x = Cos(Sqr(N*Pi)*DegToRad(Asin(z)))*Sqr(1-z^2)
            y = Sin(Sqr(N*Pi)*DegToRad(Asin(z)))*Sqr(1-z^2)
            TBGL_Color red, green, blue
            TBGL_Vertex x, y , z
            arr(i).x = x: arr(i).y = y: arr(i).z = z
            If i>=2 Then
            dis = Sqr((x2-x)^2+(y2-y)^2+(z2-z)^2)
            tot = tot + dis
            End If
            'PrintL dis
    'msgbox(0, str$(oo))
    TBGL_SetWindowTitle( hWnd, "spiral Length by experiment= " +Str$(tot)+"   "+"length of the last dis ="+Str$(dis) )
    End Sub
    FUNCTION asin(ByVal x As double) As double 'returns ARC SIN in degrees
     asin = (Atn(x / Sqr(-x * x + 1+ SmallNum))) * (180 / Pi)
    End Function
    NOTE: i have astonished that the small blue sphere is following the spiral line wherever and however it rotates. it is in fact like a magic. yes we can say it is because glRotate or translate affect all systems below it, but i was not believing this will happened until i saw it in practice with some guessing.
    Last edited by primo; 30-05-2020 at 17:01.

  2. #2
    Super Moderator Petr Schreiber's Avatar
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    Aug 2005
    Brno - Czech Republic
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    thanks a lot for sharing these visual examples, I really enjoy observing them a lot

    Nice way to optimize via display lists!

    One tip, instead of:
    Dim i As Long: i=1
    You can write:
    Dim i As Long = 1
    Or even shorter:
    Long i = 1

    Learn 3D graphics with ThinBASIC, learn TBGL!
    Windows 10 64bit - Intel Core i5-3350P @ 3.1GHz - 16 GB RAM - NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti 4GB

  3. #3
    Thanks Petr
    about my question: how to make the sphere in the middle nicer, i have found the page i refer to: it is how to make "smooth openGL objects"?

    the function TBGL_SetPrimitiveQuality works okay

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