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Thread: thinAir

  1. #1
    Member DirectuX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Petr Schreiber View Post
    In the meantime - I looked into some issues in this thread. I have to admit I am not able to replicate :
    For the second : You're right ! there's no bug BUT, in fact, when you have the debug display and when your script is running without any output , you have no way to tell if it is running : there is no visual feedback from the debugger to tell you that it has restarted processing the script ! BUG → Feat

    For the first : How can I help ?
    ThinBasic ALPHA - Windows 8.1 x64

  2. #2
    Member DirectuX's Avatar
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    Display refreshment bug, similar to this above first bug :

    In the toolbar :

    after running a script with F5 (the green arrow), the stop square turns red, allowing to kill the script execution with F5 too. This is true if thinAir was not maximised with F12. But, if you maximize thinAir, then launch the script, then de-maximize thinAir, the square's look isn't refreshed.

    Bonus : Tooltip for the square is "Execute script" — expected something else.
    ThinBasic ALPHA - Windows 8.1 x64

  3. #3
    @DirectuX try testing the secret version, but it needs the Visual C++ Redistributable Packages for Visual Studio 2015
    until Eros have the time to release, Italy seems working again but with big caution.

  4. #4
    Member DirectuX's Avatar
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    Thumbs up

    Thanks for the tip Primo !
    ThinBasic ALPHA - Windows 8.1 x64

  5. #5
    Super Moderator Petr Schreiber's Avatar
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    You hackers , the build of is not up to date and may contain some errors, please be careful using it.

    We added a lot of more fixes to thinAir since this build, I would suggest to wait for official release

    Learn 3D graphics with ThinBASIC, learn TBGL!
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  6. #6
    Member DirectuX's Avatar
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    Thanks for the warning Petr,

    ThinBasic ALPHA - Windows 8.1 x64

  7. #7
    thinBasic author ErosOlmi's Avatar
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    ah ah we have hackers here.
    But it was not that difficult to follow the version pattern

    Anyway, yes we are testing to create our own Scintilla Edit Control lexer for thinBasic compiling Scintilla directly from it c++ sources using Visual Studio 2019.
    At the moment Scintilla supports natively many programming languages each of which has it own lexers inside scintilla source code.
    A lexer in Scintilla is a sort of parser, syntax highlighter, folding, options, ... al together aimed to handle a specific programming language and its features.

    There are some Basic like lexers in Scintilla (Freebasic, Blitz Basic, Pure Basic, VB, Power Basic) but each of them has something more and something less of what is needed for thinBasic.

    thinAir is actually using old Power Basic lexer developed in 2004.
    It is the lexers that is most closed to thinBasic language but it is very limited and I had to develop many options directly in thinAir.
    This is not wrong but very inefficient due to additional function calling overloading.

    We had the idea to create our own lexer and if we will create something enough good ... we will try to convince Scintilla projects to include in one of the next updates.
    So far we just tried to compile Scintilla from its sources using Visual Studio 2019 and I was able to do it without any modification at first try.

    So seems working. Will check if I left some unnecessary runtime in compilation. | |
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  8. #8
    thinBasic MVPs
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    Quote Originally Posted by ErosOlmi View Post
    A lexer in Scintilla is a sort of parser, syntax highlighter, folding, options, ... al together aimed to handle a specific programming language and its features.

    There are some Basic like lexers in Scintilla (Freebasic, Blitz Basic, Pure Basic, VB, Power Basic) but each of them has something more and something less of what is needed for thinBasic.

    thinAir is actually using old Power Basic lexer developed in 2004.
    It is the lexers that is most closed to thinBasic language but it is very limited and I had to develop many options directly in thinAir.
    This is not wrong but very inefficient due to additional function calling overloading.
    just for ideas to snnop in - i dont know if you did alreadycheck synwrite? it has a few features tha no one will need - for example synchronized typin with as many cursors as you like - but i prefer more screen and do the classic cut'n paste thing. I'm certain its built upon scite too but the developer did not continue a while ago and went to Kuda-project, also a text-editor. But synwrite was the much better project. I do not understand why he left it. Anyway it has many good features. Screen or window splitting, i stopped to count maybe 16 or more partitions . Menu and toolbars completely customizable. the lexer very smart- you could throw all other languages out if you like. And it provides keyword-based lexer mix or change, example oxygen basic, after the keyword O2Basic: it will load additional the o2 basic lexer. And also you could make it detect tb-keyword USES- check what follows and load the keywords of the module additionally. Its 50 times easier to configure than notepad++ but i am not sure if its lacking 64bit or just a configuration problem because it crashed sometimes - but for sure not that often as thinair currently. I already use more npp than thinair to code . the lexer for that i have finished since months but am still fighting the autocomplete/codetip-combination since months also. SYNWRITE . have a look if you never had... Also the ability to implement own tools (real toolbars infact ) or ability to turn the menus upside down - make them XP.alike flyouts or rotating drums... i better stop typing na lang
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