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Thread: thinBasic 1.11.x.x

  1. #211
    Super Moderator Petr Schreiber's Avatar
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    Thanks everyone a lot for reporting the issues, we are looking into it

    @Rene - if I may. I value very much your feedback, but I would appreciate if you could report each issue/idea separately.

    If you do it like DirectuX - one issue per post, it is perfectly clear, the best would be to open issue in the Bug tracking/Project support section and then post here just links to the issues.
    You are great issue detector, Rene, but it is a bit hard for us to parse huge paragraphs. Keeping stuff structured would help & raises the chance we don't miss your idea in a huge sea of words. Thanks a lot

    @DirectuX - thanks again for the reports, the demonstration how to reproduce is very useful.

    Having code formatter would be fantastic - we had it 10+ years ago, but then it got unmaintained. I am sure this great tool will re-emerge one day.

    Last edited by Petr Schreiber; 26-04-2020 at 22:13.
    Learn 3D graphics with ThinBASIC, learn TBGL!
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  2. #212
    Member DirectuX's Avatar
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    Runtime error panel feedback

    When an error is detected, one can not access the values of others variable, it could be handy to inspect variables values.
    ThinBasic ALPHA - Windows 8.1 x64

  3. #213
    Member DirectuX's Avatar
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    Runtime error panel feedback #2

    Panel content is not cleared in some case :

    Steps :

    1 - Run a script by 'F8'
    2 - Stop it → there is a message in the panel
    3 - Run again the script (F5) → the panel still show the error message
    ThinBasic ALPHA - Windows 8.1 x64

  4. #214
    Member DirectuX's Avatar
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    in v1.11.6.0 thinDebug's RUN button seems not working any more. F5 neither. F6 still do.
    ThinBasic ALPHA - Windows 8.1 x64

  5. #215
    Member DirectuX's Avatar
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    Hi everybody,

    Currently, clicking on a tooltip will open the help file. Here I already mis-clicked a few times. Plus there's no cancel while help is loading.

    I feel that annoying, there's already the F1 key for that. I would prefer to disable this feature.

    What do you think about that ?
    ThinBasic ALPHA - Windows 8.1 x64

  6. #216
    DirectuX, where is the toolTip ? i don't find but calltips from the Window->options
    my in windows XP looks like this:
    there is no these buttons including (F5) but i understand this since it is using the (Modern) windows facilities GDI+++ and related.
    in the Default.theme file there is only callTip

  7. #217
    Member DirectuX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by primo View Post
    DirectuX, where is the toolTip ? i don't find but calltips from the Window->options
    my in windows XP looks like this:
    there is no these buttons including (F5) but i understand this since it is using the (Modern) windows facilities GDI+++ and related.
    in the Default.theme file there is only callTip
    Hi Primo,

    by default in thinBasic v1.11.6.0 Alpha, if you let your mouse cursor on a keyword, it shows you a description plus a hint about the syntax. Further, if you click on this description , it opens the help file. (look at 2020/03/22 here :

    On your screenshot I can't see the toolbar normally present between the menu and the tabs. Nota bene : The F5 I talked in my previous post is about thinDebug.
    ThinBasic ALPHA - Windows 8.1 x64

  8. #218
    yes it works (clicking on description will open the help file.)
    i prefer using F1 to call help.
    regarding the toolbar, yes it does not appear (for tb in windows XP. it only appears in windows 7 and above. but i don't complain .

  9. #219
    thinBasic MVPs
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    We have those annotations hat are meant
    - for thinAir to display them in the codetree as notes
    - for thindebug to temporary stop execution.

    these for example:
    i would like to add another one that will not just prevent the with thinBasic-installation shipped examples from being ruined by experiments while users study.

    '[Filename] "thisIstheName.tBasicU"
    and if thinAir finds this line it will suggest this
    '[filename] "<defaultname>"
    if the file was not saved yet.
    Only filename without a path. thinAir should know what path to use for new files. If the user enters another name thinAir could instantly - and only once after saving with another name correct that annotation and replace it with the in reality used name. (the saved script still has the previous annotation then)

    It could be to have such line added in every script-template according to type of template when we create a new script.
    '[Filename] "consoleScript_" & OS_GETUSERNAME & "_" & DATE$ & ".tBasicC" 
    '[Filename] "DialogWithButton_" & OS_GETUSERNAME & "_" & DATE$ & ".tBasic"
    And it makes sense to add a timer to thinAir that the user can configure within thinAir-settings (timer should not keep running during script-execution) that will invoke Autosave every x minutes. Then it does not need to ask a filename and we know from the name
    "Autosave_DialogWithButton..." what is that on the harddrive. ThinAir should have its own "Autosave"-folder and could even offer to return to a previous stage of the script if same filename is available there. But do not return to previous stage without to backup the current.

    And on the problem in reality - if user loads one of the script samples that are shipped with thinBasic-installation and experiment and try some different settings or parameters - it currently automatically overwrites the shipped sample - so we do not have them in original condition if we want to look for something how to do.

    If all the shipped samples have the line '[filename] "<valid filename expression>" like

    'but the real scripts filenames in the shipped package STAY AS IS currently)

    then thinAir would not overwrite the example but create a new file when testing an example. (It's a few-line function only to insert this line to every sample script.
    I attached it already as download to insert into all shipped samples some additional line or lines. "But i took the ammunition out of the gun" - the hot
    lines are commented and camouflaged but it runs simulation to show what it would do.

    And to save on the question "overwrite the existing file" either add a setting to configure thinAir behaviour {and|or} add a switch to the filename-line that will give thinAir explicite permission to overwrite the existing script without to ask.( User might try out the example multiple times and exchange some parameters.) Especially new Users should focus on study - not to be annoyed an disturbed while learning new things and to have impression of a smart environment that supports him.
    If thinAir finds permisson to overwrite it would not ask
    '[filename] "Listview_with_Checkboxes_Test.tBasic", PermissionToOverwriteGranted
    ' or just
    '[filename] * "Listview_with_Checkboxes_Test.tBasic"
    can you see that * on the second line - could have a ? also
    meaning thinAir shall always ask ...

    Because i had a lot more to say - especially my very disappointing first wCon-Experience - read comments inside the attached script
    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by ReneMiner; 29-04-2020 at 06:55.
    I think there are missing some Forum-sections as beta-testing and support

  10. #220
    Super Moderator Petr Schreiber's Avatar
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    @DirectuX, @primo - displaying help on call tip will be disabled in v1.11.7.0

    @Rene - thank you for the idea, I also consider preservation of SampleScripts handy

    Learn 3D graphics with ThinBASIC, learn TBGL!
    Windows 10 64bit - Intel Core i5-3350P @ 3.1GHz - 16 GB RAM - NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti 4GB

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