Hi Guys,
I am a bit Stuck on this i try to find out what These Tools can do for me. I want to create a functional Type or Claas that will allocate some memory. I know how to create the Type in thinBasic but i never used any classes and i did Not find out how to make one in thinBasic. So i am with an Udt that has Functions, a few Statics and a bunch of Variables to it. Lets say thats my udt:
Uses "UI", "Ini"
Type tDatamgr
Static pTypes As Dword
Static pNames As Dword
pRecentData(20) as Dword
pCurrentData As Dword
'....i omit a Lot now since Not required die the questions i have.but also have Not only 1 function
Function allocateFor(byref pMem AS Dword, byval sType AS String) AS String
'. . .
End Type
At First: can i Convert the udt to become a class that is accesible after i compiled the Project? Or can Types including Functions be in a compiled dll with Freebasic-Compiler?
Also i use this ResEd to create some Dialog. No Problem to create any Windows or menus and IT can save IT in a way that i can Transfer the Data easily into my Scripts.
I Hope this Link Works as expected, IT should lead to Ketil Olsens ResEd. A pretty good GUI-editor that produces Things that i can use in thinBasic.
Now i want to add a Windows with some controls that Shows Up only while i am editing in thinair but Not If a Script was started by thinAir-code-editor. But IT IS ok to Show the Window when a Script as a Tool from thinair runs.is IT possible to detect If a Script rund that was started by Debugger/Editor (F5 or F8 ) so i can avoid my Tool to Show Up If the User Tests a Script?
And can Freebasic-Compiler do anything for me with that ResEd (IT has settings in Options to enter command$ to compile ) but i never got IT to Work. All i make use of is the GUI-editor and i Transfer the saved Data into my Scripts - even i know it should Work to let thinBasic load this Ressource Files during Runtime.
Can this resed + Freebasic-Compiler Go together and make my Script a dll? And how about my udt? If it we're still the udt with Functions, can IT be that a dll Provides a Type that can be extended in User-Scripts? Or am i Stuck with a class that is Not Able to get extended? The finished library shall be useable from thinBasic only,vso No need to think of using it from any other language . If Not possible to have an Udt with Functions compiled How would i write it using thinBasic only that my udt will get compiled to be a class
I know thats a bunch of questions. But i am stuck currently because of the Problem that i don't know how