Thanks for the improvements !
Alpha testing :
HScroll bar : i see no change
UDT : I have a simple code that worked with previous beta. It doesn't work any more. Can share.
SWICH : Fix confirmed (fast test)
Code completion : still appears while typing comment. Code tip too. Or is it something else ?
Null char at end of script : looks ok
RAWTEXT :ok, I just remembered you set the second part as a new issue.uses "CONSOLE" dim myStr as String ' this is NEAR OK : thinAir code coloring is inadequat myStr = RawText 7 CHARS END RawText PrintL len(myStr) ' 7 chars = OK ' this is not OK myStr = RAWTEXT "this is a sign: ' , and this is another sign: " " END RAWTEXT PrintL myStr waitkey
first part was reported as issue #599