'Original script from user Robbek at:
' https://www.thinbasic.com/community/showthread.php?12412-Lorenz-4D-Lists&highlight=lorenz
#minversion 1.11.1
Uses "UI"
uses "TBGL"
Dim x, y, z, dx, dy, dz, dt, a, b, c, sumx, sumy, sumz As Single
Dim i, j As Long
a = 8
b = 8 / 3
c = 30
dt= 0.01
x = 0.04 : y = 0.04 : z = 0.04
For i = 1 To 240 ' idle loops to a +- center point
x = x + dx
y = y + dy
z = z + dz
Sub dotheLorenz(n As Integer)
Local xdup, ydup, zdup As Single
TBGL_Translate x, y, z
TBGL_NewList 1
sumx = 0 : sumy = 0 : sumy = 0
xdup = x : ydup = y : zdup = z
sumx = dx : sumy = dy : sumz = dz
TBGL_SetPrimitiveQuality TrackBar_GetPos (MainWindow.Handle, %barPrimitiveQuality1)
TBGL_PolygonLook %GL_LINE
For j = 2 To n / 2
TBGL_Color (150 + y * 5, 150 + x * 5, 150 + z * 5)
TBGL_Sphere 0.05 * (n / (n - j) * j)
TBGL_Translate dx, dy, dz
TBGL_SetPrimitiveQuality TrackBar_GetPos (MainWindow.Handle, %barPrimitiveQuality2)
TBGL_PolygonLook %GL_FILL
For j = n / 2 To n
TBGL_Color (150 + y * 5, 150 + x * 5, 150 + z * 5)
TBGL_Sphere 1.2
TBGL_Translate dx, dy, dz
x = xdup
y = ydup
z = zdup
End Sub
Sub singlestep()
dx = (a * y - a * x) * dt
dy = (x * (c - z) - y) * dt
dz = (x * y - b * z) * dt
x = x + dx
y = y + dy
z = z + dz
End Sub
' -- ID numbers of controls
Begin ControlID
End ControlID
Begin Const
%MAIN_WIDTH = 1240
%timeOut = 40 ' -- Determines graphics refresh rate in milliseconds
End Const
Function TBMain()
Dialog New Pixels, name MainWindow, 0, "Use arrow keys - Pg U/D - Lorenz 4D",
Dialog Show Modal MainWindow.Handle
End Function
' OnInit: fired only once when Dialog Show is executed
CallBack Function MainWindow_OnInit()
'---Add needed Controls
'---A lable will be used as rendering control
Control Add Label name CanvasControl, CBHNDL, %lblCanvas, "", 0, 0, %MAIN_WIDTH - 150, %MAIN_HEIGHT
Control Set Color CBHNDL, %lblCanvas, %BLACK, %BLACK
Control Set Resize CBHNDL, %lblCanvas, 1, 1, 1, 1
Control Add Trackbar, CBHNDL, %barLorenzObjects,"", %MAIN_WIDTH - 140, 35, 130, 25
TrackBar_SetRange CBHNDL, %barLorenzObjects, 100, 600
TrackBar_SetPos CBHNDL, %barLorenzObjects, 300
Control Set Resize CBHNDL, %barLorenzObjects, 0, 1, 1, 0
Control Add Trackbar, CBHNDL, %barPrimitiveQuality1,"", %MAIN_WIDTH - 140, 60, 130, 25
TrackBar_SetRange CBHNDL, %barPrimitiveQuality1, 3, 50
TrackBar_SetPos CBHNDL, %barPrimitiveQuality1, 3
Control Set Resize CBHNDL, %barPrimitiveQuality1, 0, 1, 1, 0
Control Add Trackbar, CBHNDL, %barPrimitiveQuality2,"", %MAIN_WIDTH - 140, 85, 130, 25
TrackBar_SetRange CBHNDL, %barPrimitiveQuality2, 3, 50
TrackBar_SetPos CBHNDL, %barPrimitiveQuality2, 3
Control Set Resize CBHNDL, %barPrimitiveQuality2, 0, 1, 1, 0
'---Button used to close window
Control Add Button name btnClose, CBHNDL, %btnClose, "Close", %MAIN_WIDTH - 140, %MAIN_HEIGHT - 35, 130, 25
Control Set Resize CBHNDL, %btnClose, 0, 1, 0, 1
'---Set window minimal dimension
Dialog Set Minsize CBHNDL, 320, 230
'---Set window timer used to call rendering function
Dialog Set Timer CBHNDL, %myTimer, %timeOut, %NULL
'---Init OpenGL Control
TBGL_SetDrawDistance 300
TBGL_UseLightSource(%GL_LIGHT0, %TRUE)
TBGL_SetLightParameter(%GL_LIGHT0, %TBGL_LIGHT_POSITION, 15, 10, 15, 1)
end Function
' OnCallBack: fired for all events not having a MainWindow_On... specific event function
CallBack Function MainWindow_OnCallback()
Select Case CBMSG
'---Avoid to close with [X] button
'---Only btnClose will close the window
End Select
End Function
' OnSize: fired when window is resized
CallBack Function MainWindow_OnSize()
end Function
' OnTimer: executed at time interval
CallBack Function MainWindow_OnTimer()
end Function
' OnClick: Fired when btnClose button is clicked
CallBack Function btnClose_OnClick()
Dialog Kill Timer MainWindow.Handle, %myTimer
Dialog End MainWindow.Handle
end Function
' executed by timer interval
Function RenderMyImage(byval hControl as long)
Static FrameRate As Double
Static vp,rx,ry As Single
Static cnt As Long
If TBGL_CanvasBound(hControl) Then
FrameRate = TBGL_GetFrameRate
TBGL_Translate sumx , sumy , sumz
TBGL_Camera(0, 0 , 80 + vp, 0, 0, 0)
TBGL_Rotate rx, 0, 1, 0
TBGL_Rotate ry, 1, 0, 0
dotheLorenz(TrackBar_GetPos (Win_GetParent(hControl), %barLorenzObjects))
TBGL_CallList 1
TBGL_DeleteList 1
cnt += 1
If cnt = 10000 Then
For i = 1 To 240 ' idle loops to a +- center point
cnt = 0
a = 10
b = 8 / 3
c = 28
dt= 0.01
x = 0.04 : y = 0.04 : z = 0.04
End If
If TBGL_GetWindowKeyState(hControl, %VK_LEFT) Then rx += 15/framerate
If TBGL_GetWindowKeyState(hControl, %VK_RIGHT) Then rx -= 15/framerate
If TBGL_GetWindowKeyState(hControl, %VK_PGUP) Then vp += 15/framerate
If TBGL_GetWindowKeyState(hControl, %VK_PGDN) Then vp -= 15/framerate
If TBGL_GetWindowKeyState(hControl, %VK_UP) Then ry += 15/framerate
If TBGL_GetWindowKeyState(hControl, %VK_DOWN) Then ry -= 15/framerate
End If
End Function