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Thread: Programatically download the latest 64 bit version of Firefox for Windows.

  1. #1

    Question Programatically download the latest 64 bit version of Firefox for Windows.

    Hi Eros,

    You are invited to test your thinBasic web tools with AIR's Firefox download challenge on the All BASIC forum.

    Show us your stuff!
    ScriptBasic Project Manager
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  2. #2
    thinBasic author ErosOlmi's Avatar
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    I've moved your post into a specific thread.

    Reference for all: | |
    Windows 10 Pro for Workstations 64bit - 32 GB - Intel(R) Xeon(R) W-10855M CPU @ 2.80GHz - NVIDIA Quadro RTX 3000

  3. #3
    thinBasic author ErosOlmi's Avatar
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    Milan - Italy
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    This is my 5 minutes code.
    Download is missing but should be easy to add but no time now, hurry to my 2 hours drive to work

    uses "Console"
    uses "iNet"
    uses "OS"
    printl "Connect to Firefox web site, determine latest Firefox version and download it"
    '---Check if computer is connected to internet
    if INET_GetState Then
      '---Get Firefox web site page
      string Firefox_Info_Page = INET_UrlGetString("")
      '---Get Firefox available version
      string Firefox_Available_Version = grab$(Firefox_Info_Page, "data-latest-firefox=""", """")
      '---Get Win64 direct download url
      string Firefox_DownLoad_Url_Win64 = grab$(Firefox_Info_Page, "<div id=""other-platforms"">", "</div>")
      Firefox_DownLoad_Url_Win64 = grab$(Firefox_DownLoad_Url_Win64, "<li class=""os_win64"">", "</li>")
      Firefox_DownLoad_Url_Win64 = grab$(Firefox_DownLoad_Url_Win64, "<a href=""", """")
      printl "Firefox available version...:", Firefox_Available_Version
      printl "Firefox Download url........:", Firefox_DownLoad_Url_Win64
      string sLocalFile = APP_SourcePath + "Firefox Setup " + Firefox_Available_Version + ".exe"
      printl "Downlaoding to", sLocalFile, "..."
      INET_UrlDownload(Firefox_DownLoad_Url_Win64, sLocalFile)
      printl "File downlaoded."
      printl "Press ESC to end or any other key within 10 secs to execute setup"
      '---Ask if execute setup
      string sUserReply = WaitKey(10)
      if sUserReply <> "[ESC]" and sUserReply <> "[TIMEOUT]" Then
        printl "Executing " + sLocalFile
        OS_Shell(sLocalFile, %OS_WNDSTYLE_NORMAL, %OS_SHELL_SYNC)
        printl "No execution. Execute manually if needed."
      end If
      printl "! it seems you are not connected to internet." in %CCOLOR_FLIGHTRED
    end If
    printl "---All done, press a key to end or wait 5 secs---"
    '[todo] To add async download with any progress info ...
    '       Install thinBasic and see example at \thinBasic\SampleScripts\INet\Internet_FileDownload.tbasic
    Last edited by ErosOlmi; 31-10-2018 at 07:37. | |
    Windows 10 Pro for Workstations 64bit - 32 GB - Intel(R) Xeon(R) W-10855M CPU @ 2.80GHz - NVIDIA Quadro RTX 3000

  4. #4
    Outstanding Eros!

    Can you post this to the All BASIC forum code challenge when you have time. Maybe your support for the challenge will get others to submit code.


    Thanks for posting the thinBasic submission on All BASIC!
    Last edited by John Spikowski; 31-10-2018 at 10:41.
    ScriptBasic Project Manager
    Project Site

  5. #5
    thinBasic author ErosOlmi's Avatar
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    Sep 2004
    Milan - Italy
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    Here a thinBasic ASYNC version with callback function used to determine download progression.
    Progress data is shown on a pop up box that will be removed when download is finished.

    Maybe a little bit complex but worth to post.

    uses "Console"
    uses "iNet"
    uses "OS"
    printl "Connect to Firefox web site, determine latest Firefox version and download it"
    '---Check if computer is connected to internet
    if INET_GetState Then
      '---Get Firefox web site page
      string Firefox_Info_Page = INET_UrlGetString("")
      '---Get Firefox available version
      string Firefox_Available_Version = grab$(Firefox_Info_Page, "data-latest-firefox=""", """")
      '---Get Win64 direct download url
      string Firefox_DownLoad_Url_Win64 = grab$(Firefox_Info_Page, "<div id=""other-platforms"">", "</div>")
      Firefox_DownLoad_Url_Win64 = grab$(Firefox_DownLoad_Url_Win64, "<li class=""os_win64"">", "</li>")
      Firefox_DownLoad_Url_Win64 = grab$(Firefox_DownLoad_Url_Win64, "<a href=""", """")
      printl "Firefox available version...:", Firefox_Available_Version
      printl "Firefox Download url........:", Firefox_DownLoad_Url_Win64
      string sLocalFile = APP_SourcePath + "Firefox Setup " + Firefox_Available_Version + ".exe"
      '---Initializes an application's use of the WinINet Internet functions.
      dword hInternet = INET_Internet_Open("Download Fireforx", %INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_DIRECT)
      IF hInternet = %NULL THEN
        printl "INET_Internet_Open error"
      END IF
      long MyContext = 1
      long hFile = INET_Internet_OpenUrl(hInternet, Firefox_DownLoad_Url_Win64, "", %INTERNET_FLAG_NO_CACHE_WRITE, MyContext)
      IF hFile = %NULL THEN
        printl "INET_Internet_OpenUrl error. Check url: " & Firefox_DownLoad_Url_Win64
        INET_Internet_CloseHandle hInternet
      END IF
    '---Set a callback for hInternet events. Driver will automatically call MyStatusFunction on status change
      long bResult = INET_Internet_SetStatusCallBack(hFile, MyStatusFunction)
    '---Query remote server about the size of the file we are going to download
      long FileSize = INET_Http_QueryInfo(hFile, %HTTP_QUERY_CONTENT_LENGTH)
      printl "Real file size in bytes: " & FileSize
      IF FileSize = %NULL THEN
        printl "INET_Http_QueryInfo(hInternet, %HTTP_QUERY_CONTENT_LENGTH) error. Check url: " & Firefox_DownLoad_Url_Win64
        INET_Internet_CloseHandle hInternet
        INET_Internet_CloseHandle hFile
      END IF
    '---Ok we can start a loop for file download. This can be automated in a loop or in a timer function
    '---Reads the data in %BufferLen bytes chunks
      double T0 = timer
      double T1
      '---Setup a %BufferLen bytes buffer
        long  lBufferLen    = 500000 '500k
        string strBuffer    = STRING$(lBufferLen, $SPC)
        dword pstrBuffer    = STRPTR(strBuffer)
        String strData
        dword cbBytesRead   
        DWord TotalBytesRead
        long  lScreenLine   = 8
        long  lScreenPos    = 20
      string sSave = Console_SaveScreen(1, 1, 80, 24)
      Console_Box(lScreenPos - 1, lScreenLine - 1, 40, 8, 24, 24, "Downloading ...", 26, %Console_BOX_FLAG_3DOFF)
        bResult = INET_Internet_ReadFile(hFile, pstrBuffer, len(strBuffer), cbBytesRead)
        IF bResult = 0 OR cbBytesRead = 0 THEN EXIT DO
        IF cbBytesRead = LEN(strBuffer) THEN
          strData &= strBuffer
          strData &= LEFT$(strBuffer, cbBytesRead)
        END IF
        TotalBytesRead += cbBytesRead
        T1 = Timer
        PrintAt "Elapsed seconds  : " & LSet$(Format$(T1-T0, "0"), 19)                                         , lScreenPos + 1, lScreenLine + 1, 24
        PrintAt "Bytes read so far: " & LSet$(TotalBytesRead, 19)                                              , lScreenPos + 1, lScreenLine + 2, 24
        PrintAt "KBytes per second: " & LSet$(Format$((TotalBytesRead / Max(T1-T0, 1))/1024, "0.00"), 19)      , lScreenPos + 1, lScreenLine + 3, 24
        PrintAt "Estimated seconds: " & LSet$(Format$((FileSize * (T1-T0))/TotalBytesRead, "0"), 19)           , lScreenPos + 1, lScreenLine + 4, 24
        PrintAt "Seconds to go    : " & LSet$(Format$(((FileSize * (T1-T0))/TotalBytesRead)-(T1-T0), "0"), 19) , lScreenPos + 1, lScreenLine + 5, 24
        Console_ProgressBar(1, lScreenPos + 1, lScreenLine + 7, 40-1, 27, 1, FileSize, TotalBytesRead)
      Console_RestoreScreen(1, 1, 80, 24, sSave)
    '---Closes all used handles
      INET_Internet_CloseHandle hInternet
      INET_Internet_CloseHandle hFile
      printl "Saving file: " & sLocalFile
      Save_File(sLocalFile, strData)
      printl "File saved."
      printl "Press ESC to end or any other key within 10 secs to execute setup"
      '---Ask if execute setup
      string sUserReply = WaitKey(10)
      if sUserReply <> "[ESC]" and sUserReply <> "[TIMEOUT]" Then
        printl "Executing " + sLocalFile
        OS_Shell(sLocalFile, %OS_WNDSTYLE_NORMAL, %OS_SHELL_SYNC)
        printl "No execution. Execute manually if needed."
      end If
      printl "! it seems you are not connected to internet." in %CCOLOR_FLIGHTRED
    end If
    printl "---All done, press a key to end or wait 5 secs---"
    ' CallBack function automatically called by Internet driver when
    ' status change for a specific Internet handle to which a callback
    ' function has been installed.
    ' Parameters are mandatory and are defined my Microsoft
    ' callback template. More info at:
    callback function MyStatusFunction( _
                    byval hInternet                 as long , _   '---Mandatory in thinBasic and in API
                    byval dwContext                 as long , _   '---Mandatory in thinBasic and in API
                    byval dwInternetStatus          as long , _   '---Mandatory in thinBasic and in API
                    byval lpvStatusInformation      as long , _   '---Optional in thinBasic, mandatory in API
                    byval dwStatusInformationLength as long   _   '---Optional in thinBasic, mandatory in API
                 ) as long
      dim BytesReceived     as dword at 0
      static TotBytes       as dword
      static MoreStatusLine as long = 20
      'printat "Data from " & function_name & " callback"          , 1, 17
      'printat "  Internet handle: " & hInternet & "  Internet dwContext: " & dwContext, 1, 18
      select case dwInternetStatus 
          '---  Successfully received a response from the server.
          '---  The lpvStatusInformation parameter points to a DWORD value that contains the number, in bytes, received.
          setat(BytesReceived, lpvStatusInformation)
          TotBytes += BytesReceived
          '---ATTENTION: TotalBytes received can differ from total bytes of the file to be downloaded
          'printat "  Receiving data (" & dwInternetStatus & " " & INET_Internet_StatusGetDescription(dwInternetStatus) & ") TotBytes: " & TotBytes, 1, 19
        case else
          '---In case of other status, just decode it at the bottom.
          'printat "  (" & dwInternetStatus & " " & INET_Internet_StatusGetDescription(dwInternetStatus) & ")", 1, MoreStatusLine
          incr MoreStatusLine
      end select            
    end function
    Attached Images Attached Images
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    Windows 10 Pro for Workstations 64bit - 32 GB - Intel(R) Xeon(R) W-10855M CPU @ 2.80GHz - NVIDIA Quadro RTX 3000

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