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Thread: Make a cylinder between any two points in Xors3D

  1. #1

    Make a cylinder between any two points in Xors3D

    as i said before xors3D is a nice Graphics/Games engine but its developers abandoned it and escape away, its developers is 2 persons Knightmare and Squid look:
    the following is connecting cylinders from a point to another point
    i have attached a ready to use source code with dlls and include files, the DLLS i have copied from the bigger package:
    the include files for powerbasic is from:

    here you find descriptions with picures about the engine feature, it is an archived copy from the lost blitz3D old site:

    here is a Russian site about xors3D: use google translator

    before running these codes you need to install Directx 9 directx_Jun2010_redist.exe from microsoft 95 MB
    it will not harm your current DirectX

    xors3D_thinbasic: Make a cylinder between any two point:

    Xors3D_PowerBasic: Make a cylinder between any two point:

    Xors3D_PowerBasic more examples can be found in package xores3d_PowerBASIC.rar here : source code not by me (i forgot from where i have downloaded it years ago) and since the codes needs textures and models from the big package at mentioned above install it as you prefer


    the Logic of moving and rotating the cylinder so it fits between any 2 points can be seen in this picture:

    note that the rotation center of the xors3d cylinder is at its Length center so we have to change its center to one of its sides with xPositionMesh

    the files checked by and it is completely clean 100%
    Last edited by primo; 01-09-2018 at 10:17.

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