uses "console"
uses "Registry"
'---Define a button ID
begin ControlID
end ControlID
DIALOG New Pixels, Name MyWindow, 0, "Dialog to show automatic events handling",-1,-1, 640, 480,
CONTROL ADD Label Name lblFind , MyWindow.Handle, %lblFind , "Find" , 10, 15, 350, 20, %SS_NOTIFY
CONTROL ADD Textbox Name txtFind , MyWindow.Handle, %txtFind , "" , 10, 30, 350, 25, %ES_AUTOHSCROLL | %ES_LEFT | %WS_BORDER | %WS_TABSTOP
CONTROL ADD Label Name lblReplace , MyWindow.Handle, %lblReplace , "Replace" , 10, 55, 350, 20, %SS_NOTIFY
CONTROL ADD Textbox Name txtReplace , MyWindow.Handle, %txtReplace , "" , 10, 70, 350, 25, %ES_AUTOHSCROLL | %ES_LEFT | %WS_BORDER | %WS_TABSTOP
CONTROL ADD BUTTON Name btnSearch , MyWindow.Handle, %ButtonSearch, "Search" , 480, 10, 150, 25, %BS_NOTIFY | %BS_CENTER | %BS_VCENTER | %WS_TABSTOP
CONTROL ADD BUTTON Name btnCloseMe , MyWindow.Handle, %ButtonClose , "Close" , 480, 40, 150, 25, %BS_NOTIFY | %BS_CENTER | %BS_VCENTER | %WS_TABSTOP
' Callback function used to handle dialog events
' not handled by specific event functions
CallBack Function MyWindow_OnCallBack() As Long
'printl Timer, Function_Name, CBMSG, MyWindow.Name & ": message not handled by specific event function"
End Function
CallBack Function MyWindow_OnInit() As Long
printl Timer, Function_Name
'---Limits window minimum size
control set Resize CBHNDL, %ButtonSearch, 0, 1, 0, 0
control set Resize CBHNDL, %ButtonClose , 0, 1, 0, 0
txtFind.Text = "TextToFind"
txtReplace.Text = "TextToReplace"
btnCloseMe.Text = "Close Me"
End Function
CallBack Function MyWindow_OnSize() As Long
printl Timer, Function_Name, MyWindow.X, MyWindow.Y, MyWindow.W, MyWindow.H
End Function
CallBack Function MyWindow_OnMove() As Long
printl Timer, Function_Name, MyWindow.X, MyWindow.Y, MyWindow.W, MyWindow.H
End Function
CallBack Function MyWindow_OnMoving() As Long
printl Timer, Function_Name
End Function
CallBack Function MyWindow_OnMouseMove() As Long
printl Timer, Function_Name
End Function
CallBack Function MyWindow_OnNCHITTEST() As Long
printl Timer, Function_Name
End Function
CallBack Function MyWindow_OnSETCURSOR() As Long
printl Timer, Function_Name
End Function
CallBack Function MyWindow_OnLBUTTONDOWN() As Long
printl Timer, Function_Name
End Function
CallBack Function MyWindow_OnLBUTTONUP() As Long
printl Timer, Function_Name
End Function
CallBack Function MyWindow_OnLBUTTONDBLCLK() As Long
printl Timer, Function_Name
End Function
CallBack Function MyWindow_OnNCMOUSEMOVE() As Long
printl Timer, Function_Name
End Function
CallBack Function MyWindow_OnNCMOUSELEAVE() As Long
printl Timer, Function_Name
End Function
CallBack Function MyWindow_OnCommand() As Long
printl Timer, Function_Name
End Function
CallBack Function MyWindow_OnClose() As Long
printl Timer, Function_Name
End Function
CallBack Function MyWindow_OnSHOWWINDOW() As Long
printl Timer, Function_Name
End Function
CallBack Function MyWindow_OnDestroy() As Long
printl Timer, Function_Name
PrintL "Window just destroyed. Press a key to end" in %CCOLOR_FLIGHTRED
End Function
CallBack Function btnCloseMe_OnClick() As Long
printl Timer, Function_Name, btnCloseMe.Name
End Function
CallBack Function btnCloseMe_OnSetFocus() As Long
printl Timer, Function_Name, btnCloseMe.Name
End Function
CallBack Function btnCloseMe_OnKillFocus() As Long
printl Timer, Function_Name, btnCloseMe.Name
End Function
CallBack Function btnSearch_OnClick() As Long
printl Timer, Function_Name, btnSearch.Name, "Search clicked, something new should happen :)"
End Function
CallBack Function lblFind_OnClick() As Long
printl Timer, Function_Name, lblFind.Name
End Function
CallBack Function lblFind_OnDblClk() As Long
printl Timer, Function_Name, lblFind.Name
End Function
CallBack Function lblFind_OnDisable() As Long
printl Timer, Function_Name, lblFind.Name
End Function
CallBack Function lblFind_OnEnable() As Long
printl Timer, Function_Name, lblFind.Name
End Function
CallBack Function txtFind_OnCallback() As Long
printl Timer, Function_Name, CBCTLMSG, txtFind.Name
Function = %TRUE
End Function
CallBack Function txtFind_OnChange() As Long
printl Timer, Function_Name, "text changed in control ", txtFind.Name
printl txtFind.Text in %CCOLOR_FLIGHTCYAN
Function = %TRUE
End Function
CallBack Function txtFind_OnUpdate() As Long
printl Timer, Function_Name, txtFind.Name
Function = %TRUE
End Function
CallBack Function txtFind_OnSetFocus() As Long
txtFind.backcolor = %RGB_THISTLE
printl Timer, Function_Name, txtFind.Name
End Function
CallBack Function txtFind_OnKillFocus() As Long
txtFind.backcolor = %RGB_WHITE
printl Timer, Function_Name, txtFind.Name
End Function
CallBack Function txtReplace_OnChange() As Long
printl Timer, Function_Name, "text changed in control ", txtReplace.Name
printl txtReplace.Text in %CCOLOR_FLIGHTCYAN
Function = %TRUE
End Function
CallBack Function txtReplace_OnUpdate() As Long
printl Timer, Function_Name, txtReplace.Name
Function = %TRUE
End Function
CallBack Function txtReplace_OnSetFocus() As Long
txtReplace.backcolor = %RGB_AQUAMARINE
printl Timer, Function_Name, txtReplace.Name
End Function
CallBack Function txtReplace_OnKillFocus() As Long
txtReplace.backcolor = %RGB_WHITE
printl Timer, Function_Name, txtReplace.Name
End Function