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Thread: thinBasic 1.10.5 UI is becoming more easier and more clean (I hope)

  1. #1
    thinBasic author ErosOlmi's Avatar
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    thinBasic 1.10.5 UI is becoming more easier and more clean (I hope)

    Another new set of features you will get in next thinBasic 1.10.5 is the ability to specify shorter sentences for creating windows and controls and later, when it's the right time, specify the missing information using a simple <object>.<property> notation. This is possible using the new "Name" option that will allow to give a name to Windows and Controls and use that name to reference to specific windows or controls without the need to know windows handle and control IDs

    Of course remaining 100% compatible with previous notation.
    No need to change anything in your scripts if you do not want.

    A script example and a bundled exe can show you how.
    uses "ui"
    begin ControlID
    end ControlID
    '---Create Window and controls using new shot notations
    '---All the rest of properties can be defined later during window events
    DIALOG New Pixels, Name frmMain, 0, "Window to demonstrate Named Controls"
      control add label     , name lbl      , frmMain.Handle, %lbl      , "This is a label"
      control add textbox   , name txt      , frmMain.Handle, %txt      , "This is a textbox"
      control add Button    , name btnClose , frmMain.Handle, %btnClose , "Close"
      Control Add Statusbar , name stBar    , frmMain.Handle, %stBar    , ""
    DIALOG SHOW MODAL frmMain.Handle
    callBack function frmMain_OnCallback() As Long
    end Function
    callBack function frmMain_OnInit() As Long
      long dW, dH
      '---Define window style
      '---Get desktop size
      '---Set Window client size = 800 = 600
      '---Set window minimum size
      frmMain.MinSize = 640, 480
      '---Center window
      frmMain.x  = (dW - 2
      frmMain.y  = (dH - 2
    end Function
    callBack function frmMain_OnSize() As Long
      '---Set controls locations and size
      lbl.x = 5:      lbl.y =  5:  lbl.w = 200:  lbl.h = 20
      txt.x = 5:      txt.y = 25:  txt.w = 200:  txt.h = 25
      btnClose.x = - 110
      btnClose.y = - 50 - stBar.h
      btnClose.w = 100
      btnClose.h = 40
    end function
    callback function btnClose_OnClick()
    end Function
    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by ErosOlmi; 30-11-2017 at 00:49. | |
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  2. #2
    Super Moderator Petr Schreiber's Avatar
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    I consider this to be the jump to the right direction - it makes the creation of dialogs and controls simple.
    With less code more done while it does not compromise the clarity and meaning.

    My wish is to get rid of those evil DIALOG and CONTROL commands.

    If we look at:
    control add label , name lbl , frmMain.Handle, %lbl , "This is a label"
    ...BASICally, the %lbl is redunant and the same could be done in a way similar to:
    add label "lbl", "This is a label" to frmMain
    (handle known to frmMain, no need for ctrlId, which could be autogenerated internally)

    ...or maybe more standard:
    lbl = new Label("This is a label")

    Last edited by Petr Schreiber; 30-11-2017 at 21:32.
    Learn 3D graphics with ThinBASIC, learn TBGL!
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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2015
    Keralam, India
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    Hi Eros,
    Great changes !. Please consider function syntax like this;
    FunctionName(Param1, Param2....,ParamN)
    Here is an example of window creation;
    Window_Handle = CreateWindow(Location=(x,y), Size=(x,y), Title="String", WindowStyles=(List_Of_Styles))
    And here is one for control creation;

    Control_Handle = CreateButton(Parent=Window_Handle, Location=(x,y), Size=(x,y), Text="String", ButtonStyles=(List_Of_Styles))
    Control_Handle = CreateLabel(Parent = Window_Handle, Location=(x,y), Size=(x,y), Text="String", LabelStyles=(List_Of_Styles))
    Control_Handle = CreateTextBox(Parent = Window_Handle, Location=(x,y), Size=(x,y), Text="String", TextBoxlStyles=(List_Of_Styles))
    And bind events like this;
    BindEvent(Control_Handle, EventName = TB_EVENT_MOUSE_HOVER, CallBackFunction = "NameOfFunction")
    looks like python style. But its an easy one.
    Last edited by kcvinu; 01-12-2017 at 17:10.

  4. #4
    i agree with Petr:
    add label "lbl", "This is a label" to frmMain
    we will never forget this syntax, or may be :
    add label "lbl", w,h, x,y, "This is a label", to frmMain

    so it is a kind of a wrapper to the complex syntax, which will stay available (as i understand from Eros reply somewhere) .

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