Oh noes,
thanks for reporting this, this is a bug indeed!
Here's a fun one:
Watch what happens to the result when the day goes from December 29th to December 30th.
I also tried adding -1 second with a different result.
Dim date, time As String
'---Load Console and DT Modules
Uses "Console"
Uses "dt"
'--- These are the strings
PrintL DT_DateTimeSubSeconds(date,time,1) '--- subtract a second
'--- Advance the date
PrintL DT_DateTimeSubSeconds(date,time,1) '--- whoopsie!
PrintL DT_DateTimeAddSeconds(date,time,-1) '--- add (-1) second -- oof!
Oh noes,
thanks for reporting this, this is a bug indeed!
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I was confounded by the differing results between the DT_DateTimeAddSeconds and DT_DateTimeSubSeconds functions. I assumed they would give identical results (right or wrong) as they do when the bug isn't in play.