axelmoe, there is OemToCharBuff(var S:AmsiString) inside the unins000.exe in thinbasic folder, also can be seen in thinCore.dll. ( i am using Search and Replace utility from funduc to find things inside files)
but it is not implemented nor OemToChar(...)
its declarations can be found in like this
Declare Function OemToChar Lib "USER32.DLL" Alias "OemToCharA" (lpszSrc As Asciiz, lpszDst As Asciiz) As Long
so we have 3/4 of the road toward the solution
the is here:
go down the page to and download it together with other inc files.
but it does not suitable immediately to thinbasic ,it needs some manipulation. in fact i will do more research but now i have severe cough symptoms.
and thanks for posting such thing, it can be useful for me also