it seems "?" works with VBRegExp but not with RegExpr$
in this pattern c.*?a.*?t we want the sets of characters c followed by zero or more of any chars up to a then the same up to t. without ? it will give the largest pattern.

using VBRegExp_Test_MatchesAndCollections.tbasic with the above string and the pattern c.*?a.*?t gives correct patterns like that in red color in the above string
  '---The following code illustrates how to obtain a SubMatches collection from a regular 
  '---expression search and how to access its individual members.

  uses "VBREGEXP"
  dim lpRegExp  as dword
  dim lpMatches as dword
  dim lpMatch   as dword
  dim strValue  as string

  '---Allocate a new regular expression instance
  lpRegExp = VBREGEXP_New

  '---Check if it was possible to allocate and if not stop the script
  if isfalse lpRegExp then
    MSGBOX 0, "Unable to create an instance of the RegExp object." & $crlf & "Script terminated"
  end if
  '---Set pattern
  VBRegExp_SetPattern lpRegExp, "c.*?a.*?t"
  '---Set case insensitivity
  VBREGEXP_SetIgnoreCase lpRegExp, -1
  '---Set global applicability
  VBREGEXP_SetGlobal lpRegExp, -1

  '---Execute search
  lpMatches = VBREGEXP_Execute(lpRegExp, "qwccuuiaopttttuikclkjaaaooptoiuecatpp")
    MSGBOX 0, "1. No match found"
    dim nCount as long value VBMatchCollection_GetCount(lpMatches)
    IF nCount = 0 THEN
      MSGBOX 0, "2. No match found"

      '---Iterate the Matches collection
      dim I as long

      strValue += "Total matches found:  " & nCount & $CRLF & string$(50, "-") & $crlf
      FOR i = 1 TO nCount

        lpMatch = VBMatchCollection_GetItem(lpMatches, i)

        strValue += "Match number " & i & " found at position: " & VBMatch_GetFirstIndex(lpMatch) & " length: " & VBMatch_Getlength(lpMatch) & $CRLF
        strValue += "Value is: " & VBMatch_GetValue(lpMatch) & $CRLF
        strValue += "--------------" & $CRLF
        VBREGEXP_Release lpMatch
      MSGBOX 0, strValue

    END IF
  IF istrue lpMatches  THEN VBREGEXP_Release(lpMatches)
  IF istrue lpRegExp   THEN VBREGEXP_Release(lpRegExp)
but using the same pattern with RegExpr$ does not work at all , the same thing with powerbasic.
below i test the pattern c.*\sa with the same string as above just to show that the code is works. but after that replace this pattern with this: c.*?a and it will not work.
note that c.*\sa.*\st does not work and this is why i have used 2 chars
this give a lesson that VBREGEXP is more correct, even i wish RegExpr$ works since it is smaller
Uses "UI"
Begin Const
End Const
Dim hDlg    As DWord
Function TBMain()
Dialog New Pixels,0, "regular expressions tests", 1, 1, 700, 500, _
                                                  %WS_DLGFRAME Or %DS_CENTER Or %WS_CAPTION Or %WS_SYSMENU Or %WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW, _
                                                  0 To hDlg
Control Add Textbox , hDlg, %lText, "click on the button", 5,  30, 600, 400, %WS_TABSTOP     Or _
                                                                                        %ES_WANTRETURN  Or _
                                                                                        %ES_MULTILINE   Or _
                                                                                        %ES_AUTOHSCROLL Or _
                                                                                        %ES_AUTOVSCROLL Or _ 
                                                                                        %WS_VSCROLL     Or _
                                                                                        %WS_HSCROLL     Or _
Control Add Button  , hdlg, %bRun,"Run",650,60,40,40,%WS_BORDER Or %WS_TABSTOP                                                  
Dialog Show Modal hDlg, Call dlgProc
End Function

CallBack Function dlgProc() As Long
Select Case CBMSG

    Case %WM_COMMAND
        Select Case CBCTL
          Case %bRun
              discover() ' call the discover function
          End Select
    Case %WM_CLOSE
End Select
End Function

Function  discover()
Dim nLines,total,i, nStart  As Long
Dim mytext, result As String 

Dim inputText As String
inputText = "qwccuuiaopttttuikclkjaaaooptoiuecatpp"
nStart = 1
Control Set Text  hDlg, %lText, ""   'erase the TextBox
Local position, length As Long
RegExpr$("c.*\sa", inputText, nStart+length, position, length)
'RegExpr$("c.*?a", inputText, nStart+length, position, length)
result = Mid$(inputText, position, length)
Control Append Text hDlg, %lText, result & "  "  & $CRLF 
nStart = position
Loop While position

Control Append Text hDlg, %lText, inputText & "  "  & $CRLF     
End Function