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Thread: about free pascal

  1. #11
    Thank you jack for suggesting this great editor, i have installed it with the Plugins for Geany, and once i have opened a Pascal file she recognize it automaticaly, and the best she know the name of the necessary compiler and its settings in the set build commands whithout i do anything

  2. #12
    Eros, i hope i am not annoying you of this bold question, what is the possibilities of you and/or Michael to create a small and prototype basic language compiler which are made by free pascal not from c/c++. in fact it will be the first time in the history a basic language made from pascal, it can be just an experiment over the long years. certainly i can't make an interpreter or a compiler (i'm over 60 yo). only the experienced developers can . i just feel excited of the mere idea.

  3. #13
    thinBasic MVPs Michael Hartlef's Avatar
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    Back in the days (around 2007, 2008 I think), I was playing with COCO/R for Pascal. With it I was able to create a simple BASIC language that got translated to pascal and used FreePascal to create an executable. So it is definitely doable. Atm. I am creating a game which I want to commercialize on Steam.

    Btw. there were projects before that used a BAS2PAS attemp.

  4. #14
    Thanks Michael for the info, i have followed the search for BAS2PAS and have found also BASIC Accelerator Ver. (2016.01.18 ) , it is using QB basic syntax
    but unfortunately it needs older lazarus versions, 1.0 or 1.0.14
    i have installed now the old lazarus 1.0.14
    the BASICAcc should be in a path without spaces such as C:\BASICAcc . there are many math and graphics examples in the BASICAcc folder, there are 3D examples inside sample folder such as 3DVIEW , also Chaos and Julia set examples... etc, and it works well . also when we press F8 the pascal equivalent to QB basic is provided in another window and the original basic lines are commented.
    EDIT:: it seems to work with the latest lazarus compiler, only install it without spaces in path like this: c:\lazarus, and install BASICAcc like this C:\BASICAcc, and in BASICAcc ide change setup->path to C:\lazarus\fpc\3.0.0\bin\i386-win32
    Last edited by primo; 09-04-2016 at 08:50.

  5. #15
    thinBasic author ErosOlmi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by primo View Post
    Eros, i hope i am not annoying you of this bold question, what is the possibilities of you and/or Michael to create a small and prototype basic language compiler which are made by free pascal not from c/c++. in fact it will be the first time in the history a basic language made from pascal, it can be just an experiment over the long years. certainly i can't make an interpreter or a compiler (i'm over 60 yo). only the experienced developers can . i just feel excited of the mere idea.
    You are never annoying!

    Well thinBasic is written using PowerBasic compiler, so it is not C/C++
    I think that it is possible to implement any interpreter in whatever compiled language
    PowerBasic as a back-end compiler is the best for me in terms of easy to learn and power: a huge set of native commands, great flexibility with pointers and (for me) the best string handling.

    FreePascal is as good as PowerBasic in many aspects and even more but in 2004 I started using PowerBasic so it was quite complex to switch to using another compiler after almost 250 thousands lines of code of thinBasic sources.
    But to develop thinBasic modules, any compiler able to handle BSTR strings can be used.

    BSTR strings, called also BASIC strings or OLE32 strings or COM strings (because used in COM components), are very powerful but many compilers does not implement that because they are specific to Windows world and need some special functions present in Microsoft OLE32 library using Sys* functions. More info on BSTR: | |
    Windows 10 Pro for Workstations 64bit - 32 GB - Intel(R) Xeon(R) W-10855M CPU @ 2.80GHz - NVIDIA Quadro RTX 3000

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