Case study: Array Extract added to ThinBASIC
User requests a functionality to be able to extract data matching specified criteria. One of them is "Starts with". So we need to:
- prepare representative enough data set for tests
- perform the extraction, and verify that:
-- expected number of items is returned
-- expected content of new array items is returned
Let's start with the data set. I think it should not be too huge, and it should be easy to understand. So let's set target for filtering everything starting with "H":
String items(5) = "Hi there", "Hello", "Howdy", "Ciao", "See ya"
Then we need to perform the command:
String processed()
Array Extract items, StartsWith "H" InTo processed
And as a last step, verify, those 2 criteria mentioned, can be done via:
ut_AssertEqual(3, CountOf(processed)) ' -- Because 3 items start with H
ut_AssertEqualText("Hi there", processed(1))
ut_AssertEqualText("Hello" , processed(2))
ut_AssertEqualText("Howdy" , processed(3))
It is good practice to cast single type of verification per test, so this would actually end with two tests. The test_ prefix is mandatory in my testing engine, rest is up to you:
Function test_ArrayExtract_StartsWithModifier_CorrectItemCount()
String items(5) = "Hi there", "Hello", "Howdy", "Ciao", "See ya"
String processed()
Array Extract items, StartsWith "H" InTo processed
ut_AssertEqual(3, CountOf(processed))
End Function
Function test_ArrayExtract_StartsWithModifier_CorrectItemContent()
String items(5) = "Hi there", "Hello", "Howdy", "Ciao", "See ya"
String processed()
Array Extract items, StartsWith "H" InTo processed
ut_AssertEqualText("Hi there", processed(1))
ut_AssertEqualText("Hello" , processed(2))
ut_AssertEqualText("Howdy" , processed(3))
End Function
...the name of the function should be descriptive enough, to give you idea about what is being tested.
Following the same logic, the other functions, covering EndsWith, Contains and Collate Ucase modifier are made:
Curious question - is this coverage enough?
(no - but can you guess why?)