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Thread: Point2D + Point2DCollection: Reusable units for your projects

  1. #1
    Super Moderator Petr Schreiber's Avatar
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    Point2D + Point2DCollection: Reusable units for your projects

    In case anyone would have need for Point2D and collection of such a data, I prepared units for it.
    They are fully unit tested and I use them in my projects, so I trust them enough to share.

    Key advantages:
    • smart memory management (adding points does not always mean reallocating)
    • built in serialization/deserialization to/from string, so you can easily store/load from files, if needed for example

    Full code in the attachements, here a little code to give you idea:
    Uses "Console"
    #INCLUDE "Point2DCollection.tBasicU" ' -- All you need to use the type
    Dim points As Point2DCollection
    points.Initialize() ' -- Allocates internal structures
      points.AddPoint(1, 2)
      points.AddPoint(3, 4)
                      30, 40) ' -- Alter the data for second point
      points.AddPoint(5, 6)
      Long i
      Dim p As Point2D
      PrintL "Point set, one by one:"
      For i = 1 To points.GetPointCount()
        p = points.GetPoint(i)  ' -- Retrieves copy of the data you can work further with
        PrintL p.ToString()     ' -- Serialization to string
      String serializedBackup = points.ToString()
      PrintL "Point set, in one go: " + points.ToString()
      points.RemovePoint(1) ' -- Remove one point, or...
      PrintL "Point set with first point gone, in one go: " + points.ToString()
      points.RemoveAll()    ' -- all of them
      PrintL "Point set with all points gone, in one go (nothing, because empty): " + points.ToString()
      points.FromString(serializedBackup) ' -- Deserialization from string is built in
      PrintL "New set, loaded from backup string:" + points.ToString()
    points.Release() ' -- When you are done, release memory
    PrintL "Press any key to quit..."
    Feel free to use in your projects...

    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by Petr Schreiber; 14-06-2015 at 21:10.
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