More info about new Bundling options can be found in Help:
A little script example showing new #BUNDLE options.
Those options will be interpreted by Bundle procedure and used before creating executable.
Icon can also be changed at Bundling time directly into Bundle dialog.
All those options can now be easily inserted once and for all into your script and maintained directly while you code your source.
Uses "Console"
'APP_SetScriptVersion (1, 5, 6, 7)
'---Optional name of the output executable
'---Full or relative path can be indicated.
'---If output path does not exists, it will be created
#BUNDLE Name ".\MyFirstApplication"
'---Name of the executable icon (any Windows supported formats)
'---Full or relative path can be indicated
#BUNDLE Icon "Application2.ico"
'---Supported executable Version info to include into the executable
#BUNDLE Version "Comments" , "Test script for testing thinBundle"
#BUNDLE Version "CompanyName" , "ThinBASIC"
#BUNDLE Version "FileDescription" , "Test script for testing thinBundle"
#BUNDLE Version "LegalCopyright" , "Copyright 2014 All right reserved"
#BUNDLE Version "LegalTrademarks" , "Legal Trademarks can be found on the web site"
#BUNDLE Version "ProductName" , "Application"
#BUNDLE Version "ProductVersion" , ""
#BUNDLE Version "FileVersion" , ""
PrintL "I'm inside script executed from inside application"
PrintL "---Press any key to continue---"