I got crazy but I should have fixed.
Despite BASS documentation of BASS_ChannelSeconds2Bytes says it returns a QUAD, in reality it returns a DWORD.
Attached a fixed thinBasic_TBASS.DLL library. To use unzip thinBasic_TBASS.DLL into \thinBasic\Lib\ directory replacing your current one.
Fix will be present in next thinBasic release.
Script example:
Function TBMain()
Dim Channel As DWord
Dim SamChannel As DWord
Dim CurrentPos_Bytes As Quad
Dim CurrentPos_Seconds As Double
If TBASS_Init(-1, 44100, 0, 0, 0) = 0 Then Stop
'---"BlackBox.mp3" is inside the following directory: \thinBasic\SampleScripts\TBASS\
Channel = TBASS_StreamCreateFile(%TBASS_FALSE, "BlackBox.mp3", 0, 0, %TBASS_STREAM_PRESCAN )
PrintL "TBASS_GetVersion.....................:", Hex$(TBASS_GetVersion)
PrintL "Channel..............................:", Channel
PrintL "TBASS_ChannelGetLength...............:", TBASS_ChannelGetLength(Channel)
PrintL "TBASS_ChannelSeconds2Bytes.15........:", TBASS_ChannelSeconds2Bytes (Channel, 15)
PrintL "Error................................:", TBASS_ErrorGetCode & " " & TBASS_ErrorToString(TBASS_ErrorGetCode)
PrintL "TBASS_ChannelBytes2Seconds 1700000...:", Format$(TBASS_ChannelBytes2Seconds (Channel, 1700000), "#0.00")
PrintL "Error................................:", TBASS_ErrorGetCode & " " & TBASS_ErrorToString(TBASS_ErrorGetCode)
PrintL "TBASS_ChannelSetPosition.............:", TBASS_ChannelSetPosition(Channel, TBASS_ChannelSeconds2Bytes (Channel, 15) )
PrintL "Error................................:", TBASS_ErrorGetCode & " " & TBASS_ErrorToString(TBASS_ErrorGetCode)
PrintL "---Press any key to stop. Execution will stop at the end of the ChannelPlay---"
TBASS_ChannelPlay(Channel, %TBASS_FALSE)
While Len(Console_InKeyB) = 0 And TBASS_ChannelIsActive(Channel)
CurrentPos_Bytes = TBASS_ChannelGetPosition(Channel)
CurrentPos_Seconds = TBASS_ChannelBytes2Seconds(Channel, CurrentPos_Bytes)
PrintAt "Current position in bytes............: " & CurrentPos_Bytes , 1, 15
PrintAt "Current position in seconds..........: " & Format$(CurrentPos_Seconds, "#0.00") , 1, 16
PrintAt "Current position in seconds to bytes.: " & TBASS_ChannelSeconds2Bytes(Channel, CurrentPos_Seconds) , 1, 17
End Function