... did you ever wondered, how productive you would be in writing anything, if every touch to the keyboard would cause different sound?
Well, that indicates you are... sane But just in case, try this script:
Uses "WinMM", "UI"
Begin Const
%MIDI_ChangeInstrument = 192
%MIDI_NoteOn = 144
%MIDI_NoteOff = 128
End Const
Function TBMain()
Long hmidiOut
Long instrument, duration, note, i
Single velocity
velocity = 50
note = 50
duration = 4
Long Device = 0
Long tNow, tLast
MidiOut_Close hmidiOut
If MidiOut_Open hmidiOut, 0, Device, 0, 0 <> 0 Then
MsgBox 0, "Unable to open MidiOut port!"
Exit Function
End If
tLast = GetTickCount
tNow = GetTickCount
For i = 1 To 255
If GetAsyncKeyState(i) Then
velocity = Rnd(0,127)
note = Rnd(0,127)
instrument = Rnd(0,127)
MidiOut_ShortMsg hmidiOut, Rgb(%MIDI_ChangeInstrument, instrument, 127)
MidiOut_ShortMsg hmidiOut, Rgb(%MIDI_NoteOn, 12 + note, velocity)
Sleep duration
MidiOut_ShortMsg hmidiOut, Rgb(%MIDI_NoteOff, 12 + note, 127)
tLast = GetTickCount
End If
If GetAsyncKeyState(%VK_ESCAPE) Then
Exit Do
End If
MidiOut_Close hmidiout
End Function
Once the headache comes, simply press ESC anytime, and the keyboard will stop doing those... noises.
Have a nice weekend!,
P.S. Tip: Do not run this script from thinAir, but launch it by clicking. This will allow smooth thinAir "experience"