Here attached a new update.
Excel_Range has now Font property that can be used to get/set font properties of cells in Range.
See example below.
Full sources can be found at GitHub at
Attached the ThinBASIC_Excel.DLL library. Just put the library and the example script into a directory to test it.
Here few lines of a script in order to show how to use.
Uses "Excel"
Uses "File"
Uses "Console"
Randomize Timer
Function Out(ByVal sMessage As String, Optional lLevel As Long, ByVal Wait As Long)
' Output some message
PrintL Time$, String$(lLevel * 2, " ") & sMessage
If Wait = %TRUE Then
PrintL "---Press a key to continue---"
End If
End Function
Function TBMain() As Long
Dim sXlsFileName As String
Dim xApp As Excel_Application
Dim xWorkBook As Excel_Workbook
Dim xSheet As Excel_Worksheet
Dim xRange As Excel_Range
Dim x, y As Long
sXlsFileName = APP_ScriptFullName & ".xlsx"
'---Create a new Excel Application COM Server instance
xApp = New Excel_Application
'---Set Visible to TRUE so we can see what's going on
xApp.Visible = %TRUE
'---Create Excel workbook
If FILE_Exists(sXlsFileName) Then
Out("Opening file: " & sXlsFileName)
xWorkBook = xApp.WorkBooks.Open(sXlsFileName)
Out("Creating a new empty workbook")
xWorkBook = xApp.WorkBooks.Add
End If
Out("Workbook name is: " & xWorkBook.Name)
Out("Workbook full name is: " & xWorkBook.FullName)
'---Get the activesheet
xSheet = xApp.Activesheet
Out("Active sheet name is actually: " & xSheet.Name)
'---Change Sheet name (here Set and Get of a Sheet Name)
xSheet.Name = "thinBasic_Test_" & Replace$(Timer, ".", "_")
Out("Changed sheet name to: " & xSheet.Name)
'---Write some text into Excel sheet
Out("Start filling some cells. Timer start: " & Timer)
For y = 1 To 100
For x = 1 To 5
xSheet.Cells(y, x).Value = "Cell " & Chr$(x + Asc("A") - 1) & Format$(y)
x = 6
xSheet.Cells(Y, X).Value = y + y / Rnd(1, 10)
x = 7
xSheet.Cells(Y, X).Value = Format$(Rnd(-1000, 1000), "$#,.00")
Out("End filling some cells. Timer End: " & Timer)
'---Working with sheet.range
Dim sRange As String
sRange = "A1:B3;D1:F10"
out("Working with range: " & sRange)
xRange = xSheet.Range(sRange)
xRange.Value = "X"
Sleep 1000
out("Range address " & xRange.Address)
out("Clearing A:Z")
xRange = xSheet.Range("A:Z")
out("Making some easy calculation")
xSheet.Cells(1, 1) = "Few random numbers"
For y = 1 To 20
xSheet.Cells(Y, 2) = Rnd(10, 2000)
xSheet.Cells(22, 1) = "Total"
xRange = xSheet.Range("B22")
xRange.Formula = "=Sum(B1:B20)"
xRange = xSheet.Range("D1:D20")
xRange.Formula = "=Sin(B1)"
xRange.HorizontalAlignment = %XlHAlign_xlHAlignCenter
xRange.ColumnWidth = 25
xRange = xSheet.Range("D22")
xRange.Formula = "=Sum(D1:D20)"
'---Change some font properties
xRange.Font.Name = "Arial"
xRange.Font.Size = 14
xRange.Font.Bold = %TRUE
xRange.Font.Italic = %TRUE
xRange.Font.Underline = %XlUnderlineStyle_xlUnderlineStyleSingle
xRange.Font.Color = Rgb(255, 0, 0)
xRange.Interior.Color = Rgb(255, 255, 0)
Out("Current font style is: " & xRange.Font.FontStyle)
out("Change some cells color background")
xSheet.Cells(1, 8).Value = "Changing some randomized color"
Randomize Timer
Long ColorIndex
For y = 2 To 100
For x = 1 To 10
sRange = Chr$(Asc("G") + x) & y & ":" & Chr$(Asc("G") + x) & y
xRange = xSheet.Range(sRange)
'---Using ColorIndex property
'xRange.Interior.ColorIndex = ColorIndex
'xRange.Value = ColorIndex
'Incr ColorIndex
'---Using color property
xRange.Interior.Color = Rgb(Rnd(0, 255), Rnd(0, 255), Rnd(0, 255))
'xRange.Interior.Color = Rgb(x * Y, x * y, Rnd(0, 255))
out("Sleeping some time in order to let see what's on video")
Sleep 5000
out("Clear color example area ...")
xRange = xSheet.Range("H:Z")
'---Tells Excel application to not show alerts (in this case alert about file already exists before saving)
out("Checking if file must be saved")
If xWorkBook.Saved = %FALSE Then
out("Tells Excel not to bother with alerts")
xApp.DisplayAlerts = %FALSE
If FILE_Exists(sXlsFileName) Then
out("File already exists so just save")
out("File does not exists so saving file to: " & sXlsFileName)
End If
out("Restoring standard alerts")
xApp.DisplayAlerts = %TRUE
End If
out("Closing active window")
out("Quitting Excel")
out("OK, test done. thinBasic will now close.", 0, %TRUE)
End Function