guess because Name became a Keyword for UI-module (Dialog New Name...)
exchange it to "sName" in the example and all should be fine.
I do wish to mentioned there is an error in the Tutorial example such as the console creation.
Such as:
Uses "Console"
Console_WriteLine("Hello, I am console, who are you?")
Dim Name As String = Console_ReadLine()
Console_WriteLine("Hello " + Name)
Console_WriteLine("Nice to see you again!")
The variable Name is not a String variable without the '$' on the end, Please do correct this!
guess because Name became a Keyword for UI-module (Dialog New Name...)
exchange it to "sName" in the example and all should be fine.
I think there are missing some Forum-sections as beta-testing and support
Thanks for reporting this,
the $ is not mandatory for string variables in ThinBASIC, but Rene hit the nail on the head.
Fix done, sent to Eros, will be present in next release!
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