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Thread: new programming language from Wolfram

  1. #1
    thinBasic MVPs kryton9's Avatar
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    new programming language from Wolfram

    Sounds promising, am looking forward for this one.

    Here is an incredible Ted talk by Stephen Wolfram
    Last edited by kryton9; 16-11-2013 at 02:12.

  2. #2
    Thanks Kryton9

    Interesting ! ... that's the man from Mathematic, not ?

    Maybe this is interesting too ...

    Compiles to many platforms Win,Linux,Apple, Android ...

    I've downloaded it, but only made something very tiny as a test ...

    best Rob

  3. #3
    thinBasic MVPs kryton9's Avatar
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    Yes Wolfram is the creator of Mathmatica.

    LiveCode, is very nice. I downloaded and played with it. It is HyperTalk alternative that grew into much more as Run Revolution (RunRev). Now they opened it up sort of with this new name and IDE. There is work with opengl being done for it. I am keeping an eye on it as I am interested in 3D graphics.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by kryton9 View Post

    Sounds promising, am looking forward for this one.

    Here is an incredible Ted talk by Stephen Wolfram
    I remember being quite disappointed when I read "A new kind of science" which certainly didn't overturn all of Western Science and Knowledge as Wolfram had claimed it would. So I think I will take his new language quite cautiously and wait to see how good it really is. Besides I think there is something close to a Law of the Preservation of Complexity. Any attempt to make programming very simple in one area usually results in Greater complexity somewhere else.


  5. #5
    thinBasic MVPs kryton9's Avatar
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    I'm more of an optimist when it comes to things done by guys like Wolfram. Mathmatica code does so much in a just a few lines and Wolfram Alpha results can bring so much useful data in one search that would be many google searches and then the time taking to collate it all. I think his new language will make use of all that is in his arsenal and present access to it all in an easy to use language. It will be fresh to see a different approach that I think will be exciting. I guess we will see soon enough.

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