Michael, I am getting this error-- see attached image.
My knowledge of networking is quite limited and I wanted to know the netmask for a project I am working on so I came up with the script below.
Can I have some feedback on this, is it correct ?
I removed the code be it was rubbish.
Last edited by Michael Clease; 27-10-2013 at 23:31.
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Michael, I am getting this error-- see attached image.
I think the error can be fixed by renaming mynetmask to mynet at line 10.
Mike - I can't confirm whether it is correct or not, my knowledge of networking is as good as my knowledge of quantum mechanics...
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you are correct, it was a last minute rename of a variable without running the script.
I fixed it now.
It is a nonsense answer I need to look for an api solution but its evading me at the moment, i'm sure its something to do with an ip class somewhere.
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please get attached new thinBasic_iNet.dll that will be present in next release. Copy it into \thinBasic\Lib\ directory replacing your current one.
I've added a couple of new functions that hopefully will solve the problem:
- INet_GetInterfaces returns the number of network interfaces present in your machine
- iNet_GetSubNet(index) will return the subnet mask of a particulat interface number
Let me know if it worksUses "inet"Uses "Console" Long lCount PrintL "Number of interfaces present:", INET_GetInterfaces PrintL "--------------------------------------" For lCount = 1 To INET_GetInterfaces PrintL lCount, INET_GetIp(lCount), inet_GetSubNet(lCount) Next PrintL "---Press a key to finish--------------" WaitKey
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I will test the code tomorrow, I can see some enhancements that could be added but I will let you know if I have been blown over to France by these winds.
Home Desktop : Windows 7 - Intel Pentium (D) - 3.0 Ghz - 2GB - Geforce 6800GS
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Thanks Eros it worked very well, below is what I had found out (with help from PB forums)
Uses "CONSOLE" '// Definitions and structures used by getnetworkparams and getadaptersinfo apis %MAX_ADAPTER_DESCRIPTION_LENGTH = 128 ' // arb. %MAX_ADAPTER_NAME_LENGTH = 256 ' // arb. %MAX_ADAPTER_ADDRESS_LENGTH = 8 ' // arb. %ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW = 111 %ERROR_SUCCESS = 0 Type IP_ADDRESS_STRING sString As String * 4 * 4 ' char String[4 * 4] End Type Type IP_MASK_STRING sString As String * 4 * 4 ' char String[4 * 4] End Type '// '// IP_ADDR_STRING - store an IP address with its corresponding subnet mask, '// both as dotted decimal strings '// Type IP_ADDR_STRING pNext As IP_ADDR_STRING Ptr ' struct _IP_ADDR_STRING* Next IpAddress As IP_ADDRESS_STRING ' IP_ADDRESS_STRING IpAddress IpMask As IP_MASK_STRING ' IP_MASK_STRING IpMask Context As DWord ' DWORD Context End Type '// '// ADAPTER_INFO - per-adapter information. All IP addresses are stored as '// strings '// Type tIP_ADAPTER_INFO pNext As tIP_ADAPTER_INFO Ptr ComboIndex As DWord AdapterName As String * (%MAX_ADAPTER_NAME_LENGTH + 4) Description As String * (%MAX_ADAPTER_DESCRIPTION_LENGTH + 4) AddressLength As DWord bAddress(%MAX_ADAPTER_ADDRESS_LENGTH - 1) As Byte Index As DWord uType As DWord DhcpEnabled As DWord CurrentIpAddress As IP_ADDR_STRING Ptr IpAddressList As IP_ADDR_STRING GatewayList As IP_ADDR_STRING DhcpServer As IP_ADDR_STRING HaveWins As Long PrimaryWinsServer As IP_ADDR_STRING SecondaryWinsServer As IP_ADDR_STRING LeaseObtained As Long LeaseExpires As Long End Type Declare Function GetAdaptersInfo Lib "iphlpapi.dll" Alias "GetAdaptersInfo" ( _ ByRef pAdapterInfo As tIP_ADAPTER_INFO, _ ' __out PIP_ADAPTER_INFO pAdapterInfo ByRef pOutBufLen As DWord _ ' __in_out PULONG pOutBufLen ) As DWord ' DWORD Dim ADAPT As String Dim Adapters(1) As tIP_ADAPTER_INFO Dim Counter As Long adapt = getdg(Adapters) For Counter = 1 To UBound(Adapters) PrintL "Adapter"+Counter+" Adapter Name = "+Trim$(Adapters(Counter).AdapterName, $NUL) PrintL "Adapter"+Counter+" Description = "+Trim$(Adapters(Counter).Description, $NUL) PrintL "Adapter"+Counter+" Gateway address = "+Trim$(Adapters(Counter).Gatewaylist.Ipaddress.sString, $NUL) PrintL "Adapter"+Counter+" IP address = "+Trim$(Adapters(Counter).IpAddressList.Ipaddress.sString, $NUL) PrintL "Adapter"+Counter+" Netmask = "+Trim$(Adapters(Counter).IpAddressList.IPmask.sString, $NUL)+$CRLF Next PrintL "---Press a key to finish--------------" WaitKey Function GETDG(ByRef AdapterArray) As String Local cbRequired As DWord Local AdapterCount As DWord' Value = 1 If GetAdaptersInfo(ByVal 0, cbRequired)=%ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW Then AdapterCount = cbRequired \ SizeOf(tIP_ADAPTER_INFO) ReDim AdapterArray(AdapterCount) If GetAdaptersInfo(ByVal VarPtr(AdapterArray(1)), cbRequired) = %ERROR_SUCCESS Then End If End If End Function '--------------------------------------
Last edited by Michael Clease; 29-10-2013 at 15:42.
Home Desktop : Windows 7 - Intel Pentium (D) - 3.0 Ghz - 2GB - Geforce 6800GS
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Work Desktop : Windows 10 - Intel I7 - 4 Ghz - 8GB - Quadro Fx 370