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Thread: Release the beast: Get$/Set$/GetPtr

  1. #1
    thinBasic MVPs
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    Lightbulb Release the beast: Get$/Set$/GetPtr

    the most dirty approach ever- but surprisingly it works.

    Three functions that work on variables and one-dimensional arrays of strings and fixed size udts:


    This was the beginning, one page further and somewhere at the recents posts you'll find LazyFun.tBasicU - so this example just demonstrates what's possible.
    In the meantime there's much more - there are a lot of functions to pointers, heap and even storing multidynamic data
    -find an overview here
    Dword myPtr = GetPtr(ByVal sVariableName as String, Optional Index as Long, lSize as Long)
    pass any variables name to receive a pointer,
    give an index if you want a pointer to a certain element of one-dimensional arrays
    pass for example a SizeOf() to lSize if you want a pointer to an non-string-array-element
    String sContent = Get$(Byval sVariableName as String, Optional Index as Long, lSize as Long)
    pass any variables name to receive its content in form of a string
    give an index if you want the content of a certain element of one-dimensional arrays
    pass for example a SizeOf() to lSize if you want the content of a non-string-array-element
    pass lSize to receive just "Left$(lSize)" of a string-array-element
    Dword myNewPtr = Set$(Byval sVariableName as String, byval sData as String, Optional Index as Long)
    pass any variables name to change its content to sData
    give an index if you want to change a certain element of one-dimensional arrays
    receive the variables (new) pointer or 0 if fails

    Uses "console"
    Declare Function VarInfo Lib "thinCore.DLL"                    _
                           Alias "thinBasic_VariableGetInfoEX"     _
                              (                                       _
                                ByVal SearchKey   As String         , _
                                ByRef MainType    As Long           , _   '---ATTENTION: parameter passed BYREF will return info
                                ByRef SubType     As Long           , _   '---ATTENTION: parameter passed BYREF will return info
                                ByRef IsArray     As Long           , _   '---ATTENTION: parameter passed BYREF will return info
                                ByRef DataPtr     As Long           , _   '---ATTENTION: parameter passed BYREF will return info
                                ByRef nElements   As Long           , _   '---ATTENTION: parameter passed BYREF will return info
                                Optional                              _
                                ByVal WhichLevel  As Long             _   
                              ) As Long
    %Is_String = 30
    ' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------                
    Function GetPtr(ByVal sName As String, Optional Index As Long, lSize As Long) As DWord
      ' returns pointer to any variable passed by name
      If Not VARIABLE_Exists(sName) Then Return 0
      Local lMainType, lSubType, lIsArray, lDataPtr, lnElements  As DWord
      VarInfo(sName, lMainType, lSubType, lIsArray, lDataPtr, lnElements)
      If Between(Index, 1, lnElements) Then 
        If lMainType = %Is_String Then
          Return Peek(DWord, lDataPtr + (Index - 1) * SizeOf(DWord)) 
          Return lDataPtr + (Index-1) * lSize   
        If lMainType = %Is_String Then
          Return Peek(DWord, lDataPtr)
          Return lDataPtr
    End Function
    ' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Function Get$(ByVal sName As String, Optional Index As Long, lSize As Long) As String
      ' returns content of variable passed by name
      If Not VARIABLE_Exists(sName) Then Return ""
      Local lMainType, lSubType, lIsArray, lDataPtr, lnElements  As DWord
      Local realPtr, realSize As DWord
      VarInfo(sName, lMainType, lSubType, lIsArray, lDataPtr, lnElements)
      If All( _ 
             lIsArray <> 0, _
             Between(Index, 1, lnElements) _
            ) Then  
        If lMainType = %Is_String Then 
          realPtr = Peek(DWord, lDataPtr + (Index - 1) * SizeOf(DWord)) 
          realSize = Peek(DWord, realPtr - SizeOf(DWord)) 
          If realSize = 0 Then Return ""
          If Between(lSize, 1, realSize) Then
            Function = Memory_Get(realPtr, lSize)
            Function = Memory_Get(realPtr, realSize)
        ElseIf lSize > 0 Then    
          Function = Memory_Get(lDataPtr + (Index - 1) * lSize, lSize)
        If lMainType = %Is_String Then   
          realPtr = Peek(DWord, lDataPtr)
          realSize = Peek(DWord, realPtr - SizeOf(DWord)) 
          If realSize = 0 Then Return ""
          If Between(lSize, 1, realSize) Then
            Function = Memory_Get(realPtr, lSize)
            Function = Memory_Get(realPtr, realSize)
        ElseIf lSize > 0 Then 
          Function = Memory_Get(lDataPtr, lSize)
    End Function    
    ' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Function Set$(ByVal sName As String, ByVal sData As String, Optional Index As Long) As DWord
      ' change value of any variable passed by name
      ' returns pointer to (new) variables location
      If Not VARIABLE_Exists(sName) Then Return 0
      Local lMainType, lSubType, lIsArray, lDataPtr, lnElements As DWord
      Local lDummyPtr As DWord
      VarInfo(sName, lMainType, lSubType, lIsArray, lDataPtr, lnElements)
      If All( _ 
              lIsArray <> 0, _
              Between(Index, 1, lnElements) _
             ) Then
        If lMainType = %Is_String Then 
          VarInfo("sData", lMainType, lSubType, lIsArray, lDummyPtr, lnElements)
        ' -- this does the trick:
          Memory_Swap(lDataPtr + (Index - 1) * SizeOf(DWord), lDummyPtr, SizeOf(DWord)) 
          Function = Peek(DWord, lDataPtr + (Index - 1) * SizeOf(DWord))
        ElseIf sData <> "" Then
          Memory_Set(lDataPtr + (Index - 1) * Peek(DWord, StrPtr(sData) - 4), sData) 
          Function = lDataPtr + (Index - 1) * Peek(DWord, StrPtr(sData) - 4) 
        If lMainType = %Is_String Then 
          VarInfo("sData", lMainType, lSubType, lIsArray, lDummyPtr, lnElements)
        ' -- dirty- ain't it?  
          Memory_Swap(lDataPtr, lDummyPtr, SizeOf(DWord)) 
          Function = Peek(DWord, lDataPtr)
        ElseIf sData <> "" Then
          Memory_Set(lDataPtr, sData) 
          Function = lDataPtr
    End Function
    ' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ' all from here is just some testing:
    Dim foo As String = "abc" 
    Dim dog As Ext = 1.2345678
    Dim oops(3) As String
    Type t_udt
      a As Byte
      b As Long
      c As Double
    End Type   
    Dim udt(5) As t_udt  
    Dim dummy As t_udt
    Dim i As Long
      PrintL $CRLF + "First test: simple string-variable"   + $CRLF
      PrintL "assign 'abc' to 'foo' now"
      foo = "abc"
      PrintL "foo-ptr    :" + Str$(GetPtr("foo"))
      PrintL "foo-content: " + foo
      PrintL "Get$('foo'): " + Get$("foo")
      PrintL $CRLF
      PrintL "Set$('foo','hello world!') now"
      PrintL "foo-ptr    :" + Str$(Set$("foo", "hello world!"))
      PrintL "foo-content: " + foo
      PrintL "Get$('foo'): " + Get$("foo")
      PrintL $CRLF + "any key to continue" + $CRLF
      PrintL $CRLF + "Second test: string-array" + $CRLF
      For i = 1 To 3
        PrintL "Set$('oops','I am oops(" + i + ")', " + i + ") now" 
        Set$("oops","I am oops("+ i +")", i)
      For i = 1 To 3
        PrintL "oops("+i+") contains: " + oops(i) 
        PrintL "Get$('oops',"+i+")  : " + Get$("oops", i)
      PrintL $CRLF + "any key to continue" + $CRLF
      PrintL $CRLF + "Third test: simple numeric variable" + $CRLF
      PrintL "dog current :" + Str$(dog)
      PrintL "dog-pointer :" + Str$(GetPtr("dog"))
      PrintL $CRLF
      PrintL "double content now" 
      Set$("dog", MKE$( CVE(Get$("dog",, SizeOf(Ext))) * 2))
      PrintL "Get$('dog',,SizeOf(Ext)): " + CVE(Get$("dog",, SizeOf(Ext))) 
      PrintL "re-check dog            :" + Str$(dog)
      PrintL $CRLF + "any key to continue" + $CRLF
      PrintL $CRLF + "Fourth test: fixed size udt-array variable" + $CRLF
      dummy.a += 1
      dummy.b += 2   
      dummy.c += 3.45
      Set$("udt", Memory_Get(VarPtr(dummy), SizeOf(t_udt)), 3)
      PrintL "udt(3).a:" + Str$(udt(3).a)
      PrintL "udt(3).b:" + Str$(udt(3).b)
      PrintL "udt(3).c:" + Str$(udt(3).c)
      PrintL "------------------------------------------------"
      PrintL $CRLF + "ESC to end, any other key to re-run" + $CRLF
    Loop While WaitKey <> "[ESC]"
    Not possible:
    any actions on multidimensional arrays, there's only possible to receive pointer to very first element
    Set$/Get$ on udt-substrings directly
    Last edited by ReneMiner; 13-08-2013 at 18:03.
    I think there are missing some Forum-sections as beta-testing and support

  2. #2
    thinBasic MVPs
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    ok, on 2-dimensional arrays it would simple work by some multiplication + addition - but the user has to pass the correct calculated index. On moredimensional arrays one would need to know in which order they are stored. I don't...

    For udt-array-substrings user needs to swap the sub-pointers himself after retrieving them using Get$.

    Edit: now there's SetUdtStr to do that
    Last edited by ReneMiner; 05-08-2013 at 07:06.
    I think there are missing some Forum-sections as beta-testing and support

  3. #3
    Super Moderator Petr Schreiber's Avatar
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    Hi Rene,

    I can't get it to work, do you use some special thinCore by any chance? Can you run this script:
    Uses "Console", "File", "Crypto"
    $DLL_CORE = APP_Path+"thinCore.dll"       
    DWord  cSize = FILE_Size($DLL_CORE)
    DWord  cSig1 = HASH(1, $BIN_CORE)
    DWord  cSig2 = iCrypto_MD5($BIN_CORE)      
    String sOutput = "CoreTest v1.0" + $CRLF +           
                     "Core size        = " + Format$(cSize, "0,") + "b" + $CRLF +          
                     "Core signature 1 = " + Hex$(cSig1) + $CRLF +          
                     "Core signature 2 = " + Hex$(cSig2)                    
    PrintL sOutput
    PrintL "(Info above placed to clipboard now, press any key to quit)"
    On my PC I get:
    CoreTest v1.0
    Core size = 172,032b
    Core signature 1 = CC97657E
    Core signature 2 = A9A329C9

    Learn 3D graphics with ThinBASIC, learn TBGL!
    Windows 10 64bit - Intel Core i5-3350P @ 3.1GHz - 16 GB RAM - NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti 4GB

  4. #4
    thinBasic MVPs
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    this is what I got:

    CoreTest v1.0
    Core size = 172,032b
    Core signature 1 = 3E7670E0
    Core signature 2 = 1DCD6500
    I think there are missing some Forum-sections as beta-testing and support

  5. #5
    Super Moderator Petr Schreiber's Avatar
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    looking at the signatures - it means you have different core than me, that is the reason why it works for you and not for me. I am on PC with clean installation, I think, I didn't add any beta cores later.

    Learn 3D graphics with ThinBASIC, learn TBGL!
    Windows 10 64bit - Intel Core i5-3350P @ 3.1GHz - 16 GB RAM - NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti 4GB

  6. #6
    thinBasic MVPs
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    probably you're right. I think I have it from somewhere of this thread, page 2 at bottom - but I'm not sure about it (date) - can very well be it was posted inside this attachement.

    Anyway- there's a new version of Oxygen which uses in Examples\General\VarArrayPointers.tBasic the same thinCore-function - would you mind trying it?

    + + +

    One more script to test the attached unit-file - the functions from above are included and a 'few' more - so those functions still work as described above.
    I called it LazyFun(ctions) and it's filled with functions that I'd like to see as native tB-functions.
    A few more are on my list as to receive the size of a variable passed "byName" since it could improve a few of the already existing functions when user does not need to pass them as parameters nor my - for example listview - would need to have storage-varaiables to what amount one element is sized.

    So this is a script for test-run, should be saved next to the attachement.
    Uses "Console"
    #INCLUDE "lazyFun.tBasicU"
    ' ----------------
    '[] Heap
    ' ----------------
    DWord foo
    String sX = "123456789|"
    Heap_SetAt(VarPtr(foo), "I am an important thing to memorize")
    PrintL $CRLF + Heap_Get$(foo) + $CRLF
    PrintL $CRLF + "test instr-position: 'important' (9 chars)"
    PrintL "found here : '" + Memory_Get(foo + Heap_Instr(foo, "important") - 1, 9) +"'"
    Print $CRLF + "test Heap_Left$/Heap_Mid$:"
    PrintL Heap_Left$(foo, 7) + "other " + Heap_Mid$(foo, 19, 5)
    PrintL $CRLF + "test Heap_Right$ with fill-option:"
    PrintL sX + sX + sX+ sX + sX +"<< 50"
    PrintL Heap_Right$(foo, 50, Asc("."))
    PrintL "-----------------------------------------"
    PrintL $CRLF + "key to continue" + $CRLF
    PrintL $CRLF + "this is a copy of foo:"
    DWord dog = Heap_Copy(foo)
    PrintL $CRLF + Heap_Get$(dog)
    PrintL "append something now"
    Heap_AppendAt(VarPtr(dog), " too!")
    PrintL $CRLF + Heap_Get$(dog)
    PrintL "-----------------------------------------"
    PrintL $CRLF + "key to continue" + $CRLF
    PrintL $CRLF + "now resize to 50 bytes and fill with sX: '" + sX +"'"
    PrintL " 5 times, StrLen(sX): " + StrLen(sX)
    Heap_ResizeAt(VarPtr(dog), 5 * StrLen(sX))  
    Heap_Fill(dog, sX)
    PrintL $CRLF + Heap_Get$(dog)
    PrintL "-----------------------------------------"
    PrintL $CRLF + "key to continue" + $CRLF
    PrintL "dog-length = " + HEAP_Size(dog)
    PrintL "fill with 'hello world !'"
    Heap_Fill(dog, "hello world !")
    PrintL $CRLF + Heap_Get$(dog)
    PrintL $CRLF + "now resizing using %auto-switch"
    ' usually one would use SizeOf(some type) instead of Len here
    Heap_ResizeAt(VarPtr(dog), Len("hello world !"), %auto)                
    PrintL $CRLF + Heap_Get$(dog)
    PrintL "-----------------------------------------"
    PrintL $CRLF + "key to continue" + $CRLF
    ' ----------------
    '[] SetUDTStr/GetDataPtr
    ' ----------------
    PrintL $CRLF + "test to alter string inside udt"
    Type t_test
      A As Byte
      B As Long
      C As String
    End Type
    Dim test(12) As t_test
    SetUDTStr("test",7, UDT_ElementOffset(test(1).c), SizeOf(t_test), "I'm supposed to become no.7")
    foo = GetDataPtr("test",7, UDT_ElementOffset(test(1).c), SizeOf(t_Test))
    ' in case Stringpointer peek StrPtr+StrPtrLen -
    PrintL Memory_Get(Peek(DWord, foo), Peek(DWord, Peek(DWord, foo) - SizeOf(DWord)))
    ' but we have a function for this also:
    PrintL StrAtPtr$ foo
    PrintL test(7).c
    PrintL $CRLF + "test variable in UDT:"
    foo = GetDataPtr("test",6, UDT_ElementOffset(test(1).b), SizeOf(t_Test))
    PrintL "requested adress" + Str$(foo)
    PrintL "put 123 there" : Poke(Long, foo, 123)
    PrintL "check content" + Str$(test(6).b)
    'PrintL $CRLF + "key to continue" + $CRLF
    PrintL $CRLF + "key to end" + $CRLF
    Edit:attachement removed. Some functions have been changed. find LazyFun.tBasicU here
    Last edited by ReneMiner; 23-07-2013 at 19:56.
    I think there are missing some Forum-sections as beta-testing and support

  7. #7
    thinBasic MVPs
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    I'm still nosy- I rewrote part of it using oxygen based on the mentioned example and it would be of interest to me if it works then:
    Uses "Console", "Oxygen"
    ' shared points: 
    Dim As Long pGetAnyPtr
    Dim As Long pFinish
    ' setup O2-code:
    O2_Basic RawText
     'From ThinCore header
      ! thinBasic_VariableGetInfoEX Lib "thinCore.dll"  (String SearchKey, sys *pMainType,*pSubType,*pIsArray,*pDataPtr,*pnElements,WhichLevel) As sys
      '---Equates for variable Main Type
        %MainType_IsNumber        = 20&
        %MainType_String          = 30&
        %MainType_IsString        = %MainType_String
        %MainType_Variant        = 50&
        %MainType_IsVariant      = %MainType_Variant
        %MainType_UDT            = 60&
        %MainType_IsUDT          = %MainType_UDT
      '---Equates for variable Sub Type
        %SubType_Byte            =  1&
        %SubType_Integer          =  2&
        %SubType_Word            =  3&
        %SubType_DWord            =  4&
        %SubType_Long            =  5&
        %SubType_Quad            =  6&
        %SubType_Single          =  7&
        %SubType_Double          =  8&
        %SubType_Currency        =  9&
        %SubType_Ext             = 10&
        %SubType_AsciiZ          = 25& 
      Function GetAnyPtr(bstring varname, Optional sys n, Optional Long lSize, Optional Long lOffset ) As sys, link #pGetAnyPtr
      sys MainType, SubType, IsArray, DataPtr, nElements, WhichLevel
      thinBasic_VariableGetInfoEX Varname, MainType, SubType, IsArray, DataPtr, nElements, WhichLevel
      If MainType = %MainType_IsString Then
        If n <= nElements Then
          bstring Array At (DataPtr) 'thinBasic uses bstrings
          Return StrPtr Array[n]
          Return *DataPtr
        If n <= nElements And lSize > 0 Then DataPtr = DataPtr + (n-1) * lSize 
        DataPtr = DataPtr + lOffset
        Return DataPtr
      End If
      End Function
      Sub finish() link #pFinish
      End Sub         
    End RawText
    If O2_Error <> "" Then
      PrintL "Can not run - Error within o2-script:" + $CRLF
      PrintL O2_Error   
      ' can run
    End If     
    ' -----------------------------------------------------
    ' tB-section
    Declare Function GetAnyPtr(ByVal String, _
                      Optional ByVal DWord,  _
                      Optional ByVal Long,   _
                      Optional ByVal Long    _
                               ) As DWord At pGetAnyPtr
    Declare Sub Finish() At pFinish
    ' tests : 
    ' string-array
    String a(3)
    DWord p=GetAnyPtr("a",2)              'pointer to Bananas 
    If p Then PrintL Memory_Get(p, Peek(DWord, p - SizeOf(DWord)))   
    ' simple string
    String b = "I am here"
    p = GetAnyPtr("b")
    If p Then PrintL Memory_Get(p, Peek(DWord, p - SizeOf(DWord)))   
    PrintL $CRLF
    ' simple numeral
    DWord q = GetAnyPtr("p")
    If q Then 
      PrintL "p located at:" + Str$(q)
      PrintL "p contains  :" + Str$(Peek(DWord,q))
    PrintL $CRLF
    ' udt-array  
    Type t_Test
      X As Byte
      Y As String
      Z As Double
    End Type
    Dim test(12) As t_Test 
    ' udt-numeral
    Test(7).Z = 12.34567890 
    PrintL $CRLF + "ask for pointer to test(7).Z:"
    p = GetAnyPtr("test", 7, SizeOf(t_Test), UDT_ElementOffset(Test(1).Z))
    If p Then PrintL "found double at p: " + Peek(Double, p)
    PrintL $CRLF
    ' udt-string
    Test(8).Y = "I am test(8).Y"
    PrintL $CRLF + "ask for pointer to test(8).Y:"
    q = GetAnyPtr("test", 8, SizeOf(t_Test), UDT_ElementOffset(Test(1).Y))
    If q Then PrintL "found string at q: " + Memory_Get(Peek(DWord, q), Peek(DWord, Peek(DWord, q) - SizeOf(DWord)))
    PrintL $CRLF + "any key to end"
    Last edited by ReneMiner; 23-07-2013 at 15:24.
    I think there are missing some Forum-sections as beta-testing and support

  8. #8
    Super Moderator Petr Schreiber's Avatar
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    Works okay for me!

    Learn 3D graphics with ThinBASIC, learn TBGL!
    Windows 10 64bit - Intel Core i5-3350P @ 3.1GHz - 16 GB RAM - NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti 4GB

  9. #9
    thinBasic MVPs
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    Quote Originally Posted by Petr Schreiber View Post
    Works okay for me!

    Assume you mean the last posted test-script using oxygen and not the stuff above it - or did you get some other thinCore.dll in the meantime? - that tells me
    old thinCore had no optional WhichLevel ??? - or:
    it works through oxygen but not in plain thinBasic. so there must be something through using those "safe sys-pointer-variables".
    There's nothing equal to these in tB...yet...

    There seems to be an advantage using oxygen on thincore+pointer-stuff through using these sys-variables.
    Currently I'm trying some function to find out the size of an element, probably have to use Function thinBasic_ArrayGetInfo() for this but using it always crashes even if I request another Pointer using thinBasic_ArrayGetPtr().
    Last edited by ReneMiner; 23-07-2013 at 10:37.
    I think there are missing some Forum-sections as beta-testing and support

  10. #10
    Super Moderator Petr Schreiber's Avatar
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    Hi Rene,

    I got the core from the other thread you linked, so the examples started working for me.

    Learn 3D graphics with ThinBASIC, learn TBGL!
    Windows 10 64bit - Intel Core i5-3350P @ 3.1GHz - 16 GB RAM - NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti 4GB

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