very nice, I like this direction...good stuff
Can you tell something about supported mesh-formats already? Does it have own format?
thinBasic_Shiny3D (a sound & physics & 3D engine)
First tiny test of shadows not perfect atm. but hey it's under construction.
(Sorry about my bad English.)
very nice, I like this direction...good stuff
Can you tell something about supported mesh-formats already? Does it have own format?
Last edited by ReneMiner; 22-05-2013 at 08:59.
I think there are missing some Forum-sections as beta-testing and support
Nice demo! I observed only single issue: when I click maximize button, it just undecorates window.
Learn 3D graphics with ThinBASIC, learn TBGL!
Windows 10 64bit - Intel Core i5-3350P @ 3.1GHz - 16 GB RAM - NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti 4GB
hello joshy, do you have the link for the physik enging (body simulation) from freebasic that you have mentioned or have converted some days before? (something with "axis"?) I cannot find the post at the board at the moment. btw: do you have had big problems for converting the engine for thinbasic from freebasic site?
bye, largo
Last edited by largo_winch; 22-05-2013 at 11:05.
(first sorry about my bad english)The engine will be full scriptable ( so any Shiny3D user can add model importers of the prevered format.
Sound and physics can trigger script events.
That means you can add and compile individual scripts to every object.
Yes I will write a driving simulator.
All my objects and it's parts needs special properties like mass, dampers, jonts etc. for all driving vehicles.
(cars, trucks, traylers, 3D sound ...)
Thank you for the info it's currently a dirty preview and only tested on XP.
May be i will use an other or my own window framework in future.TrueAxis for thinBasic has tons of powerfull commands but it's only for private usage.
(You have to pay ~ 3000-5000$ for a commercial license in the past).
You can search for SPE, PhysX, Tokamak, ODE/OpenDE on the FreeBasic forum and transplate the *.bi files to thinBasic include files.
I tryed all and ported some of them for VB, FreeBasic and Basic4GL in the past.
I use ODE 0.12 for my own scriptable physics engine as backend.
SPE (none commercial) no special car physic but water and smoke.
Tokamak (free) I like it really but I never found the math error in capsule collision and responce and there are no cylinders as primary body.
Newton (free) but car's are far away from real cars (more like toys) and I don't like the interface at all.
TrueAxis (none commercial) ~500 powerfull commands car physics now better after i rewrote some parts of the C++ classes.
PhysX (free) i don't like it for car physic but it has many features like magnetiks, water etc. and can use the power of modern NVIDIA GPU's and of course CPU's on ATI/AMD.
OpenDe (free) good and really stable joint behaviors.
Some infos about Shiny3D:
I wrote the sound engine in assembler (DSP, mixer ...) and FreeBASIC wav, ,pm3, ogg. (Linux, Windows)
For image loading iuse the lib SOIL is in C (Linux, Windows)
GFX engine is in C++ and under construction. (Linux, Windows)
On modern cards OpenGL >= 2.0 I use VBO's, frame buffers and shaders but it will run on OpenGL 1.4 also.
If I don't get it all in near time I can use Irrlicht 1.8 for this job too.
Sript engine Squirrel (my favorit) is in C++ but has a simple C interface. (Linux, Windows)
Years ago I wrote the TCP / UDP network engine in PureBasic for my business. (Linux, Windows)
Physics engine I must create a special wheel C++ class for my needs. (Linux, Windows)
Again all objects of the engine can trigger events handled by C/C++, thinBasic, FreeBASIC, PureBasic, PowerBasic and Basic4GL via plugin also .
All parts are scriptable (3D objects, physics bodies, sound, user input, ...) via Squirrel compiled and really fast. (Linux, Windows)
All my C/C++ work will be a runtime engine for games and simulation. (Linux and Windows)
I will use thinBasic primary for the 3D world editor (like Unity3D, CryENGINE ...) to create and place the game content in the simualtion
and connect objects with physics, 3D sound and optinal event triggers with scripts.
Would be cool if a day has 36 hours or more
Last edited by D.J.Peters; 22-05-2013 at 16:42.
(Sorry about my bad English.)
1) thanks for your infos about True Axis and other ones, joshy![]()
2) I wanted to run shiny3d example, but it doesn't run on xp 2 window. I think the error message occurs because of not free-ing the library or delete it safely (while...wend) part. see my picture. if you start an example it's good in my eyes to see a screenshot for testing.
bye, largo
That all on infos you can give me? (what a shame)
If your current Desktop windows colors don't support 32 bits try fullscreen. (it will enable 32 bit's if aviable)
I have 3 boxes with win XP SP 3 (and linux of course) with different gfx cards here without any problems.
How ever the final version will suport 16,24,32 displays bit's too.
(Sorry about my bad English.)