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Thread: TBGL-3d-Editor [Announcement]

  1. #51
    info 1:

    rene, I would recommend to work with Dialog+TBGL combination :-) so you can drag and drop files (all data you can imagine) from one dialog to another. and I personal using sliders for different views, angles and much more. I didn't know why, but the loading times for your examples with primitives are high on my pc.

    My idea was to create one dialog only with material previews, cannot find the example but I tried already with success it, using ImageList features. and you can pick up the primitives with an ID list and can move it over openGL scene and more. "simone" (a very good italian programmer) has did a very interesting example for that case and I followed this way for an expanded tbgl/gui example (see the link info2 ) more at a later moment if you like.

    planets and gui

    bye, largo
    Last edited by largo_winch; 25-04-2013 at 22:08.

  2. #52
    thinBasic MVPs ReneMiner's Avatar
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    Yes, loading-times might be a little longer when importing obj-files. Needs some time to sort and arrange data into the right place and also the way the data to work with is organized in memory it needs some time to build the display-lists from. Since it's not an action game but an editor that has no time pressure, I don't bother 1 or 5 seconds here. All shipped examples in .TBGL3dEd-Format (except the triceratops) are on screen at the moment I click them in filelist but also the triceratops needs less than a quarter second here.

    Important seems to me that the data later work fast. If you read meshes above 5 MB - ok, it might display them- but the program is not intended to edit such big meshes. It's just supposed to edit mesh-groups which get attached to bones later with some other tool, to create small object as crates, furniture or to edit static interior meshes up to around 5000 faces which get build into scenes with some scene/world-editor later. So this program is only part 1 of the complete project.

    Using "UI"? No - not for this project.

    I don't like using callback-stuff and always to stumble across some hurdles which seem minor important on the first sight but detain me for hours from desired results. Callbacks need cumbersome ways to store other functions parameters because they're not valid in callback-function - so is like writing a script in two different languages to me. If I would like to use controls that behave as stupid as windows does and if it would be fun to me to deal with unforseen behaviour for countless hours just because windows-developers think it all has to work their ways, then I would use windows-controls probably.

    Now, since I've written the gadgets once - I get working controls onto the screen in no time flat. Just have to add one field to my array, set it's properties - done. And the good thing about this is: If I need some control that does not exist yet - I just can create it exactly the way I need it.
    So the "real" project hidden behind all this 3d is the Gadget-UI that now grows in background from the needs in different TBGL-situations/applications.

    Just as a reminder - I use tB since october last year. Currently I'm still learning the basics which are Core & File-Module mostly. These have real great functions and methods that I don't know from any other language - and I still discover new ones which makes it interesting to use and try out. Sometimes they are entry-point to think different ways and awake weired new ideas. And I use TBGL-module of course - to be honest: TBGL is that easy and straightforward, Petr and his little helpers did a real great job here - and I probably never had tried out thinBasic without it.

    I don't like the idea to move around, scale or rotate by scrolling some sliders - that's most indirect and cumbersome way and also scrollbars and sliders have an lower and upper limit. That does not fit for movement in endless worldspace. But probably there's no other possibility of movement when using windows-controls but I know I would not like always have to move the mouse over some slider before I can do the actual movement. If you wan't to move around by changing some control as you would do with sliders or scrollbars - use the textboxes in this program to their full functionality... point there with mouse - if you see some yellow background behind some numeral turn mousewheel...

    Who needs sliders or scrollbars? that's so 1992...
    I think there are missing some Forum-sections as beta-testing and support

  3. #53
    thinBasic MVPs ReneMiner's Avatar
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    A new Version available now - but you'll need either thinBasic + latest TBGL-Version or thinBasic to run it. As usual you'll find the download here and also attached to the first post of this thread.

    Latest changes:
    Now it's possible to drag any model or texture-file from windows-explorer or desktop into the Editor-window, thanks to Petr for implementing this great feature

    If you drag in a TBGL3dEd-Model, it will be added at 3d-Pointer-Position to the current mesh.

    If you drag in a texture-file, it will get applied to the active group. The fastest way to activate a group is to position the pointer close to some member (triangle) and hit F1 - wich will activate this triangle + it's group.

    If you drag in texture-files that are not saved to \Textures-Subfolder, the program will write a copy of the texture-file in own format to \Textures-path to have them available on next sessions load. So this version also "introduces" a new textures-format which I'm gonna use in further apps also...

    There's no more option to run fullscreen on start now, because of the new DragIn-functions.

    If you create bundle from this with tB , you will be capable of loading associated files as .TBGL3dEd, .Obj or .M15 just righclick them, choose "Open with..." - and select the .exe you've just created to open them.

    Snap-To-Grain now stays enabled, even if you jump to some position that does not meet the desired granularity. See a small symbol in up-right corner of top-menubar if Snap-To-Grain is enabled (still F12 to Enable/Disable - or rightclick coordinate-boxes)
    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by ReneMiner; 29-04-2013 at 20:23.
    I think there are missing some Forum-sections as beta-testing and support

  4. #54
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    Rene links to your "latest TBGL version." I go there and the topic is
    dated back in 2010. I downloaded the zip file. The files inside the zip
    are dated 04/29/2013. Is this correct, and, in fact, is this the latest

    P.S. I read the dll and the version is So it must be the latest.
    I hope so, because I copied the files to my As below, where's


    You're doing great!! Where's

    Last edited by Billbo; 29-04-2013 at 20:19.

  5. #55
    thinBasic MVPs ReneMiner's Avatar
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    the link is to the first post where the latest TBGL-Version always gets posted- so this is actual version- to get inofficial you need to check post before last in this or this support-thread- but I think Eros will update soon. For run in thinAir the latest TBGL-Version will serve
    I think there are missing some Forum-sections as beta-testing and support

  6. #56
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    Thanks a lot.


  7. #57
    thinBasic MVPs ReneMiner's Avatar
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    After having a few beer I need to push this up

    Why is this not finished yet? As Billbo says - it still loads too slow final data to display-list. Not for this progam itself- this won't get faster as it is I fear...even if there'll be some way to load faster- I'll have to sort the data to work with somehow...

    The way I use it currently is just "Save to text" - so data is written & can be copied & pasted to script which is very fast- only thing is to parse the lines to classify if TBGL_Vertex, TBGL_Texcoord2d or whatever - I only wait for some possibility to load complete data from HD to GPU - and however it is done: I'll get the data in there somehow - this program is not an action-game and intended to sort and arrange data in advance for later use anyway...

    I fear, there are only two people out there in the whole wide world who can do something about that
    Last edited by ReneMiner; 04-05-2013 at 19:37.
    I think there are missing some Forum-sections as beta-testing and support

  8. #58
    Ah, Thanks !!

    seems you put a lot of hours into it , appreciated !

    I'll try it out this evening , MeshLab can export to OBJ

    vielen Dank Rob

  9. #59
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    What happened with the pages of this topic. Some have changed,
    like page 6, and some are missing, like pages 7 and 8?


  10. #60
    thinBasic MVPs ReneMiner's Avatar
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    some user removed a lot of his posts - i can not tell his name because he's on my ignore-list now - but I also removed any of my responses to him since they were off-topic...
    and a few posts were "moderated away" by Petr long time ago already.

    So not to post here without any use, nosy people that have not seen it yet might check out my terrain-editor which i uploaded once again today.
    Not a new version - so a few users might know it already and can skip the 130 MB-download
    Last edited by ReneMiner; 23-03-2014 at 23:09.
    I think there are missing some Forum-sections as beta-testing and support

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