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Thread: Chapter 2, example 2: Testing device extensions

  1. #1
    Super Moderator Petr Schreiber's Avatar
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    Chapter 2, example 2: Testing device extensions

    The second strange new word from OpenCL world is "device". We already learned there can be 1 or more OpenCL platforms on your PC.

    Each of them can have 1 or more devices.

    Device is the actual hardware the OpenCL C code runs on.

    If you have 2 GPUs from same vendor on your PC, you have 1 platform but 2 devices.

    OpenCL allows you to choose which device(s) you want to use for calculation - you can pick one or all.

    The example code below lists device names, types and extensions.

    Comparing to the book original, I added going through devices for each platform and added their name and type (GPU/CPU) with OpenCL version support.

    So what I learn?
    How to enumerate OpenCL devices for platforms on your PC.

    So what I need to run it?
    You will need the latest ThinBASIC and OpenCL headers to run it + of course modern GPU or CPU.

    Code listing (full code in attachement!)
    ' -- NOTE: Enhanced to list the info for all installed platforms, with name + types of devices
    Uses "Console"
    #INCLUDE "%APP_INCLUDEPATH%/cl/cl.tBasicU"
    Function TBMain()
       /* Host/device data structures */
       tcl_platform_id platforms()    
       tcl_platform_id platform
       tcl_uint        num_platforms
       tcl_device_id   devices()   
       tcl_uint        num_devices, addr_data
       tcl_int         i, ErrCl, p
       tcl_device_type deviceType  
       /* Extension data */
       String name_data = Repeat$(48, " ")
       String ext_data = Repeat$(4096, " ") 
       String deviceTypeDescriptor
       /* Find number of platforms */
       ErrCL = clGetPlatformIDs(1, ByVal NULL, num_platforms)
       If (ErrCL < 0) Then        
          pError("Couldn't find any platforms.")            
          APP_SetReturnCode(1) : WaitKey : Exit Function
       End If
       /* Access all installed platforms */
       ReDim platforms(num_platforms)
       clGetPlatformIDs(num_platforms, platforms, ByVal NULL)        
       /* Platform name */
       Dim szName As Asciiz * 512
       Dim versionCL As Asciiz * 64
       For p = 1 To num_platforms   
         platform = platforms(p)
            CL_PLATFORM_NAME, sizeof(szName), ByVal VarPtr(szName), ByVal NULL)   
         PrintL "List of devices for platform #"+Format$(p) + ": " + szName
         /* Determine number of connected devices */
         ErrCl = clGetDeviceIDs(platform, CL_DEVICE_TYPE_ALL, 1, ByVal NULL, num_devices)
         If (ErrCl < 0) Or num_devices = 0 Then                
            pError("Couldn't find any devices")        
           /* Access connected devices */  
           ReDim devices(num_devices)
           clGetDeviceIDs(platform, CL_DEVICE_TYPE_ALL,             
                 num_devices, devices, ByVal NULL)                
           /* Obtain data for each connected device */
           For i = 1 To num_devices
              ErrCl = clGetDeviceInfo(devices(i), CL_DEVICE_NAME,         
                    Len(name_data), ByVal StrPtr(name_data), ByVal NULL)                
              If (ErrCl < 0) Then        
                 pError("Couldn't read extension data")
                 APP_SetReturnCode(1) : WaitKey : Exit Function
              End If                                                         
              ErrCl = clGetDeviceInfo(devices(i), CL_DEVICE_VERSION,         
                  SizeOf(versionCL), ByVal StrPtr(versionCL), ByVal NULL)             
              clGetDeviceInfo(devices(i), CL_DEVICE_ADDRESS_BITS,     
                    SizeOf(ext_data), addr_data, ByVal NULL)
              clGetDeviceInfo(devices(i), CL_DEVICE_TYPE,     
                    SizeOf(deviceType), ByVal VarPtr(deviceType), ByVal NULL)
              deviceTypeDescriptor = ""
              If Bit_Get(deviceType, LogB(2, CL_DEVICE_TYPE_DEFAULT)) Then deviceTypeDescriptor += "DEFAULT "
              If Bit_Get(deviceType, LogB(2, CL_DEVICE_TYPE_CPU)) Then deviceTypeDescriptor += "CPU "
              If Bit_Get(deviceType, LogB(2, CL_DEVICE_TYPE_GPU)) Then deviceTypeDescriptor += "GPU "
              If Bit_Get(deviceType, LogB(2, CL_DEVICE_TYPE_ACCELERATOR)) Then deviceTypeDescriptor += "ACCELERATOR "
              clGetDeviceInfo(devices(i), CL_DEVICE_EXTENSIONS,         
                    Len(ext_data), ByVal StrPtr(ext_data), ByVal NULL)            
              PrintL StrFormat$("NAME: {1}"+$CRLF+"TYPE: {2} ({3})"+$CRLF+"ADDRESS_WIDTH: {4}"+$CRLF+"EXTENSIONS: {5}", 
                    Trim$(name_data), deviceTypeDescriptor, versionCL, Trim$(addr_data), $CRLF+Replace$(TrimFull$(ext_data), " ", $CRLF))
          End If 
       PrintL "Press any key to continue..."   
    End Function
    Function pError( sError As String )
      PrintL sError
    End Function
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    Last edited by Petr Schreiber; 21-09-2012 at 22:28.
    Learn 3D graphics with ThinBASIC, learn TBGL!
    Windows 10 64bit - Intel Core i5-3350P @ 3.1GHz - 16 GB RAM - NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti 4GB

  2. #2
    Member REDEBOLT's Avatar
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    Question Will my laptop work?

    I am unable to find the file "OpenCL.DLL" on my computer.
    Can my computer use a version of an existing file?
    If so, where can I download it?

    Here is attachment of my computer's configuration:
    Attached Images Attached Images
    Last edited by REDEBOLT; 22-09-2012 at 06:36. Reason: Added Device Manager

  3. #3
    Super Moderator Petr Schreiber's Avatar
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    your hardware should be strong enough. Can you find atiocl.dll on your PC?
    If not, you could consider downloading AMD APP SDK. Here is direct link to 32bit version:

    It should contain opencl.dll or atiocl.dll. I remember I used it 3 years ago, now I have Intel and NVIDIA based system, so cannot test.

    If I remember correctly ATi deprecated the support for OpenCL on Radeon HD 4xxx series (which you have), but you still should be able to run it on your CPU.

    I think I took atiocl.dll, renamed it to opencl.dll and moved to the same directory as thinbasic.exe is located, but I am not sure if this step is still necessary, let me know how it went!

    Last edited by Petr Schreiber; 22-09-2012 at 14:09.
    Learn 3D graphics with ThinBASIC, learn TBGL!
    Windows 10 64bit - Intel Core i5-3350P @ 3.1GHz - 16 GB RAM - NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti 4GB

  4. #4
    thinBasic MVPs kryton9's Avatar
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    Thanks for the new example and explanations Petr.

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