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Thread: Prompt > Simple console demo of word whisperer

  1. #1
    Super Moderator Petr Schreiber's Avatar
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    Prompt > Simple console demo of word whisperer

    Sometimes we are (read "I am") lazy to write long words, and the laziness can affect even console type scripts. So I tried to implement something similar to Google "whisperer".

    How does it work
    I created simple Prompt procedure, which takes as input:
    • prompt for user
    • array full off possible suggestions

    The function returns the string once user hits the Return (Enter) key.

    To be able to "guess" what user wants to type, I need to check what user does character by character - this is possible thanks to Console_Waitkey (Console_Read and Console_ReadLine return after press of Enter, no sooner).

    Once I detect the user pressed down arrow, I check if there is an suggestion active, and if yes, I fill it for the (lazy ) user.

    How to test
    To test the procedure, I prepaired little example. The suggestions are stored in array named ... suggestions. They possible words are (feel free to modify):
    When you start the program, just type the letter "t", and you will see it will immediately offer you the word "terrific" (as it is the first match in alphabetical order), as you type other letters, you get the other suggestions or none (if there is no match).

    Feel free to play with it, modify, use as you need. The possible uses could be help with typing directory name or other cases, when input can be partially predicted. You just need to fill array of suggestions and pass it to the function, the rest should be done automagically by the "engine".

    ' Smart Prompt Test 
    ' version 1.0
    ' Petr Schreiber 2012           
    Uses "console"
    String suggestions(5) = "the", "thin", "turtle", "terrific", "thinbasic"
    String sRetVal = Prompt("Enter the keyword: ", suggestions)
    PrintL "You wrote " + sRetVal
    PrintL "Press any key to quit"
    Function Prompt(sQuestion As String, suggestions() As String ) As String
      ' -- Let's keep the suggestions sorted for faster search
      Array Sort suggestions()
      ' -- Print the question first
      Print sQuestion
      ' -- Set contrast color for user reply
      String sRetVal
      String sChar, sSuggestion                       
      Long   xPos, yPos, j, found, offset  
      ' -- Keep reading till user presses Return (aka Enter)  
      While sChar <> "RETURN"     
        ' -- Store cursor position for later
        xPos = Console_GetCursorX
        yPos = Console_GetCursorY
        ' -- Read new characer
        sChar = Grab$(Console_WaitKey(), "[", "]")
        ' -- If it is normal, just write it to terminal
        If Len(sChar) = 1 Then
          sRetVal += sChar  
          Print sChar                                  
        ' -- If it is down key, user wants to fill in the suggestion  
        ElseIf sChar = "DOWN" Then                                 
          If Len(sSuggestion) Then
            Console_SetCursorPosition(Len(sQuestion)+1, ypos+1) 
            Print sSuggestion
            Console_SetCursorPosition(Len(sQuestion)+Len(sSuggestion)+1, ypos+1) 
            sRetVal = sSuggestion
          End If
        ' -- Special handling for deleting  
        ElseIf sChar = "DELETE" Then      
          If xPos > Len(sQuestion) Then
            Console_PrintAt(" ", xPos,ypos+1)
            Console_SetCursorPosition(xpos, ypos)
            sRetVal = LEFT$(sRetVal, Len(sRetVal)-1)
          End If
        End If 
        ' -- Here we do the dynamic search (very suboptimal :)) for suggestions            
        ' -- Only if user already entered something
        If Len(sRetVal) Then
          found = FALSE       
          ' -- We search whole passed array
          For j = LBound(suggestions) To UBound(suggestions)
              ' -- If the entered thing matches pattern of suggestion, it could be it!
              If IsLike(suggestions(j), sRetVal+"*" , FALSE) Then
                ' -- Store suggestion for later use and print it on the screen
                sSuggestion = suggestions(j)
                offset      = Len(sQuestion) + Len(sSuggestion) 
                Console_PrintAt($SPC(Len(sQuestion))+sSuggestion + $SPC(80-offset), 1,ypos+2)
                found = TRUE
                Exit For
              End If
          ' -- If nothing was found, then erase the suggestion line
          If found = FALSE Then
            Console_PrintAt($SPC(80), 1,ypos+2)
            sSuggestion = ""
          End If 
            Console_PrintAt($SPC(80), 1,ypos+2)
            sSuggestion = ""
        End If
      ' -- Clean up after the suggester, if somehing was left on the screen to not waste one line  
      Console_PrintAt($SPC(80), 1,ypos+2)
      ' -- Force continuing on next line after question
      ' -- Reset color back to normal 
      ' -- Return the value  
      Return sRetVal
    End Function
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    Last edited by Petr Schreiber; 11-07-2012 at 09:26.
    Learn 3D graphics with ThinBASIC, learn TBGL!
    Windows 10 64bit - Intel Core i5-3350P @ 3.1GHz - 16 GB RAM - NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti 4GB

  2. #2
    a) good example petr, I like it. do you're thinking it's possible to convert console example to ui (gui) style too?

    b) I have a simple question to this listbox, why this doesn't work correct? bye, largo

    ' Empty GUI script created on 07-11-2012 10:42:28 by largo_winch
    Uses "UI", "console"
    ' -- ID numbers of controls                                  
    Begin ControlID
      %ButtonClose = 1001
    End ControlID
    Function TBMain() As Long
      Dim hDlg As DWord
      Dialog New 0, "word_find_list 01",-1,-1, 320, 250, _
                                       %WS_POPUP         Or _
                                       %WS_VISIBLE       Or _
                                       %WS_CLIPCHILDREN  Or _
                                       %WS_CAPTION       Or _
                                       %WS_SYSMENU       Or _
                                       %WS_MAXIMIZEBOX   Or _
                                       %WS_MINIMIZEBOX,     _
                                       0 To hDlg
      Control Add Button, hDlg, %ButtonClose, "Click to kill", 230, 210, 50, 18
      'Control Add Label, hDlg, %myLabel, "type in a word",240,50,90,20
      Dialog Show Modal hDlg Call cbDialog
    End Function
    CallBack Function cbDialog() As Long
      Local hDlg As Long, hText1 As Long, sMyContent As Long, sMyNewContent As String, thisposition As Long
      'String suggestions(5) = "the", "thin", "turtle", "terrific", "thinbasic"
      Select Case CBMSG  
        Case %WM_INITDIALOG
            Dim vWordList(7) As String
            vWordList(1) = "fun"
            vWordList(2) = "further"
            vWordList(3) = "father"
            vWordList(4) = "fork"
            vWordList(5) = "foreign"
            vWordList(6) = "foster"
            vWordList(7) = "friend"
            Control Add LISTBOX, CBHNDL,%tMyListWords, vWordList(), 5,25,220,280, %WS_VSCROLL Or %LBS_NOINTEGRALHEIGHT,%WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE
            Control Add Textbox CBHNDL, %tMyInput , "", 240, 25, 60, 24 ', %ES_AUTOHSCROLL Or %ES_LEFT Or %WS_BORDER Or %WS_TABSTOP Or %ES_MULTILINE Or %ES_WANTRETURN Or %WS_VSCROLL,, 
        Case %WM_COMMAND
            If CBWPARAM = %ButtonClose Then Dialog End CBHNDL
            Select Case CBCTL
              Case %tMyListWords
                Select Case CBCTLMSG
                  Case %LBN_SELCHANGE 
                    '------------------------- ??? -------------------------- >
                    LISTBOX Get Text CBHNDL, %tMyListWords To sMyContent
                    Control Set Text CBHNDL, %tMyInput, sMyContent
                    ' result always "0" instead of a string ???
                    '------------------------- ??? -------------------------- >
                    MsgBox 0, sMyContent
                  Case %LBN_DBLCLK 
                    LISTBOX Get Text CBHNDL, %tMyListwords To sMyContent
                    Control Append Text CBHNDL, %tMyInput, "(DblClick " & sMyContent & ")"
        End Select
      End Select
        Case %WM_DESTROY      
      End Select 
    End Function

  3. #3
    Super Moderator Petr Schreiber's Avatar
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    Hi Frank,

    in GUI world, the most simple for this task is to use combobox - it can has predefined values you can pick from.
    Try the example below - type in "thinb" and press down arrow. It will fill in ThinBASIC for you.

    You could also replace %CBS_SIMPLE with %CBS_DROPDOWN for more decent effect:
    ' Simple word completion possible thanks to Combobox control
    Uses "UI"
    ' -- ID numbers of controls
    Begin ControlID 
    End ControlID    
    Begin Const
      %MAIN_WIDTH   = 320
      %MAIN_HEIGHT  = 150
    End Const
    ' -- Create dialog here
    Function TBMain()
      Local hDlg As DWord
      Dialog New Pixels, 0, "Word whisperer",-1,-1, %MAIN_WIDTH, %MAIN_HEIGHT, _
      ' -- List of possible words
      String suggestions(5) = "the", "thin", "turtle", "terrific", "thinbasic"
      ' -- Combobox with special styles:
      ' * CBS_SIMPLE - makes all items visible immediately
      ' * CBS_SORT - enables automagical sort
      Control Add COMBOBOX, hDlg, %bClose, suggestions, 5, 5, %MAIN_WIDTH-10, 100, %CBS_SIMPLE | %CBS_SORT
      Control Add Button, hDlg, %bClose, "Click to close", %MAIN_WIDTH-105, %MAIN_HEIGHT-30, 100, 25, Call cbCloseButton
      Control Set Focus hDlg, %bClose
      Dialog Show Modal hDlg, Call cbDialog
    End Function
    ' -- Callback for dialog
    CallBack Function cbDialog()
      ' -- Test for messages
      Select Case CBMSG
        Case %WM_INITDIALOG
        ' -- Put code to be executed after dialog creation here
        Case %WM_COMMAND
        ' -- You can handle controls here
        Case %WM_CLOSE
        ' -- Put code to be executed before dialog end here
      End Select
    End Function
    ' -- Callback for close button
    CallBack Function cbCloseButton()
      If CBMSG = %WM_COMMAND Then
        If CBCTLMSG = %BN_CLICKED Then
          ' -- Closes the dialog 
          Dialog End CBHNDL
        End If
      End If
    End Function

    Learn 3D graphics with ThinBASIC, learn TBGL!
    Windows 10 64bit - Intel Core i5-3350P @ 3.1GHz - 16 GB RAM - NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti 4GB

  4. #4
    a) sorry petr, but my name is still largo , my uncle's name is frank that's an important difference! we're living in nearby of ca. 32 kilometres I am sitting in an internet cafe it's using by more than hundred people all day long there.

    b) thank you petr for your example, but what was wrong with my shown example (listbox send "0" to textbox?) above? do you have test it?

    bye, largo

  5. #5
    Super Moderator Petr Schreiber's Avatar
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    Hi Largo,

    my apologies - you and your uncle have very similar way of writing, so I often forget who am I talking to, I will focus more next time

    I looked at your example, the problem was simple - on the top of cbDialog you have:
    Local hDlg As Long, hText1 As Long, sMyContent As long, sMyNewContent As String, thisposition As Long
    and then later you do:
    LISTBOX Get Text CBHNDL, %tMyListWords To sMyContent
    Control Set Text CBHNDL, %tMyInput, sMyContent
    ... so - you have sMyContent As long, that is, number and try to use it to store text. Simply changing it to the:
    sMyContent As String
    ... fixed your problem. I hope it helps.

    Learn 3D graphics with ThinBASIC, learn TBGL!
    Windows 10 64bit - Intel Core i5-3350P @ 3.1GHz - 16 GB RAM - NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti 4GB

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