just one of the many reasons i like thinbasic is that we can modify Mesh Vertex coordinates dynamically, as in the examples posted here http://www.thinbasic.com/community/s...-and-thinbasic we load a model and then we torture it as we like in the real time.
look also making Holes in a model on the fly :
even in purebasic which are using Ogre engine we can't do that yet, look http://www.purebasic.fr/english/view...p?f=13&t=49424
in mathematica this is done just recently with version 8.0
i suggest that PowerBasic include a modified version of the TBGL module especially the part which deals with models, there are many and extraordinary functions for dealing with models look the tbgl help the functions begins with TBGL_m15.... also the ability to deal with bones, my opinion is that if powerbasic add this huge 3D capabilities to its arsenal it will sell too much copies , look how much the purebasic customers welcome the new 3D Ogre functions ,even it has limitations as told above. so why not using the advanced concepts introduced in its daughter thinbasic !!!!.