Thinbasic appears to be in real need of a Visual Designer from what I can tell.
As an independent developer I am not in a position to give anything away for free (wish I could), but I might point out that I am currently offering a previous version of my GUI engine (sold originally for $249) for the obsurdly low price of only $39 for hobby programmers and if any thinbasic developers who use Powerbasic are interested , it may open up some possibilities for building a true Visual Designer for thinbasic (which I can help out with showing you how to use it). My GUI engine tool, for those who don't realize it, is designed so one can build a visual designer. It has its own drag and drop engine, a drag handle control (to impliment drag and drop), a property listbox control and more.
To appreciate what it could offer to the thinbasic community, you can download my DDT (for Powerbasic) freeware Visual Designer which was creating using this GUI engine. The designer does not use a single Windows API call to do what it does. The GUI engine does all the drag and drop. (freeware DDT Designer)
I can contribute some source code for using the GUI engine to help get a Visual Designer up and running quicker.
Let me say that building a visual designer with real drag and drop and things like a property listbox control is not easy and it has been the biggest weakness in a number of independent (free and commercial) programming languages found on the internet. It is the one area which programmers seem to have the hardest time. Often they try to cludge together a designer using the command set of their programming language and fall terribly short.
I have researched the Windows API for years and built a drag and drop engine into my commercial GUI engine just for the purpose of building visual designers.
Thinbasic IMO is one of the best projects I have seen for a freeware programming language and I like that it emulates Powerbasic too.
The one area I have not done anything with though is code editors (most independent developers don't build one from scratch but use one of the freeware code editor libraries available).
I would be willing to provide some personal help in this effort if possible.
If ThinBasic could move forward with an official Visual Designer front end, it could be come one of the best freeware programming languages around. It is already great, but lack of a Visual Designer holds it back a bit.