I am a novice c++ programmer so I use the latest Bcx. No {}; needed
Using MinGWTDM compiler on Win7 64.
Compiled as 32bit and 64bit app
32bit matches yours. Not sure on the 64bit results
Dim Raw As int kvs = 1073741823,kvi = 1073741823,kls = 357913941,kli = 357913941,km = 178956970
Function main() As Integer
vector<string> vs
vector<int> vi
list<string> ls
list<int> li
map<int,string> m
cout << endl << " Container Limits" << endl << endl
cout << " Your Results: "<< endl << endl
cout << " Vector of strings: "<< vs.max_size() << endl
cout << " Vector of integers: "<< vi.max_size() << endl << endl
cout << " List of strings: "<< ls.max_size() << endl
cout << " List of integers: "<< li.max_size() << endl << endl
cout << "Map of ints and strings: "<< m.max_size() << endl << endl
cout << "==================================================" << endl
cout << " Kent's Results: "<< endl << endl
cout << " Vector of strings: "<< kvs << endl
cout << " Vector of integers: "<< kvi << endl << endl
cout << " List of strings: "<< kls << endl
cout << " List of integers: "<< kli << endl << endl
cout << "Map of ints and strings: "<< km << endl << endl
End Function