Since the beginning of the projectHave you noticed any signs of Advee self-programming recently - a tendency to disobey orders?
Thanks a lot for the radio link. The voice you hear at 0:43:21 is Advee's one, and as the moderator talks later, you can hear the robot speaking in the background.
The beast is out of cage each day till 4 PM. So far everything allright, the friend from London sent me photo of robotic hospital the organisers prepaired.
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Not quite Ireland, Lance.
Fishguard is one of the main ports for Ireland, and the crossing to Rosslaire is about 50 miles on the other side of the Irish sea. I hear the rumble of the Ferry's engines as I write.
Robots would not be safe in our damp salty atmosphere. Does the robot hospital offer effective treatments for rust?
This invasion was something of a farce. Perhaps they thought the Welsh would join forces with Napoleon against the English.
Rusty Silicon? I suppose that must be Silicon Dioxide (Quartz)
Last edited by Charles Pegge; 01-12-2011 at 16:23.
This morning on the BBC News the Robot Exhibition at the Science Museum was featured. Sadly Advee wasn't mentioned but you can watch the report here on the BBC Website.
Thanks Matthew,
well, the problem might be that Advee is present mainly in the entrance part - he is not here as exhibit, but as a worker.
He has map of the museum inside, some quiz and such. Although he moves in the environment completely autonomously, he has no other moving parts (except printer) to be "curious child proof". This fact might make him less attractive for photographers, but from our point of view this simplicity minimizes the risk of something broken.
I found Advee for 3 secondson this video:
(worth to see whole, iCub looks great, Advee since 02:00)
Last edited by Petr Schreiber; 02-12-2011 at 14:05.
Learn 3D graphics with ThinBASIC, learn TBGL!
Windows 10 64bit - Intel Core i5-3350P @ 3.1GHz - 16 GB RAM - NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti 4GB
Who's voice was that when Advee appeared Petr?
Well, Advee's voiceThe black elipses on sides of his head are actually speakers, so he can talk (and does all the time).
Advee can work both in speech synthesis mode, and in dubbed mode. The second one is better and it is the one used on most events, including the London, because it adds a lot to robots "personality".
We didn't wanted the stereotypical "robotic" voice, both because you cannot listen to it for too long (we tried), and also because with unique voice the bot is more memorable.
Advees voice (~1000 generic sounds + any number of even specific) is dubbed by Tom Frgala (to czech, slovak, english and german). Tom is both a doctor and rock star at the same timeHe is now into more metal side of music as well, you can see him singing here:
Last edited by Petr Schreiber; 08-12-2011 at 11:33.
Learn 3D graphics with ThinBASIC, learn TBGL!
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