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Thread: Help file: TBASS_SampleLoad

  1. #1
    Super Moderator Petr Schreiber's Avatar
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    Help file: TBASS_SampleLoad


    the following topic is empty:
    thinBasic Modules > TBASS (Sound Module) > Samples > TBASS_SampleLoad

    I would propose:

    Loads a WAV, AIFF, MP3, MP2, MP1, OGG files.

    hSample = TBASS_SampleLoad( fromMemory, source, offset, length, flags, maxPlaybacks, flags )

    If successful, returned value is sample handle.
    Otherwise 0 is returned, use TBASS_ErrorGetCode to find reason of failure.

    fromMemory;Number;Use %TBASS_TRUE to load sample from memory, %TBASS_FALSE to load sample from file.
    source;String/Pointer;In case the sample is loaded from file, pass file name. Otherwise pass pointer to memory location of sample.
    offset;Number;File offset, in case sample is loaded from file.
    length;Number;Data length, use 0 to load all.
    maxPlaybacks;Number;Maximum number of simultaneous playbacks in range 1 to 65535. Use one of the %BASS_SAMPLE_OVER flags to choose the override decider, in the case of there being no free channel available for playback (ie. the sample is already playing max times).

    flags;Number;Use one or more (combined via OR) of the following equates to define options:

    • %TBASS_SAMPLE_FLOAT Use 32-bit floating-point sample data (not really recommended for samples). WDM drivers are required to use this flag in Windows. See Floating-point channels for more info.
    • %TBASS_SAMPLE_LOOP Looped? Note that only complete sample loops are allowed, you can't loop just a part of the sample. More fancy looping can be achieved by streaming the file.
    • %TBASS_SAMPLE_MONO Convert the sample (MP3/MP2/MP1 only) to mono, if it's not already. This flag is automatically applied if %TBASS_DEVICE_MONO was specified when calling TBASS_Init.
    • %TBASS_SAMPLE_SOFTWARE Force the sample to not use hardware mixing.
    • %TBASS_SAMPLE_VAM requires DirectX 7 or above. Enables the DX7 voice allocation and management features on the sample, which allows the sample to be played in software or hardware. This flag is ignored if the %TBASS_SAMPLE_SOFTWARE flag is also specified.
    • %TBASS_SAMPLE_3D Use 3D functionality. This is ignored if %TBASS_DEVICE_3D wasn't specified when calling TBASS_Init. 3D samples must be mono.
    • %TBASS_SAMPLE_MUTEMAX Mute the sample when it is at (or beyond) it's max distance (3D samples only).
    • %TBASS_SAMPLE_OVER_VOL Override: the channel with the lowest volume is overriden.
    • %TBASS_SAMPLE_OVER_POS Override: the longest playing channel is overriden.
    • %TBASS_SAMPLE_OVER_DIST Override: the channel furthest away from the listener is overriden. Valid for 3D samples only.
    • %TBASS_UNICODE file is a Unicode (UTF-16) filename.

    To play a sample, first a channel must be obtained using TBASS_SampleGetChannel, which can then be played using TBASS_ChannelPlay.


    See also

    ' -- Load sample
    hSample = TBASS_SampleLoad(%TBASS_FALSE, APP_SOURCEPATH+"monster.wav", 0, 0, 1, %TBASS_SAMPLE_LOOP )

    ' -- Retrieve channel
    hChannel = TBASS_SampleGetChannel(hSample , %TBASS_FALSE)
    Last edited by Petr Schreiber; 15-05-2011 at 12:10.
    Learn 3D graphics with ThinBASIC, learn TBGL!
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  2. #2
    Super Moderator Petr Schreiber's Avatar
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    Brno - Czech Republic
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    Hello Petr from the past, Petr from the future fixed it for release.
    Learn 3D graphics with ThinBASIC, learn TBGL!
    Windows 10 64bit - Intel Core i5-3350P @ 3.1GHz - 16 GB RAM - NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti 4GB

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